CategoriesBe Your Own Doctor!

Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself

There are many of us that believe in the ability to self heal. But how amazing is it when the medical community comes out with it! That makes it much more powerful simply because there is nobody left to scoff at the idea. And to think that they used the placebo effect as a positive spin on this, I just love it!

I have been helping people for a long time now, and now and then I have heard the old “if people are getting better, it’s just a placebo.” To which I smile and say, AND? Better is better, if there was no downside to getting better, who cares what caused it! This video is really worth the watch.

Video: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself

CategoriesBe Your Own Doctor!

Vaccine Waiver Form

Example of waiver form so you can legally avoid ANY vaccination.

DO NOT SIGN any form given to you by a medical doctor or medical institution, MAKE YOUR OWN form. here is why

If you are not clear why you should use the exemption and avoid vaccines, click here.

Every state has this available, it is based on a federal law, not a state law. Following is the law used in North Carolina. If you live in NC, you may copy and paste the following example into a word program and make your own form with your personal information.

If you do not live in NC, click here for legal exemption code for your state.

Your Exemption letter should look as follows:


To whom it may concern,

>name of child/person here<


Please note the following statute for the state of North Carolina. Notice that a written exemption set forth by the adult or parent guardian is all that is required to enter any school. This notice serves as a legal exemption letter under North Carolina Statute Law.

§ 130A-157. Religious exemption.

If the bona fide religious beliefs of an adult or the parent, guardian or person in loco parentis of a child are contrary to the immunization requirements contained in this Chapter, the adult or the child shall be exempt from the requirements. Upon submission of a written statement of the bona fide religious beliefs and opposition to the immunization requirements, the person may attend the college, university, school or facility without presenting a certificate of immunization. (1957, c. 1357, s. 1; 1959, c. 177; 1965, c. 652; 1971, c. 191; 1979, c. 56, s. 1; 1983, c. 891, s. 2; 1985, c. 692, s. 2; 2002-179, s. 17.)

Parent / Guardian Signature


Now on to these new jabs they are starting to mandate. I do not want to say the magic word to get this page flagged. Please read through this information and get the right form. Remember, you take the form, do not sign theirs.

Here are the forms recommended by …  America’s Frontline Doctors 

For Universities:

For Employers:

Notice of Liability to Schools:

BEST LEGAL OPTION, or use in addition to other forms?
These people can guide you and even offer help with RELIGIOUS exemptions.

And below is another form to refuse vaxx which was written by an attorney and posted on Vaccine Refusal Form:


CategoriesBe Your Own Doctor! Top Blogs

Help That Fever-NO meds

Why does the body get a fever to start with? The answer is not because you are deficient in aspirin. No, the body creates a fever because it is trying to kill off some sort of infection. If you view the body’s natural response to heal itself as idiotic, then by all means stop the fever. But if you think the body was wonderfully created with the ability to heal, then perhaps we should help the body rather than stopping its healing process. In order to help the body with a fever, we actually want to induce a productive fever, an Artificial Fever. We want to help the body burn up germs and microbes that have begun to overwhelm the immune system. The Artificial Fever works best particularly for viral pathogens, but it can help shrink some forms of tumors as well.

Warnings and Safeties: The artificial fever as described below is safe for all ages, including small children and infants. A fever is not harmful in any way to the body unless the brain gets too hot. Even then there is no concern unless the temperature starts to reach 104 degrees F or higher. You may monitor the temperature during the Artificial Fever if you desire. If you see it reaching 104, you can keep cool towels on the head during the artificial fever so the brain remains cool. The body should stay hot because it is helping to achieve the “artificial” fever. I know this appears opposite of what most medical advice promotes, but it works amazing!

You will need:

  1. A tub filled with hot water.
  2. A pail with a washcloth and sheet, pail filled with ice water.
  3. A sheet or pair of warm clothes to put on and go to sleep in.
  4. A bed or place to sleep where you can sweat without staining your sheets. An old sleeping bag or old sheets on the bed with plastic under them.

FILL THE TUB: To induce an artificial fever you will need to sit in bath water as hot as you can stand it for 20 minutes. Please be sensible, the water should be as hot as you can stand, but not hot enough to burn skin or hurt you in any way. 80% of people don’t need a heater, but in more severe cases it is best to have a small heater running in the bathroom to keep the air very warm or the water will cool off and it will diminish much of the affect.

READY COOL CLOTH: As the water is filling the tub and the heater is warming up the air, place a hand towel and a bed sheet in a pail or bowl filled with ice water. Place the pail within reach of the tub as you may want to keep the small towel within reach to be used on the head to keep the brain cool (if you feel you are getting too hot or feel like you might pass out). Some people get real weak in that much heat, so you may want to have a friend handy to help you with this final part. After twenty minutes of soaking in the hot bath water, get out and immediately wrap yourself in the cold sheet. It sounds dramatic, but you will be hot enough by then that you will welcome it. We are looking for the drastic temperature change in the skin, so get out of the hot water and wrap up in the ice cold sheet as quickly as possible. The heat from the body will overcome the cool of the sheet very quickly. When it does, you may discard the sheet and wrap up in something that will keep you warm enough to sweat. A cotton sheet is great idea, or maybe an old pair of sweats.

SLEEP AND SWEAT: You may now leave the bathroom and go to your place of rest. The goal now is to sleep and sweat (so don’t wrap up in something that can’t get wet; you may want to put some garbage bags between your mattress and sheets?). When you wake up, or are through resting, you are finished. Try to rest for at least 20 minutes although a longer nap would be preferred. Your body has gone through the process of creating an artificial fever which is the natural process of killing unwanted germs, particularly viruses in the body.

