CategoriesDiet/Lifestyle Basics

Milk Creates Large People

This is Part 3 of my series on milk.  You can read the first two parts by clicking on the links below.

Milk!  It Does A Body Good?

Milk Is One Of The Most Dangerous Proteins

Now on to Part 3:

Milk creates large people

 Each mammal was designed to produce the milk best suited for its kind. When a cow has Milk Creates Large Peoplea baby, it has a calf, not a horse or a rooster. God created all life to reproduce after its own kind. Milk, a part of the reproductive process, is for its own kind as well. Every species needs different nutrients, different balance ratios and absorption factors, and its mother was designed to produce these in perfect balance. Milk was created to feed similar flesh and blood. The old saying “You are what you eat” is right on in this case. Calves reach full maturity in one or two years and weigh in at 1,000-2,000 pounds. Humans take twenty-one years to reach 100-200 pounds! And you wonder why are children are larger with each generation.

Digestion of milk

 The human body stops making lactase, the main enzyme needed to digest milk, between one-and-a-half and four years of age. Lactose is one of the two sugars in milk. When the enzyme lactase is not present to break down this sugar, so the sugar is sent to the large intestine, where inhibiting bacteria ferment the lactose. This causes gas and lactic acid (a poison). This, in turn, draws water to the area through the process of osmosis, and you may get water retention, bloating, heavy gas, diarrhea, and many of the symptoms we will mention later on. Dr. Joyce Gryboski, Director of Pediatrics at the University of Yale School of Medicine, says that at least one child per week is brought in with symptoms that are nothing more than milk allergies.

Protein is perhaps the biggest attraction for the use of milk. Strong, healthy bones, well-developed muscles and great skin: they’re nothing but a sales pitch. The milk producers are good salesmen, and the concept is so programmed in people’s minds they never think twice. If you are having a hard time deciding whether you should stop drinking milk immediately, even with the facts I have already provided, you might be one of those programmed people. The fact is, milk protein does not digest. The protein globules are too big for our livers to digest; the ill effects of undigested protein have been made clear before this point. Dr. Schroeder found that skim milk has lost virtually all the chromium and manganese, both of which are needed to metabolize its two main ingredients, protein and sugar. And here you thought skim milk was better. The advertisers don’t care about your health, just your money.

Fat is another of the great offenders in milk. To start with, the fat globules are too large to digest by the human liver. The human liver is only one-sixth the size of a cow liver. Secondly, three fatty acid molecules combine with one glycerin molecule to produce triglycerides, 95-96% of milk fat, and high triglycerides are related to artery plaque. 60% of milk fat is saturated fat, the “bad” fats looked for in cholesterol screenings. Has your doctor ever told you to get off milk when you failed to pass your cholesterol test? If he even knew to tell you this, you would still find that milk is practically unavoidable as noted if you check the labels.

Milk feeds infection

 Dr. Frank A. Oski, MD, states that streptococcal pharyngitis (bacterial-related allergies that may cause bronchitis, strep, asthma, and other symptoms) becomes practically extinct without milk protein. This is true because galactose (the other milk sugar) is slow-absorbing, which allows a growth of bacteria in the intestinal tract. High amounts of protein without balancing factors, be they milk or any food protein, may cause premature development of some body parts. This causes an imbalanced anatomy, one of the most serious being poor joint development. The milk producers tell you the opposite, that milk is good for growing and developing bodies.

Stay tuned for the next and final installment of this series on milk where I will talk about milk alternatives!

CategoriesDiet/Lifestyle Basics

Milk Is One Of The Most DANGEROUS Proteins!

In Part1 of Dr. Dehaan’s series on milk he shared a client testimonial. If you missed it be sure to read, “Milk! It Does A Body Good?“.  When you’re ready let’s jump into Part2 below:

Milk CowMilk has become a product you can hardly escape. Besides the milk you drink, it is in ice cream, cheese, and widely used in the candy and baking industries as well as in the sauces of canned and frozen vegetables. We hear that milk is the perfect food, and so it might be! Research has proven that one quart of milk will provide the fat, calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin; one half the protein; one third the vitamin A, ascorbic acid and thiamin; one quarter the calories, and with the exception of iron, copper, magnesium and manganese, all the minerals needed daily. How impressive! This really is the perfect food – if you are a newborn calf wanting to grow horns and a tough hide.

I ask you to consider the great milk deception for a moment. We humans are the only mammals on earth that drink another species’ milk. Have you ever seen a cat drinking dog milk? Perhaps a moose drinking bear milk? No! It just isn’t right. Some animals do drink milk which comes from other animals, but only when we give it to them in the civilized world. God did not intend for it to be this way in a natural setting, however. I always go back to how it was intended to be in order to find answers to highly disputable questions. Look at the wild animals for a moment. They do not drink another species’ milk, and they never drink milk past the infant stage.  The Bible does tell us to be like children, but I don’t think it meant drinking milk until it created so much acid in our system it killed us!

It’s disgusting if you think about it

 If you stop and ponder the thought of drinking the white fluid substance squeezed from a cow udder, you may get a little grossed out. We don’t often put those mental pictures in our head, to fully consider our options. Would you drink rat milk? Certainly not! Why then is cow milk acceptable? Learned behavior? Mothers stop making milk for a reason. God intended you to stop drinking it when it ran out. I’m sorry if you were not breastfed, but all the cow milk in the world (or milk from any animal) is not going to help that issue now.

Does your information come from advertisers?

 Maybe God made a mistake in stopping the milk supply when you were an infant. The arguments indicate that milk is so good for you: it develops bones and makes them strong; it gives you healthy skin; it is high in protein, needed for tissue building and repair, etc. Guess who paid for that research finding: the same people who said milk does the body good. Unfortunately, here is what you don’t hear: milk is so perfectly balanced, bacteria thrive in it, and anything that will produce or duplicate bacteria is not in balance for the body. We aren’t talking about the friendly bacteria that naturally reside in the intestine; we are talking about infectious bacteria. Infectious bacteria do not live in a healthy human environment, so milk must not be healthy for the human body. Isn’t that reasonable? Did you ever smell rotten milk? Chances are, if your bowel movements are smelly, you drink milk or eat too much animal protein. Either way, the calcium that is supposed to be in milk probably never makes it to your bones because that smell means it’s rotting inside your intestine. If your intestine does not assimilate it and your cells don’t metabolize it, it will never do your bones, or any part, any good. Another fact is that milk was created for cows, and cows have four stomachs. It takes all four of these to break the elements in cow’s milk down. People only have one stomach, and one stomach does not have the capability of breaking the elements in milk down. This is why it rots and creates excess mucus.

Stay tuned and next time we’ll continue with Part 3 of the series!

CategoriesDiet/Lifestyle Basics

Milk! It Does a Body Good?

If you listen to the mainstream you probably think milk is an essential element to your health.  In Dr. Dehaan’s book, “The Foundation“, he challenges this and points out reasons why milk is bad for the human body and may even be dangerous.

We thought a good way to start out the series was to share an experience from one of our clients.

“I started seeing Dr. Dehaan around 2005. When I went to my first appointment I picked Get Well Stay Well Milk Blogup a copy of his book, The Foundation. At the time I wasn’t as committed to natural health and healing as I am now so when my 2 year old son started having allergy symptoms (runny nose, etc) we took him to his pediatrician. All the doctor did was give us a handful of allergy pills and told us to try one until his symptoms cleared up.

We hadn’t given him any of the medicine yet and were on a trip to Blowing Rock, NC. I was reading the book that evening when I got to the part about milk and how cow milk is not good for the human body. As it turns out, milk/dairy can cause allergy symptoms. Now at the time my son LOVED milk. He drank at least 3 to 4 baby bottles of milk a day. I remember looking over at him as I was reading that section and there he was, drinking his milk!

I showed my wife the book and the next day we drove over to Boone and got some rice milk at Earth Fare and from that day on we gave our son a milk alternative. An amazing thing happened. His symptoms disappeared and to this day haven’t returned. We continue to drink milk alternatives such as Almond or Coconut Milk.”

So as you can see there are problems associated with drinking milk.  In the series Dr. Dehaan will dive deeper into the issues so be sure to read Part2 of this series next!

CategoriesDiet/Lifestyle Basics

You Are What You Eat! – The Doctrine of Signatures Continued

In my last blog I introduced you to The Doctrine of Signatures.  If you missed that blog I suggest you go back and read it first and then come back to this one!  You can find it by clicking here!