TUMOR SHRINKING: If you want to go beyond germ killing potential and move to tumor shrinking therapy, research has shown that the body must achieve external temperatures of 107-113 degrees for 40 minute cycles to reduce tumor growths effectively. This treatment should not be attempted alone if you are sensitive to heat exhaustion. These temperatures should not harm the body in any way as long as you are drinking plenty of fluid, which should be room temperature, not cold. IF you are sensitive to heat exhaustion, do not do this therapy alone. Keep someone next to you in case you feel like passing out. If you get too weak to function or pass out, there generally is no need to be concerned. Just place the cold towels on the head so the brain will cool down. Drinking plenty of fluid is very, very important! Getting dehydrated is what causes most medical emergencies.

CategoriesBe Your Own Doctor!

Allergy Testing, At Home

The Pulse Test

All too often we think of allergy in terms of notable reaction; perhaps some food or substance that gives you a rash or causes itching or swelling, maybe even anaphylactic shock? Yes, those are certainly note worthy allergies. But there are many sub-acute, or metabolic allergies that you may not be aware of. These allergies will not cause symptoms associated as a “reaction” but they are causing all kinds of health interference. There are many kinds of allergy tests available. Some use a skin scratch test, some are tested against your blood proteins, and there are many people doing some sort of kinesiology based allergy test. But there is a perfectly accurate allergy test you can do AT HOME, called The Pulse Test.

Did you know that a sub-acute allergy can be the trigger behind that nagging health condition that nobody seems able to fix? An allergy can trigger emotions and feelings that you seem unable to control, including depression. These sub-acute allergies can even be what is keeping you from losing the weight you want even though you are exercising and “dieting.” Any time I have a client where the normal treatment protocols do not seem to be making a difference, I suspect a sub-acute allergy. But maybe you don’t suffer any of those problems, what about the cellular stress and oxygenation secretly causing you to age? Does that bother you?

An allergen is defined as any substance that causes an overcompensation of the body’s immune system. An allergy occurs when the body cannot digest, metabolize or otherwise “deal with” that particular substance.  It may be a food, beverage, something coming into contact with your skin, something you breathe in, even a thought! What happens when you think about something stressful? Your pulse goes up. Well, you may not have noticed, but anytime you ingest or come into contact with something your body cannot digest, metabolize or otherwise “deal with,”, your pulse goes up, and that, is a sub-acute allergy.

Dr. Arthur F. Coca (1875-1959) was an expert in allergies and highly respected in his field until he discovered the pulse test and consequently was asked to leave Columbia University. His wife was a medical researcher who was admitted to the hospital with severe heart palpitation. She was treated with morphine and consequently her pulse went up to more than 180 beats per minute. This was how Dr. Coca discovered the connection between substances and the pulse. He researched this phenomenon and wrote “The Pulse Test”, which is still in print. The Pulse Test is an easy way to determine the effect of any substance you are exposed to.

How to perform the Pulse Test (please note that smoking may inhibit a correct test result):

The Pulse Test is performed by taking your pulse several times every day and noting the results in a diary. The easiest way is to use your middle finger and ring finger to find the pulse rate on your wrist, about an inch below your thumb base. Take a moment to locate it (does not matter which side of your body you use). To do the Pulse Test properly, you will need a starting base line. Take your pulse for a full minute every time as listed below:

  • In bed upon waking up, but while still laying down (morning pulse).
  • Seated before every meal and prior to ingesting any food or drink.
  • At every meal note all foods and drinks taken.
  • Seated after every meal.
  • Seated half an hour after every meal.
  • Seated an hour after every meal.
  • In bed laying down just before sleeping.

After three or four days of the above procedure, you have a base line and will know your average pulse rates. Now you may start taking your pulse after intake or exposure to any individual, or isolated item. For example, after taking the pulse before you begin breakfast (or coffee) ingest a small portion of ONE food or a small portion of ONE drink. Retake your pulse in half an hour. If it is 12 beats higher than normal pulse at that time, you have an allergy to that item.

Anything that raises your normal pulse levels means your body is not happy with it and it must expend more energy than it should to “deal with” that item. If the pulse only goes up 5 beats, the item is mildly allergenic. If the pulse goes up 10 – 16 beats above normal, you really should avoid that item. The maximum variation in a normal pulse is 16 beats per minute, unless there has been strain to the body, infections or other stressing factors.


CategoriesBe Your Own Doctor!

Using pH as a Health Monitor

Are blood tests, yearly medical exams and physicals really the best health monitors?

What is pH?
PH is the abbreviation for potential hydrogen.  The pH of any solution is the measure of its hydrogen-ion concentration.  The higher the concentration (pH reading), the more alkaline and oxygen rich the fluid is. The lower the concentration of hydrogen ions, the more acidic and oxygen deprived the fluid is. Complete healing of chronic illness can only take place when tissue is restored to a slightly alkaline pH. Tissue pH is reflected externally through urine and saliva. The pH range is from 0 to 14, with 7.0 being neutral.  Anything above 7.0 is alkaline, anything below 7.0 is acidic.

Importance of pH
Scientists have discovered that the body fluids of healthy people are alkaline (high pH) whereas the body fluids of sick people are acidic (low pH).  If you have a symptom, disease or health concern on any level, you are probably over acid. If the cause of the pH level (acidity) is not identified and corrected, the health condition will continue to escalate until it reaches a chronic level. If cells are maintained in a severely acid environment, it causes organ failure and eventually death.

No matter what type of modality you choose to take care of your health problem, it will not be effective long term if it does not change the pH level to a slightly alkaline level. An acidic balance will  decrease the body’s ability to absorb vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, decrease the energy production in the cells, decrease the body’s ability to repair damaged cells, decrease it’s ability to detoxify and increase tumor cell production. You can pay a lot of money for a good alternative health panel of blood, urine, saliva and hair analysis. Or you can be your own doctor and get a very good idea of whether your body is moving toward health or disease with pH testing.