You are what you eat

And so we can begin to describe what you are by looking at the things that you eat, because The Doctrine of Signatures Part 2you absorb and become one with everything that you eat. While science does not give much attention or credit to the possible connection of diet and psychology, there are dozens of books and research papers proving the diet/health connection. You may not have heard about it because the food monopolies do not hold your health over the priority of sales, but we all know that we are as different as the fingerprint that makes us unique. But there are some very common characteristics that can help us achieve or fail in various areas of life, and when these are observed, you will find that many of the same items are being used as food. In other words, the food you eat is helping to dictate the kind of person you are. It dictates the amount of courage, initiative, perspective and fear or irritability you have. This information is good news and bad news. It is good news because you no longer have to settle for what you think you had: the possibility of change is within your grasp This concept can be bad news because in order to change your negative personalities and characteristics, you will have to change your dietary habits, and food is probably the love of your life. Let me say that again, food is probably the love of your life.

Most of us have not thought about it that way, but just try to avoid all the foods you like and see how you feel after a couple of days. Your attitude will become depressed, violent, angry or whatever emotion you use to demonstrate feelings of great loss and loneliness. The hardest part of what you need to learn is that the foods you are most in love with are most often are feeding the most undesirable qualities in your health and personality. It is almost a catch-22. The person with anger problems loves fried foods, and the more fried food he eats, the deeper the anger problem becomes. Physiologically speaking, anger is an emotion present when the liver is out of balance, and fried foods are direct irritants to the liver. The weaker your liver becomes, the more anger you will experience. And yes, the healthier your liver becomes, the less anger you will feel. This concept applies to each organ and gland of the body with its correlating foods and emotional patterns.

Do you control your food, or does it control you?

 At this point, possibilities of what we might become enter our mind, so now we must think of the place that we hold in the great food chain. Everything tends to migrate to a similar level. If you are a child, you will migrate to where other children are. If you are one who likes to talk about sports, you will find those who have similar interests. The same will occur with foods. Look at the people and the places with which you associate and see if it is where you want to be. You may find that you are in a place that is less than you desire. If this is the case, you need to become inspired so that you will be strong enough to change and be different. It is time to realize that in all areas of life, you are either a follower or a leader. You will either become the properties in the essence of the foods you eat (follower), or you will decide what you need to be and eat foods that feed those particular qualities you seek (leader). It would be nice to think that we entrain the items that we eat, so they become us, but the digestion, assimilation and metabolic process make us vulnerable to the elements going into our body. It is much more likely that we become what we eat than it is that it becomes us. So will you be a follower or a leader? Will you control or be controlled? I am not talking about a leader of people, but a leader in the personal choices you have to make so that you will become what you wish to manifest. You may be a follower by nature, but you are the only one that holds responsibility for your health. If you don’t become a leader for your own health, you will certainly follow disease to a painful death, and only you can answer for that.

Everything finds its own level

 For those who understand that food is not of any benefit to the body unless it is digested, it needs to be made clear that lack of digestion has an entirely unique effect on the body as well. A very negative effect, if I might add. And so it is not only a discussion of making foods work for you as much as it is a life choice so that you do not become entrained to a level that is not acceptable. Just as a rock will fall from the air seeking its own level, so does every element. Man has mined uranium and plutonium from the depths of the earth and these elements are out of place, so they create catastrophe (bombs). If these elements were dumped in the soil, they would gradually find their level and make their way to the depths of the earth where they belong. These elements do not create catastrophe on their own level, only a level that is not their own. And so you can eat a carrot and although there is no soil for that carrot to fall to in your body, it will plant itself in your body and affect it in some way. All elements that should not be in your body have an effect and that effect will be anywhere from negative to devastating depending on how out of place it is. All fruits and vegetables and items that are grown in the soil and have not been genetically engineered are good and positive and entrain good qualities, while items such as chemicals, preservatives, colorings and other man-made substances are acting in your body much the same way the uranium and plutonium do on the surface of the earth – catastrophically, creating death for innocent people who either did not know better or didn’t choose more wisely.

Is what you eat more important than what you think, or vice versa?

 Food and thought are both sides of the coin, and yet both influence the other very deeply. What you know and think will help you decide what you eat, but what you eat will create what you think. Steve Gagne says it best in The Energetics of Food when he states, “Look into the mirror of what you eat, and you will learn to see yourself. Look into the mirror of yourself, and you will find a reflection of what you are eating.”

In our final installment of this series I’ll summarize the energetics of food.  See you next time!

CategoriesDiet/Lifestyle Basics

The Doctrine of Signatures

Most of us remember the stories told of the honor that American Indians placed on the food they ate. They believed that when they killed and ate a deer, they would take on the essence or some of the qualities of the animal. So they hunted and ate with an attitude of thankfulness and reverence for that which they killed. Even herbs and vegetation were ingested with that attitude because they were familiar with some version of what we now call the Doctrine of Signatures. They somehow understood that there was an essence about all things, including the plant life. By eating a particular plant, they believed that the qualities of that plant would become part of them or be instilled in them. While most of the civilized world views this as nothing more than nonsense, a silly wives’ tale, there is a certain amount of truth in what they believed and actively participated in. Let’s look beyond the superstition and see where the line of truth is.

The Doctrine of Signatures

The Doctrine of Signatures is a systematic viewpoint of nature wherein the structure or function of any living organism can be transformed into its essence by ingesting that organism. For example, there are certain plants that grow out of the small cracks in stones and rocks. The properties of these plants would be to enhance breaks or cracks in hard elements. Thus these kinds of plants would be wonderful to eat if a person had a broken bone. These plants would tend to have a high calcium content with mending properties for hard elements. You can take the action and function of any organism, and you will find some individual action or function that it will enhance in the human body. This is the law of signatures. The shape and color is very often related to the qualities available in that item as well; kidney beans are good for the kidneys, walnuts are good for the brain (the walnut closely represents the brain and cranium) and cayenne peppers are good for the heart and circulation because they are red and stringy like an artery.

One must move outside of the belief that food has no real meaning other than that needed to keep us alive and remove hunger pangs. When viewed in its deepest realms, foods are very important and will reveal a host of information. I think it is important to remember that we as humans are part of nature, not above it. When we can embrace this, we will begin to understand the connection that holds all things in balance. We are often referred to as consumers, but we are life forms that choose, eat, digest, assimilate and absorb the cells of the foods we have eaten. You cannot believe that with all of this you have not in some ways become one with that which you have eaten. You become it, and it becomes you. This includes the qualities of the organism you have eaten, good or bad. Chemicals, preservatives, hormones, toxins, fears, strengths and weaknesses all become part of you if they were part of the plant or animal you ate.

When you go to Mexico and drink contaminated water, the stomach pains and diarrhea that follow are clear signs that we are not above nature but that the parasites now in our intestine have become part of us. It is no different with any other food. The only difference is the pace at which the food will affect us. Most foods have a gradual effect, unlike the parasite in the water. Let’s not be so dense that we ignore the gradual effects because they do not create instant sickness that forces action. Let us instead show ourselves approved and realize the truth and know that our habits have created the illness, degeneration or aging process that is with us now or is on its way if you are not following the GWSW method of health and healing.

In Part 2 of this installment we will continue this discussion.  Click here to read Part 2!

CategoriesDiet/Lifestyle Basics

Summary of Digestion


Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth with the secretion of amylase by salivary glands but is completed in the small intestine where pancreatic amylase and amylase secreted from mucous cells finish the job. None of this is possible if food is not chewed into small enough pieces and mixed with sufficient saliva. Protein digestion begins in the stomach as a result of pepsin activity and is completed in the small intestine by enzymes from the pancreas and mucous cells in the small intestine. This process takes large protein molecules and breaks them down into amino acids. Fat molecules are digested almost entirely by enzymes secreted from the pancreas and the mucous cells in the small intestine, although bile from the liver helps complete that task. Bile from the liver, excreted by the gallbladder, plays a primary part in protein and fat digestion. When food has been acted upon and nutrients have been absorbed (along with the toxins you ate), the remaining chyme is sent to the end of the small intestine, where it puts pressure on the ileocecal valve, which allows entrance to the large intestine or colon. The ileocecal valve is a valve between the small and large intestine. It allows food to pass into the large intestine but does not allow it to wash back into the small intestine.

If you have trouble with hair, skin or nails, it is a sign that you have intestinal imbalance. Everything from the lines and ridges on the fingernails to the lack of hair or excess amount of hair in areas that should not have hair are all signs of intestinal imbalance, primarily an accumulation of undigested proteins and fats. Oh and crows feet, the lines you get at the corners of the eye stretching into the temple area? They are all caused by digestive weakness as well. Lack of assimilation.

CategoriesDiet/Lifestyle Basics

The Gallbladder

The gallbladder is a pear-shaped sac located in a depression on the inferior surface of the liver. It is connected to the cystic duct, which, in turn, joins the hepatic duct. The gallbladder has a capacity of 30-50 milliliters and has a strong muscular layer in its walls for storing bile between meals.