How to test pH
Testing the pH of the urine or the saliva is done in the same way. You can purchase a roll of pH paper, also known as litmus paper (found at most health food stores). You can also purchase pH stix, which are easier to use and read. To test pH, you will need a pH stix, or about an inch of pH paper from your roll.
To test saliva, pool a little saliva on or under your tongue and dip half of your pH paper (or stix) in it. Wet thoroughly and compare the color immediately with the color chart that came with your stix or pH paper.
To test urine, capture some urine in a clean container. A paper cup generally works well. Dip your pH stix or half of the piece you tore from the pH roll into the urine and compare immediately with the color chart.

Salivary pH = healing/regeneration potential
Salivary pH is most useful for monitoring how well the body is breaking down the foods being eaten. If the intestines are not able to digest and absorb food, it will not extract nutrition from the food. If your intestines cannot process nutrition, it doesn’t matter how good you eat or how many supplements you take. You are unable to rebuild healthy tissue. To test the overall health of the intestine, test the saliva first thing in the morning — before using the bathroom, brushing teeth, drinking water, smoking or even thinking about food. Optimal salivary pH is 6.4 – 6.8 first thing in the morning. If your morning pH is not in range, begin testing your salivary pH two hours after each meal. This will give you an idea of how acid or alkaline your last meal was…but it takes a couple of hours in your digestive system to give an accurate reading. Use this information to assist you in finding foods and diets that are healthy (alkaline). Optimal pH for saliva immediately after eating can be as high as 8.5, but should drop down to 7.0 – 7.2 two hours after the meal. That is a good range. If your numbers are below that range, consider that something you ate is breaking down into excessive acid.

Urine pH = ability to remove waste; detoxification potential
Urine can provide a fairly accurate picture of body chemistry. If the body is able to keep a healthy balance of chemistry, all building, detoxification and regeneration functions will be in order allowing the body to do its job in an efficient manner. The most effective urine is the second morning’s urine as the first contains a concentration of acids because it sat in the bladder for an extended period of time. Ideal range of second morning urine is 5.8 to 6.8.

Keeping pH in a healthy range
If you begin to study pH, you find that most people speak in terms of mineral reserves. If the pH numbers are not in range, some form of supplement is recommended, generally calcium or magnesium. Before you invest money into supplements that may not correct the cause, consider this:

There is a general guideline of what foods produce alkalinity and what foods produce acidity. Click here for a list of Alkaline foods.

If you have a moderately healthy diet and the intestines are kept in working order (digestion and elimination), the body will easily extract the ions needed to keep all mineral levels in balance. Even if you don’t have a diet rich in calcium, per se, the body uses something called transmutation to convert other elements in the body into calcium if that is what the body needs. The key is a healthy digestive/intestinal system. This is one of the main reasons that our Nutritional Supplement section is focused on health of the intestine rather than a ‘complete supplement line.”

In addition to alkaline food intake and intestinal health, dehydration is an important factor in keeping pH balanced. Make sure you are drinking plenty of clean, fresh water each day.  And no, alkaline water is not the best source of water. Save your money and put it into good, organic produce.

Warning signs of acidity
One of the common signs of over acidity is receding gums and gingivitis. These signs evidence that the body is losing bone mass.  Yes, the mouth reflects the health of the bones. The body will “borrow” calcium from the bones to buffer acids from the diet and to fight hidden infections.  When enough bone mass has been lost in the jaw the gums will recede and the teeth become loose.  It is at this point that bacteria can get under the gums causing what’s known as gingivitis.  Unfortunately dentists do not understand this downward progression and are unable to offer their patients real answers. But now you know better, do something about it!

So, get some pH paper and every few months, check your urine and salive ph first thing in the morning for 5 days in a row. If you find your numbers are in range, you can feel fairly sure that your health is safe. If the numbers are lower than they should be, take steps to get them back to where you want them. It is quite simple to be your own doctor, but we are here with professional assistence if you desire it.


CategoriesBe Your Own Doctor!

Every Illness Is Curable

Only A Lack Of Understanding How To Heal It.

Doctors can’t heal anyone, not even Dr. DeHaan can heal. The only reason you recovered the last time you were sick is because your body healed itself. Each person is born with that potential. Your body knows exactly how to achieve optimal health. It knows how to eliminate disease, how to increase energy, how to boost its immune system and even how to live longer. Every cell in your body instinctively knows how to heal! So why aren’t you healthy and well?

According to medical science, the human body completely renews itself every 7 years! The cornea replaces itself every 24 hours, the skin every 14 days, the blood cells every 90 days, the soft tissue every 6 months, and the dense tissue every 2-7 years.

If the entire body is continually creating new cells, why do we still have sickness and disease? Why are we aging, obese, out of shape, and have no energy? Why doesn’t the body make new, healthy cells instead of diseased duplicates every time cells reproduce? As you can see, there is never a valid reason for illness, only a lack of understanding on how to create new, healthy cells rather than old, diseased duplicates.

Masking the problem with drugs is not the answer, and cutting the body with surgery is not the answer. Allowing your body to return to its original homeostasis where it can heal and regenerate itself is the answer. Modern medicine says there is no cure, but we disagree!

We all know that diet plays an important role in health, but real life is too hectic, busy or emotional to eat nutritious foods all the time. Often even people who eat healthy diets get sick and develop disease too, it just takes longer. Depletion of the soil and genetic manipulation of food make it very difficult to find honest-to-goodness healthy choices even if you search for them. Please don’t misunderstand me, diet and exercise are important, but diet is no longer the primary factor in the disease process.

One of the keys to creating new, healthy cells rather than making more sick ones is detoxification. The DETOX button above has many detox options. The reason we offer so many options is because detoxification is a HUGE key to  getting well. It is impossible to avoid all the toxins in the modern world, so it isn’t about avoidance, it is about removal of the toxins that keep cells from performing their designed actions and functions. We are exposed to toxins in the foods we eat, the beverages we drink, our environment, medications, vaccinations, other people, dental work, not to mention what we inherit from our parents. Toxins accumulate in the tissues of the body and eventually inhibit normal function of cells. This is the cause for your symptoms, disease, aging, hormone problems, lack of energy and many other health issues. As you might guess, these toxins also inhibit your body’s ability to make the new, healthy cells we seek. Cells can only reproduce a copy of what they have available and most of us have a large amount of toxic poisons accumulated in our body for them to reproduce.