The gallbladder should be considered primarily as a holding sac for bile made by the hepatic cells of the liver. As bile is made in the liver, it flows through the hepatic ducts, into the common bile duct and on to the duodenum. Because the hepatopancreatic sphincter (opening to the small intestine) is generally contracted, the bile backs up into the cystic duct and into the gallbladder, making it nothing more than a holding tank for the bile made in the liver. The common hepatic duct and the cystic duct combined both dump into the common bile duct, which joins the pancreatic duct in the hepatopancreatic ampulla, which immediately empty into the duodenum through the hepatopancreatic sphincter. This sphincter remains closed or contracted unless the small intestine releases cholysistokinin into the blood, indicating the need for bile in the small intestine.


 While the bile is in the gallbladder, the bile salts, bile pigments and cholesterol become increasingly concentrated as the gallbladder lining reabsorbs some of the water and electrolytes. The cholesterol is supposed to remain in solution, but when it does not, it precipitates and forms into solid crystals. These crystals become larger and larger, forming gallstones. Removal of the gallbladder is very common, but as you can see, it is nothing but a holding sac, so anything wrong with the gallbladder is really a fault of the liver or of dehydration. If the body does not have enough water, the cholesterol solidifies. You should know that depending on the operation, it is quite common for the gallbladder to grow back. The body must have a location to hold the bile, so if it does not, the liver will expand one of its ducts or tubules to forma a sac. If you are prone to getting gallstones, removal of the gallbladder will not inhibit that. They will simply form in the liver, which is much more dangerous long-term as stones in the liver inhibit normal function. With today’s diet and lifestyle practices, it is common for the average person to have hundreds and even thousands of gallstones.

Natural gallstone elimination

 The traditional gallstone removal program begins with a day of fasting. Apple juice and distilled water are the only things that should be consumed during the day. The day should not be a stressful day, either. At the end of the day, before going to bed, drink ¼ cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice and ¼ cup of cold pressed, virgin olive oil. Go to bed and lie on your right side so the gallbladder is in the best position to dump and stay as warm as possible. When you wake up in the morning, you should pass a bunch of green marbles. There should be no pain or discomfort. As stated earlier, it is common to pass anywhere from a couple to a couple of hundred. Whether you pass any or not does not indicate the presence of stones, though. If you do not pass any, there is more of a chance that your body was not ready to detoxify the liver than there is that you do not have any stones. If you have an unsuccessful gallstone flush, you should consider doing a liver flush first, but as you discovered in the liver section, it is wise to do a colon cleanse before you do a liver cleanse or at least know your colon is working well and the elimination channels are open.

Suggestions to strengthen the Gallbladder

  • Make sure fats are being digested. This means animal fat should be avoided and natural fats as found in vegetables, seeds, grains, etc. should be eaten.
  • Too many inorganic vitamins, especially calcium, can contribute to gallstones.
  • Keep the liver clean and healthy.
CategoriesDiet/Lifestyle Basics

The Liver

The liver, the largest internal organ, is located in the upper right and central portion of the abdominal cavity, just below the diaphragm. It is partially surrounded by the ribs, and extends from the level of the fifth intercostal space to the lower margin of the ribs. This means it is on the right side of the rib cage in the front, under the last couple of ribs. The liver releases its bile secretion into hepatic ducts, which eventually form the common bile duct and empty into the duodenum of the small intestine through the hepatopancreatic sphincter shared by the pancreas. The liver’s primary task is to filter all the chemicals and poisons out of the blood and to make bile. The gallbladder is a small sac that holds the bile and releases it when needed.


Sugar metabolism (energy)


When you studied the function of the pancreas a few pages back, you learned that the pancreas makes insulin and glucagons, each having an opposite effect on the liver. Insulin stimulates the liver to convert glucose (blood sugar) into glycogen (storable sugar), while glucagon stimulates the liver into converting glycogen (stored sugar) into glucose (available sugar in the blood). In other words, glucose is energy, and your liver is pretty much in charge of the amount of energy you have because it regulates how much is released into the blood and how much is stored. Yes, the pancreas has the duty of releasing the hormones needed to signal the liver to release energy, but if the liver is too full of chemicals and preservatives, its cells are too congested to get the job done. Because the liver stores extra sugar (glucose) as glycogen, it is always ready to give you a boost if the cells are healthy enough to respond. In addition, the liver stores iron and B-12, which are also energy-boosting elements. The hepatic cells in the liver are responsible for all these tasks.

Lipid (fat) metabolism

 The liver oxidizes (burns) fats to make energy, synthesizes lipoprotiens, phospholipids and cholesterol; converts portions of carbohydrate and protein molecules into fat molecules for long-term energy (especially when stimulated by glucagons). Most of this is done with bile, a yellowish-green liquid that hepatic cells secrete continuously. Hepatic cells use cholesterol to produce bile and in secretion release cholesterol in the bile. In addition to water, bile contains bile salts, bile pigments, cholesterol and electrolytes. Bile salts are the most abundant of these. Bile salt aids digestive enzymes and enhance absorption of fatty acids and certain fat soluble vitamins and emulsify or break up fat globules so lipases can work on them more effectively. Bile salts also work to absorb cholesterol and vitamins A, D, E and K. Bile salts are reabsorbed in the small intestine and carried to the liver where they are re-secreted by hepatic cells. If any bile salts were lost in the feces, the liver makes more to replace them. Bile pigments (bilirubin and biliverdin) are breakdown products of hemoglobin from red blood cells. These are waste products from red blood cells that have been eaten by macrophages (a white blood cell) so that new ones can be created. The body is supposed to replace each red blood cell every 120 days. This is a natural process; it is not negative. The problem is, the liver is responsible for recycling trillions of them every day! The body only recycles the pigment, not the iron or nutrients; they are reserved for new red blood cells or for use in bile production. These pigments are normally excreted in the bile. An excess amount of bile pigment is what gives a person jaundice, the yellow-colored skin, and turns the whites of the eyes yellow. The liver synthesizes alpha and beta globulins to transport fat to the cells.

NOTE: The first year the medical system promoted cholesterol testing, they made 14 million dollars, so the importance of the test was immediately seen. The fact is, most livers naturally make more cholesterol every day than we consume. The body is supposed to make about 800 mg of cholesterol each day and be healthy. What people don’t realize, including the medical people, is that the amount of fat is not nearly as important as the kind of fat we eat. The body actually needs fat to survive and accomplish all of its tasks. Did you know that the body makes more cholesterol naturally each day than most people eat? The body need cholesterol for the production of essential bile. People living on low-fat foods are slowly headed for heart attacks and nervous breakdowns because they are not getting enough fat to keep the nerves healthy. The problem is not that we eat fat – it is the kind of fat we eat. Even more than the kind of fat we are eating, the liver and gallbladder are responsible for breaking the fat down to a usable format. How many people still have a gallbladder today? How many people have a healthy liver? The gallbladder isn’t even the key. It is nothing but a sack that holds bile, and the body grows a new one in many cases anyway. The liver is the organ responsible for making the bile, and most people have congested or dysfunctional livers. It’s a good thing the liver can regenerate itself, or we would all be in very serious condition. If you read the section that describes fats, carbohydrates and proteins at the beginning of the workbook, you will get a better understanding of fat and how it needs a balanced ratio of carbohydrates and proteins to be balanced. Just remember that low-fat diets are not good, but animal fat and saturated fat are the fats that create and contribute to high levels of cholesterol and liver congestion.

Protein metabolism

 The liver’s primary tasks are probably those related to protein metabolism. I know people are extremely worried about eating enough protein and a previous section explains how 30 grams of protein each day is plenty, unlike the currently accepted 70 gram figure. The truth is, protein is very essential for every aspect of health, but the body was designed to live primarily on complex carbohydrates, and proof of that is the liver’s ability to make amino acids from carbohydrates. Isn’t that amazing? Your liver is phenomenal and the most complex metabolic organ in the body. You don’t have to eat excess protein; simply eat the right kinds of carbohydrates, and the liver will convert them into amino acids.

NOTE: Bile also acts as an antiseptic and a natural laxative creating peristalsis in the intestine. Most laxative herbs are cholagogues, meaning they induce bile production! When you take them you just need to drink enough water so the body can make the electrolytes needed to balance it as too much bile can cause diarrhea and dehydration. Enough water in the system will fix that, though.

Eyes and the liver

 The eyes are an absolute reflection of the health of the liver and the hepatic system. Does this mean that the health of the eyes is primarily dependent  on the health of the liver? That is absolutely correct. Treatment of the eye should begin with treatment of the liver. It is not to say that bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms cannot become hosted in the eye, but if the liver is strong, the eyes will be strong enough to fight off the invading organisms. Even in the case of accident or trauma, the liver governs the ability and speed of the eyes to heal and regenerate.