The miracle of healing was created in each of us. This is not a theory, it is a scientific fact. Of course, we have thousands of cases and 20 years of experience as proof of that as well. But that healing miracle  must be activated. Review the GWSW protocols and get started on your healing journey today!

CategoriesBe Your Own Doctor! Top Blogs

What To Do When Getting Sick

Many things can contribute to sickness: not eating a healthy diet, not getting enough exercise, not resting enough, not drinking enough water, not keeping up with normal bowel movements, spending too many hours at work, participating in stressful relationships, etc. Any combination of these will take the body to a point where it is no longer able to have normal immune response. When the immune system can’t keep up, we feel run down, or get a cold or the flu, food poisoning. We don’t have a gauge that registers our immune potential from day to day, so most of us are not aware when our immune system is getting weaker.

Unfortunately, illness becomes our wake-up call. Sickness is the body’s way of telling you to pay attention, help it out, and that it can’t keep up with the pace you are setting for it. Your lifestyle, dietary habits, emotional distress or exposure to toxic agents at your work place have left your body vulnerable and weak. Listen to your body and help it. Don’t stop the process by stopping a fever or suppressing a runny nose. They are part of your cure!

Summary Points To Get You Back Up And Running Without Using Medications or Vaccines:

1. NO GUILT, laugh it up: Don’t dwell on the mistakes you might have made that allowed you to get sick. Take a moment to realize you allowed your body to get too weak to fight off the common germs. Now take steps to get better. Adding guilt to the equation will only make you sicker and prolong the illness. Take time to do something that makes you happy, something that makes you laugh and become care free about the current situation.

2. FAST: When you start to get sick, fast. Starve a fever, starve a cold, starve everything! The body uses energy to digest and eliminate waste and toxins. By not eating, you are allowing the body to direct all its energy to cleaning up the mess that made you sick in the first place. Pure water with fresh lemon and dark maple syrup or Grandma’s molasses is an excellent source of minerals and energy. It will supply most of what you need to keep your body healing. Make every glass of lemon and maple syrup fresh, don’t make a bunch up ahead of time, don’t use fake lemon juice. If you must have something more, cook vegetables and drink the broth (not chicken soup), or eat fresh, ripe fruits. For heaven’s sake, don’t eat junk food, meat or dairy. And definitely don’t eat sugar! These foods cost the body a lot of precious energy. Sugar feeds infection and dairy creates more mucus.

3. REST or EXERCISE: Believe it or not, the body is sick because it is tired and waste has backed up. Give it a break if at all possible. *Although it may sound contradictory, some people need to exercise when they get sick. These are people with tendencies toward lymphatic congestion. If your lymphatic system is congested (generally because you lack exercise on a regular basis, perhaps because of a sedentary job) and you sit or lie around when sick, your body will take longer to process the toxins. Movement encourages the lymphatic system to cycle through and flush. You will know if you need exercise rather than rest if you can go for a walk when you are feeling sick and it does not wipe you out. If exercise makes you feel worse, rest. If it makes you feel better, do it again as able.

4. EAR and THROAT: Most fevers come from viral activity initiated by such toxins as cold, flu, staph and strep. You may feel it in the ear or the throat, either way, the virus is generally hibernating in the ear. The first thing to do is put 3-5 drops of regular 3% hydrogen peroxide in one ear and lie with your head to one side, allowing the hydrogen peroxide to bubble deep in the ear for about four minutes. Your ear will feel like you just lost all hearing, that is normal. When you flip over to do the other ear, the peroxide will run out of the ear and hearing will return to normal. The 3% hydrogen peroxide you find at the drug store is all you need. If you don’t have peroxide, you can do the same thing with colloidal silver. Repeat putting the peroxide in the ears one to three times each day (letting it sit in each ear for 4-5 minutes) if you start to feel a cold or flu coming on, and continue each day until you think you have it fixed.  If your throat hurts, suck on zinc lozenges throughout the day. They are available at health food stores. Use Essential Oils as outlined below. If you feel like you need something stronger, my absolute favorite natural antibiotic is Sovereign silver (colloidal silver). Do the Rapid Dose as explained further down.

Colloidal Silver NEBULIZED is healthier: Colloidal Silver is the best natural antibiotic made by man. I prefer not to use regular antibiotics because they may help kill the bad germs, but they also kill all the good bacteria, and do great damage to your Microbiome. There are emergency situations that may merit antibiotics, but they are rare. Silver is our Go-To but silver will also start to kill the good bacteria in the intestine if enough is taken orally. Thus my “treatment” method of choice with silver, especially for any head, throat, chest issues, is to Nebulize it. Fill the nebulizer chamber with straight, undiluted silver and we will be doing “treatments” by timer, not how much silver is in the nebulizer. The nebulizer needs to be one of those with a face mask, not just the mouth piece. We are counting on the silver being taken up with the steam that is created and breathed in via aerosol. If your silver is not 1nm particle size or smaller, it may not work. PPM with colloidal silver is completely irrelevant, particle size is everything. I use Sovereign Silver brand as it is the only silver I am aware of with a small enough particles size.  DOSE: Breathe in silver through the nebulizer, into both the mouth and nose, for 7-15 minutes, three times a day. This method minimizes silver in the intestine to harm your good, beneficial bacteria.

Colloidal Silver RAPID DOSE Protocol: If nebulizing on the first day was not enough, meaning you do not feel notably better, OR if you have an intestinal bug, you may need the Rapid Dose. This is an oral dose you will be putting in your mouth and swallowing. Are You Ready? Take two droppers of silver (1 teaspoon) and hold it in your mouth for 3-4 minutes. Repeat this every 15 minutes for two hours. That is 8 doses in two hours. Now repeat it every half hour for 2 hours for a total of 12 doses. That is it for the day, repeat the following day if needed if you do not feel you are on the mend. This works to kill most any germ, including food poisoning.

ESSENTIAL OILS and foot rubs: Essential Oils are excellent for helping the body get better. Top 3 would be Lemon, as disinfectant, Peppermint, to help oxygenate and control tummy stuff, and Protect (Fabulous Frannie brand, it is the same as Thieves from Young Living brand), to help control germs.  If you need to reduce a fever or help tummy stuff, mix 5-8 drops of Peppermint in a teaspoon or more of coconut oil and rub into the feet, particularly the bottom. Give a good foot rub and look for tender spots and rub them gently to promote healing. Yes, that is actually very therapeutic and helps healing. Repeat 2-3 times a day. Rub a drop or two of lemon oil on the palm of the hands, rub them together briskly, then hold near the nose and breathe that in for a few minutes.  I use 5-8 drops of Protect Oil in a teaspoon or more of coconut oil and rub into the feet with a good foot rub. If there is no fever, I just use this and not the Peppermint to help control any germs. I personally eat this oil, either by licking a drop off of my hand every few hours, or putting a couple drops in hot water and making tea. It is very hot and spicy, so make sure you can handle it, and don’t give it to children internally.

5. HELP A FEVER: A fever is the body’s natural mechanism for killing what caused the fever. To stop the fever is to stop the body’s natural immune process. People fear fevers, but there is little to fear about the average fever. Unless a fever starts getting above 104 degrees, there is really nothing to worry about. The FEVER IS THE CURE! Click here to learn how to help the body cure the fever, by helping the Fever.

TUMMY stuff: Nausea, Diarrhea, Stomach Pain, Food Poisoning? You want IC-2 for all of these. Its ingredients absorb up to 2000x its weight in poison, and it controls diarrhea and food poisoning germs fast! If you don’t have my IC-2 on hand, get some Activated Charcoal capsules at your local health or vitamin shop and take 6-10 of them per day until the issue is over.

BAKING SODA Cure. The flu, a cold, Influenza, any and all version of illness needs an acid environment to thrive or survive. Click here for more advanced information on using baking soda to alkalize the body to help healing.

SUPPLEMENTS: There are all kinds of supplements for “keeping the immune system healthy,” and those are all fine, but the intestines should be the main target of cleansing. Keeping the intestines happy and healthy is essential to getting well and staying well no matter what your symptom or condition is. Keep taking Super Nutrient to ensure that your body is getting the required nutrition to heal. Use IC-1 as directed to keep the intestines moving happily and removing waste that might have accumulated in the intestine (add Bowel Stimulant if the IC-1 fiber is not enough to keep your bowels moving a couple times each day.) Add a couple of IC-2 capsules and a couple of Digestive Aid capsules three times each day if you have intestinal discomfort, nausea, diarrhea or feel poisoned in any way.

CategoriesBe Your Own Doctor!

Why Be Your Own Doctor?

More people die every year from Medical mistakes than die in any war we are fighting. These are called Iatrogenic, or doctor caused deaths. Why be your own doctor? In a word, the answer is Responsibility. Most people go to the doctor and do whatever they are told. From the drugs (medications) to the antibiotics to the vaccines and surgery (which all too often are not necessary), but who is looking out for you the individual? Statistics prove that if you “do what you are told,” your very life may be in danger! So, do you want to live or become a statistic? Or worst, be permanently damaged or maimed by a medical mistake?

That said, let me begin by stating that the five percent of medical care which deals with trauma care is extremely valuable. Doctors set broken bones and sew the body back together after an accident. This service is extremely valuable and fruitful and is deeply appreciated and encouraged. Trauma care is the strength of modern medicine. Beyond trauma care, to listen to a medical professional may be more harm than good.

Allow me to quote a few statements from a document published by the United States Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs in February 1977.

“The problem will never be solved merely by more and more medical care”. Page six states, “Appropriate public education must emphasize the unfortunate but clear limitations of current medical practice in curing the common killing diseases. Once Hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis or heart diseases are manifest, there is, in reality, very little that medical science can do to return a patient to normal physiological function. As awareness of this limitation increases, the importance of prevention will become more important.”

The committee that wrote this found that nutrition is directly related to these killer diseases, and the medical doctors aren’t equipped to help with the diseases as they are not taught adequate nutrition in school. Page six continues, “There is widespread and unfounded confidence in the ability of the medical science to cure or mitigate (help) the effects of such diseases once they occur.” Dr.  Phillip Lee, Professor of Medicine and Director of the Health Policy Program at the University of California states on page seven, “As a nation, we have come to believe that medicine and medical technology can solve our major health problems. The role of such important factors as diet in cancer and heart disease has long been obscured (hidden) by the emphasis on the conquest of these diseases through the miracles of modern medicine. Treatment, not prevention, has been the order of the day.”

The government formed the committee that published this document because they found there were foods that were directly related to all the crippling and killer diseases. This document was only issued twice because the AMA didn’t like it, and on the second edition they clearly stated that to change your diet may be harmful, and there is no scientific proof connecting diet and disease. They are absolutely correct on one point; you may not die if you change your diet, you may have a chance to survive!

The medical community is only taught what they are supposed to know, which ultimately is what makes the money and sells the drugs, not what heals the patient. Hospitals are not havens of care, they are a business and at the end of the day the final decision is what is best for business. Thus doctors are not trained in true cause and effect medicine, much less prevention. Among those responsible are all drug companies, the AMA (American Medical Association), FDA (Federal Drug Administration) and a few others who generally have assets in the companies they are propagating.


If a Jumbo Jet crashed and killed 280 people everyday… 365 days a year… year after year… would you be concerned about flying?? Would you question the Federal Aviation Administration? Would you demand answers??