Suggestions to strengthen the liver

  • Eat less animal protein and more plant protein (green vegetables).
  • Eat more complex carbohydrates.
  • Make sure digestion and assimilation are healthy.
  • Focus on happy things.
CategoriesDiet/Lifestyle Basics

The Pancreas

The pancreas is an elongated, somewhat flattened organ that is posterior to the stomach and behind the parietal peritoneum. It is attached to the first section of the small intestine (duodenum) by a duct, which transports its digestive juice into the intestine.

Pancreatic juice for digestion – the digestive part of the pancreas.

 Pancreatic juice contains enzymes that digest carbohydrates, fats, proteins and nucleic acids. When the small intestine detects proteins and fats in the chyme, the mucous cells of the small intestine release cholecystokinin into the blood. This is a peptide hormone that stimulates the pancreas to release pancreatic juice. Pancreatic amylase is used for digesting carbohydrates, and pancreatic lipase is used to digest fat. Pancreatic juice also contains trypsin, chymotrypsin and carboxypeptidase, which are used to split proteins into amino acids. Trypsin is secreted in an inactive form by the pancreas so digestion will not begin until the secretions have entered the small intestine, so enterokinase is released by the mucous cells in the small intestine to activate trypsin. Once trypsin is activated, it will activate chymotrypsin and carboxypeptidase. Pancreatic juice also contains two nucleases. These break nucleic acids into nucleotides, which make the pancreatic juice alkaline.

The pancreas and insulin – the endocrine part of the pancreas.

 The pancreas is technically considered an endocrine gland although it has digestive functions. Endocrine refers to cells that secrete hormones. The Islets of Langerhan are the endocrine cells. These cells secrete three distinct hormone secreting cells: alpha cells, which secrete glucagon; beta cells, which secrete insulin; and delta cells, which secrete somatostatin. Glucagon is a protein that stimulates the liver to break down glycogen into glucose. It also converts non-carbohydrates, such as amino acids, into glucose if too much protein is supplied or not enough sugar is supplied in the diet. Glucagon also stimulates the breakdown of fats into fatty acids. Alpha cells will become overstimulated if the blood sugar gets too low because they are stimulated to release extra glucagon so the liver will produce glucose (sugar). Thus alpha cell weakness can be a sign of low blood sugar.

The primary focus of the Islets of Langerhan is really in the beta cells, which secrete insulin. Insulin’s job is exactly opposite that of glucagons. Insulin instructs the liver to convert glucose to glycogen and inhibit conversion of noncarbohydrates into glucose. In other words, glucagon stimulates the body to release more sugar into the blood, and insulin stimulates it to stop the release of sugar into the blood. Thus insulin decreases the concentration of blood glucose (sugar) and it promotes transport of amino acids into cells (needed for tissue-building and repair). They are not antagonist to each other, though; they work together to keep the glucose levels constant rather than allowing spikes, which could cause coma. Insulin is primarily released after a meal when sugar levels are high. Remember that all carbohydrates are sugar, so you do not have to eat sugar to initiate insulin release, but sugar-containing products like candy will surely initiate release as well. It is not good to have high sugar concentrations in the blood (hyperglycemia), so insulin is released so the liver will convert the glucose to glycogen, the storable form of sugar. This sugar is stored in adipose or muscle tissue. This is why sugar is actually more fattening than fat (see below). As insulin levels decrease, the liver does not convert the glucose into glycogen for storage, and this leaves more glucose (sugar) available for nerve cells. Neurons readily use a continuous amount of glucose for ATP production (energy). This is why low blood sugar can cause you to become shaky and lose mental capabilities temporarily, or constantly if you don’t correct it. Thus weak beta cells would tend to indicate a high blood sugar level (not metabolizing, probably due to amylase deficiency or liver weakness, or you just eat too much sugar).

Somatostatin is a hormone released by the delta cells. It helps regulate the secretion of glucagons and insulin so glucose metabolism stays at optimum levels. You might think of somatostatin as the sugar police for the blood.

NOTE 1: If the pancreatic juice cannot be released because of blockage, it creates a painful disease called acute pancreatitis. The trypsinogen backs up into the pancreas and digests part of it in this disease. Blockage can result from alcoholism, physical trauma to the area, gallstones, certain infections and as the resulting side effect of some drugs.

NOTE 2: Cystic fibrosis is a disease where toxins cause water to be drawn into the cells from the surrounding tissues. This leaves the tissues dehydrated, primarily in the lungs and pancreas. With no water, a sticky mucous is left which plugs secretions from the pancreas.