Think about it! Close to 100,000 people dying every year from plane crashes? Sounds Ridiculous?

Well think again. What if you were told that over 100,000 people are killed and over 2 million people maimed and disabled every year…year after year from modern medicine…would you believe it??

Well these may be my words…but read the following articles from the most respected medical journals and institutions (Journal of the American Medical Association, Harvard University, Centers for Disease Control, British medical journal The Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine and national news (New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, US World Report) and you be the judge.

Writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Dr. Starfield has documented the tragedy of the traditional medical paradigm in the following statistics:

* The term iatrogenic is defined as “induced in a patient by a physician’s activity, manner, or therapy. Used especially to pertain to a complication of treatment.”   Furthermore, these estimates of death due to error are lower than those in a recent Institutes of Medicine report.

If the higher estimates are used, the deaths due to iatrogenic causes would range from 230,000 to 284,000. Even at the lower estimate of 225,000 deaths per year, this constitutes the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Dr. Starfield offers several caveats in the interpretations of these numbers:

First, most of the data are derived from studies in hospitalized patients.

Second, these estimates are for deaths only and do not include the many negative effects that are associated with disability or discomfort.

Third, the estimates of death due to error are lower than those in the IOM report. If the higher estimates are used, the deaths due to iatrogenic causes would range from 230,000 to 284,000.

In any case, 225,000 deaths per year constitutes the third leading cause of death in the United States, after deaths from heart disease and cancer.  Even if these figures are overestimated, there is a wide margin between these numbers of deaths and the next leading cause of death (cerebro-vascular disease).

Another analysis concluded that between 4% and 18% of consecutive patients experience negative effects in outpatient settings, with:

  • 116 million extra physician visits
  • 77 million extra prescriptions
  • 17 million emergency department visits
  • 8 million hospitalizations
  • 3 million long-term admissions
  • 199,000 additional deaths
  • $77 billion in extra costs

The high cost of the health care system is considered to be a deficit, but it seems to be tolerated under the assumption that better health results from more expensive care.

However, evidence from a few studies indicates that as many as 20% to 30% of patients receive inappropriate care. An estimated 44,000 to 98,000 among these patients die each year as a result of medical errors. This might be tolerable if it resulted in better health, but does it?

Out of 13 countries in a recent comparison, the United States ranks an average of 12th (second from the bottom) for 16 available health indicators.

More specifically, the ranking of the U.S. on several indicators was:

  • 13th (last) for low-birth-weight percentages
  • 13th for neonatal mortality and infant mortality overall
  • 11th for post-neonatal mortality
  • 13th for years of potential life lost (excluding external causes)
  • 11th for life expectancy, at 1 year for females, 12th for males
  • 10th for life expectancy, at 15 years for females, 12th for males
  • 10th for life expectancy, at 40 years for females, 9th for males
  • 7th for life expectancy, at 65 years for females, 7th for males
  • 3rd for life expectancy, at 80 years for females, 3rd for males

The poor performance of the U.S. was recently confirmed by a World Health Organization study which used different data and ranked the United States as 15th among 25 industrialized countries.

It has been known that drugs are the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. This makes it clear that the more frightening number is that doctors are the third leading cause of death in this country, killing nearly a quarter million people a year.

These statistics are further confused because most medical coding only describes the cause of organ failure and does not identify iatrogenic causes at all.

Lucian Leape, a Harvard University professor who conducted the most comprehensive study of medical errors in the United States, has estimated that one million patients nationwide are injured by errors during hospital treatment each year and that 120,000 die as a result.
— Harvard University

In their study, Leape and his colleagues examined patient records at hospitals throughout the state of New York. Their 1991 report found that one of every 200 patients admitted to a hospital died as a result of a hospital error.

That number of deaths is the equivalent of what would occur if a jumbo jet crashed every day; it is three times the 43,000 people killed each year in U.S. automobile accidents.

“It’s by far the number one problem” in health care, said Leape, an adjunct professor of health policy at the Harvard School of Public Health.

Researchers such as Leape say that not only are medical errors not reported to the public, but those reported to hospital authorities represent roughly 5 to 10 percent of the number of actual medical mistakes at a typical hospital.

“The bottom line is we have a system that is terribly out of control,” said Robert Brook, a professor of medicine at the University of California at Los Angeles.

“It’s really a joke to worry about the occasional plane that goes down when we have thousands of people who are killed in hospitals every year.” Brook’s recognition of the extent of hospital errors is shared by many of medicine’s leaders.

Care — not treatment — is the answer. Drugs, surgery and hospitals become increasingly dangerous for chronic disease cases. Facilitating the God-given healing capacity by improving the diet, exercise, and lifestyle is the key.

Effective interventions for the underlying emotional and spiritual wounding behind most chronic disease is critical for the reinvention of our medical paradigm. These numbers suggest that reinvention of our medical paradigm is called for.

Study Slams Medical Error Rate in Nation

Philadelphia Inquirer

A panel of the National Academy of Sciences, in a highly critical report, yesterday called for a major national effort to reduce medical errors by developing a mandatory reporting system and asking Congress to establish a center to study them.

The 220-page report, written by a 19-member committee of the Academy’s Institute of Medicine, set as a goal a 50 percent reduction in the nation’s “stunningly high rate of medical errors” within five years.

It estimated that errors from medical treatment kill up to 98,000 people in U.S. hospitals every year and characterized the problem as among the nation’s leading causes of death and injury.

Several members of the committee said in interviews yesterday that the report was intended as a loud call to action for the health-care industry, which it said has not acted swiftly enough to address the causes of errors.

“What it says is ‘enough already,’ ” said Lucian Leape, a committee member and adjunct professor of health policy at the Harvard School of Public Health. “It’s a matter of holding people’s feet to the fire and stop talking about errors and start doing something.”

Medical Mistakes Often Unreported

Detroit News

Based on a recent report by the Institute of Medicine, which estimates 36 error-related hospital deaths per 100,000 people, 3,534 Michiganians died last year due to medical mistakes.

Patients reported 2,027 complaints about health care organizations to the state, but Tom Lindsay, director of the Michigan Bureau of Health Services, said those likely represent just a fraction of the mistakes.

Medical Mistakes

New York Times

The NEW YORK TIMES reported that 5% of people admitted to hospitals, or about 1.8 million people per year, in the U.S. pick up an infection while there. Such infections are called “iatrogenic” — meaning “induced by a physician,” or, more loosely, “caused by medical care.”

Iatrogenic infections are directly responsible for 20,000 deaths among hospital patients in the U.S. each year, and they contribute to an additional 70,000 deaths, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control CDC). The dollar cost of iatrogenic infections is $4.5 billion, according to the CDC.

National Patient Safety Foundation

A new poll from the nonprofit National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF) finds that 42 percent of people say they’ve been affected by physician errors, either directly or through a friend or relative.

If the survey of roughly 1,500 people accurately represents the general public, it could mean that more than 100 million Americans have experience with medical mistakes.

More alarming, according to the survey, is the fact that in one out of three cases the error permanently harmed the patient’s health.

Dr. Leape is a board member of the NPSF, which was founded by the American Medical Association in June of this year to improve health care safety.

AMA leaders say it’s time to bring the issue out into the open, rather than living in constant fear that any admission of error will launch a flood of malpractice lawsuits.

Leape’s own research has shown that the tally of medical mistakes made each year could reach 3 million, with total costs as high as $200 billion.

The survey found that 40 percent of the people who had experienced a medical mistake pointed to misdiagnoses and wrong treatments as the problem. Medication errors accounted for 28 percent of mistakes.

And 22 percent of respondents reported slip-ups during medical procedures.

Half of the errors occurred in hospitals, and 22 percent in doctors’ offices.

What Causes Errors

When asked what may have caused their doctors to make such errors, patients cited carelessness, stress, faulty training and bad communication. Three out of four believe the best solution to the problem would be to bar health care workers with bad track records.

But Leape disagreed, arguing that punishment simply encourages people to cover up their errors. “We need to shift emphasis away from individuals,” he said. “Errors are not the disease, they’re the symptoms of the disease.”

Instead, he said, poorly designed health care systems may be largely to blame. Doctors and nurses often work double shifts, making them more prone to error. And in this age of computer technology, Leape noted, the hand-written drug prescription should be a relic of the past.

Medical Mistakes: A Legal and Ethical Dilemma for Doctors and Patients


Experts say medical mistakes occur all the time, and doctors often fail to tell patients about them. A recent report estimates that up to 98,000 patients a year die from medical errors.

Deaths in England Due to Medical Errors up 500%

Audit Commission

About 1,200 people died in public hospitals in Britain last year because of mistakes in prescribing and administering medicine, according to a report published by a government watchdog group.

Outlined in a report by the Audit Commission, the errors included administering the wrong medicine – in one case, a breast cancer patient was given the sleeping drug Temazepam instead of the cancer drug Tamoxifen – to giving out the wrong dosage of the right drug, to unknowingly prescribing a drug that caused a fatal reaction.

The death toll was five times higher than that in 1990, according to the report. In addition, the thousands of patients who survive medicine-related mistakes each year invariably become sicker, requiring more treatment that create an extra expense for the National Health Service, the report said.

“The health service is probably spending $725 million a year making better people who experienced an adverse incident or errors, and that does not include the human cost to patients,” said Nick Mapstone, an author of the report.

“The number of drugs is increasing, the effectiveness – and therefore often the toxicity – of drugs is increasing, the number of people on multiple medications is increasing, and that increases the risk of interaction,” Dr. Pickersgill told the BBC.

A number of highly publicized cases of drug-related error in recent months has brought home the problem. In one case, a cancer patient was prescribed and administered a drug at 1,000 times the recommended dose, according to the report.

In another case, at Queen’s Medical Center in Nottingham, a teenager, who was a cancer patient in remission, fell into a coma and died after an anticancer drug was mistakenly injected into his spine.

“The recent events at Queen’s Medical Center illustrate how day-to- day pressures can lead to acknowledged best practice being ignored,” the report said.

Jackie Glatter, a spokeswoman for the Consumers’ Association, which lobbies for patients’ rights, said: “The report shows there is a strong need for detailed and clear patient information about treatments and medicines – not just in hospitals, but also when people are taking medicine at home.”

Deaths from Medication Errors on Increase


Deaths caused by medication mistakes more than doubled between 1983 and 1993, according to findings published in the British medical journal The Lancet on Saturday.

Deaths caused by medication mistakes more than doubled between 1983 and 1993. —Lancet

The study by a research team at the University of California at San Diego found that the sharpest increase in deaths was among outpatients. Deaths from accidental poisoning by drugs and other medicines climbed from 851 to nearly 2,100. Of those, outpatient deaths increased from under 200 to just under 1,500.

By 1993, outpatients were 6.5 times more likely to die from medication mistakes than inpatients. The report was based on death certificates, and it was unclear whether the deaths were caused by a medical professional’s error or patient error.

Drug Reactions Kill an Estimated 100,000 a Year


Adverse reactions to prescription and over-the-counter medicines kill more than 100,000 Americans and seriously injure an additional 2.1 million each year, researchers say.

Such reactions — which do not include prescribing errors or drug abuse — rank at least sixth among causes of death in the United States, behind heart disease, cancer, lung disease, strokes and accidents, according to a report published in this week’s Journal of the American Medical Association. The report was based on an analysis of existing studies.

“Serious adverse drug reactions are frequent … more so than generally recognized,” the researchers said.

Researchers at the University of Toronto examined 39 studies and estimated that an average of 106,000 deaths at U.S. hospitals in 1994 were due to bad reactions to drugs.