Sugar makes you fat

People have been taught that fat is more fattening than sugar, and, although fat contains nine calories per gram and sugar only contains four, excess sugar is converted to glycogen and stored in the muscles as fat. Fat is not what you need to avoid; sugar is, and, technically, if you eat sugar in the form of complex carbohydrates, the food contains the minerals needed to burn them up by increasing the metabolic rate. If you eat sugar in the form of refined sugar as found in cakes, cookies, candy, pie and most prepared foods (high fructose corn syrup), you are eating sugar with no mineral content, and it is simply stored as fat.

Suggestions to strengthen the pancreas 

  • Avoid refined sugar.
  • Consume a balanced diet of good fats, complex carbohydrates and plant proteins.
  • Make sure the liver and other glands are functioning well
  • Indulge in the sweetness of life (jokes and laughter); the things that make happiness, good memories and dreams.
CategoriesDiet/Lifestyle Basics

Digestion in the Small Intestine

 Small IntestineThe small intestine is a tubular organ that extends from the pyloric sphincter, at the end of the stomach, to the beginning of the large intestine (ileocecal valve). With its many loops and coils, it fills much of the abdominal cavity. It may be 18-20 feet long depending on the size of a person.The small intestine receives secretions from the pancreas and liver (gallbladder), and it completes digestion of the nutrients in the chyme, received from the stomach. It is responsible for absorbing or assimilating the products of digestion and sending the rest of the chyme to the large intestine.

The small intestine should be considered the primary digestive and assimilation organ. The duodenum is the first part of the small intestine. It is more stable than the rest of the small intestine, which is made up of the jejunum and ileum. The mesentery is a double-layered fold of peritoneum that contains the blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic vessels that supply the intestinal wall. As stated, the small intestine receives its food mixture, commonly referred to as chyme, from the stomach. Chyme is very acidic when it comes from the stomach because of the pepsin content. The enzymes from the pancreas help to alkalize it, which is important because the small intestine is an alkaline organ and too much acid will decompose the mucous walls and create ulcers. The small intestine receives the enzymes from the pancreas through an opening in the duodenum, the hepatopancreatic sphincter. This sphincter remains closed unless the small intestine releases cholesystokinin into the blood. This hormone triggers the sphincter to open long enough for a squirt of bile to be released.

The inside of the small intestine looks like velvet because there are innumerable amounts of mucous membranes that contain epithelial cells with microvilli. These microvilli have digestive enzymes embedded in them, including peptidase, sucrase, maltase, lactase and intestinal lipase. These villi and microvilli along with lacteal (lymphatic capillaries) absorb nutrients and place them directly into the blood stream where they are transported to the liver for inspection via the portal vein. The small intestine contains goblet cells which release mucus to protect the walls of the intestine against the acid pepsin that came from the stomach and Brunner’s glands which secrete a watery substance to “float” nutrients to the villi for absorption. Nerve fibers in the intestine monitor the environment and initiate hormone release if needed. These include enterokinase, released to activate trypsin from the pancreas and cholysistokinin, released to trigger opening of the hepatopancreatic sphincter (allowing a squirt of bile in the presence of fat or protein). Secretin and nuclease are released to help alkalize the acid contents. Epithelial cells are replaced every three to six days, meaning they are shed and new ones take their place. This is called cellular turnover.

NOTE 1: When the body is unable to digest lactose, the sugar in milk, osmotic pressure occurs in the intestine, drawing water into the intestine. At the same time, intestinal bacteria feed from the undigested sugar, producing acids and gas. This is why lactose intolerance produces bloating, intestinal cramps and diarrhea. If you have bloating after eating any food, you have a similar issue. It may not be a milk issue, but all foods require certain enzymes, and a bloating reaction simply means you do not have a needed digestive enzyme.

NOTE 2: Malabsorption is a term used when the intestine has the ability to digest, but cannot absorb the nutrients. Ciliac disease is a reaction to gluten when the microvilli become too damaged to absorb. Surgery and removal of lymphatic tissue can cause this as can removal of part of the small intestine (always a mistake).

Suggestions to strengthen the Small Intestine

  • Chew food thoroughly.
  • Don’t drink more than 4 oz. with meals.
  • Heed the rules of food combining because your intestine is too acid.
  • Eat more raw foods.
  • Make sure there are enough enzymes in the body. You may need to supplement some good bitter herbs and/or enzymes with your meal.