Medical Mistakes Triple All Gun Deaths

 For years, the American Medical Association, hospitals, medical magazines and various other health care groups have been beating the drums for more gun laws.

And some of us have pointed out their chutzpah, since — according to the official figures, the National Center for Health Statistics, more than twice as many are killed every year in medical accidents than in gun accidents.

Yesterday, an independent report from the Institute of Medicine, an arm of the National Academy of Sciences, said the number of deaths from medical mistakes every year may total 98,000 — about three times the number of deaths due to accidents, homicides and suicides with firearms.

The study says medical mistakes may cost the nation as much as $29 billion a year and may be the fifth highest cause of death — behind heart disease, cancer, stroke and lung obstructive lung diseases.

That 98,000 total is over twice as many as die in auto crashes each year.

Nursing Mistakes Kill, Injure Thousands

Tribune Staff Writer

 Overwhelmed and inadequately trained nurses kill and injure thousands of patients every year as hospitals sacrifice safety for an improved bottom line, a Tribune investigation has found.

Since 1995, at least 1,720 hospital patients have been accidentally killed and 9,584 others injured from the actions or inaction of registered nurses across the country, who have seen their daily routine radically altered by cuts in staff and other belt-tightening in U.S. hospitals.

Blunders By Doctors Kill 40,000 People a Year In Britain

Medical error is the third most frequent cause of death in Britain after cancer and heart disease, killing up to 40,000 people a year – about four times more than die from all other types of accident.

Provisional research figures on hospital mistakes show that a further 280,000 people suffer from non-fatal drug-prescribing errors, overdoses and infections.

The victims spend an average of six extra days recovering in hospital, at an annual cost of £730m in England alone.

Medical error is the third most frequent cause of death in Britain after cancer and heart disease, killing up to 40,000 people a year.  — University College London

A pilot study investigating the issue – the first attempt to measure the problem in Britain – shows that one in 14 patients suffers some kind of adverse event such as diagnostic error, operation mistake or drug reaction.

Charles Vincent, head of the clinical risk unit at University College London, who is leading the study, has pioneered efforts to examine the extent of clinical errors in Britain.

His team has so far concentrated on two London hospitals. The first data from one hospital showed that 32 out of 480 patients in four different departments were victims of hospital mistakes.

Vincent’s estimate of 40,000 deaths comes from studies showing that 3-4% of patients in the developed world suffer some kind of harm in hospital. For 70% of them the resulting disability is short-lived, but 14% subsequently die.

“It is a substantial problem,” Vincent said. “There is a need to find out the true extent of error, what kind of things are going wrong and the cost.” He believes the death rate may be even higher than indicated by the preliminary figures.

Britain’s death rate is comparable to that in America, where recommendations in a report produced by the Kellogg Foundation three weeks ago are likely to result in the creation of a new federal agency to protect patients from medical error.

The report drew on studies that examined the records of 30,195 patients and found a 3.7% error rate. Of those injured, 14% died. Researchers concluded that 70% of the errors – and 155,000 deaths – were avoidable.

Department of Health officials are now examining a proposal for a £1.2m three-year national study of 20 hospitals and 10,000 medical records to establish exactly how these avoidable deaths occur and how to prevent them.

Drugs and Medical Errors Killing 1 of Every 5 Australians

British Medical Journal November 11, 2000

 In a recent emailed response to the British Medical Journal (BMJ), Ron Law, Executive Director of the NNFA, in New Zealand and member of the New Zealand Ministry of Health Working Group advising on medical error, offered some enlightening information on deaths caused by drugs and medical errors.

He notes the prevalence of deaths from medical errors and also from properly researched and prescribed medications in Australia and New Zealand, which serves as a reminder to us that the US is not alone in having this problem.

He cites the following statistics and facts:

Official Australian government reports reveal that preventable medical error in hospitals is responsible for 11% of all deaths in Australia, which is about 1 of every 9 deaths.

If deaths from properly researched, properly registered, properly prescribed and properly used drugs were added along with preventable deaths due to private practice it comes to a staggering 19%, which is almost 1 of every 5 deaths.

New Zealand figures are very similar. According to Mr. Law:

More than 5 million people have been killed by Western medical practice in the past decade (Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, and NZ) and 20 million killed or permanently maimed. Sounds like a war zone, doesn’t it? — Ron Law, Executive Director of the NNFA and member of the New Zealand Ministry of Health Working Group

Put another way, the equivalent of New Zealand’s second largest city (Christchurch) has been killed by preventable medical error and deaths from properly researched, properly registered, properly prescribed and properly used drugs in Australasia in the past decade and its biggest city Auckland either killed or permanently maimed.

Put another way, more than 5 million people have been killed by Western medical practice in the past decade (Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, and NZ) and 20 million killed or permanently maimed. Sounds like a war zone, doesn’t it?

Put another way, the economic impact of deaths due to preventable medical error and deaths from properly researched, properly registered, properly prescribed and properly used drugs is approximately $1 trillion over the past decade.

He notes that only 0.3% of these deaths are properly coded and classified in official statistics as being attributed to these causes.

Modern medicine is not based on science. That is clearly proven by Robert Mendelsohn, M.D. His best-selling book Confessions of a Medical Heretic, tells you in detail why he believes 90% of all modern medicine should be done away with because it is destructive rather than helpful to the patient. In Dr. Mendelsohn’s distinguished medical career, he has served as the director of Chicago’s Michael Reese Hospital and as an associate professor at the University of Illinois Medical School. He has been the chairman of the Medical Licensure Committee for the state of Illinois, and served as the National Medical Director of the Project Head Start program. Dr. Mendelsohn has given an entire lifetime of service to the field of medicine as a licensed medical doctor, and yet his conclusion is that they do more harm than good.

“It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease, than to know what sort of disease that person has.” Sir William Olsen

I say, “People! We are not dying, we are being destroyed!”