CategoriesQuantum Nutrients

Fatty Acid Complex

The concept of a Fatty Acid Complex is new and unique. Most people have been trained to look for Omega 3, 6 or 9 supplements, Flax Seed oil or some form of supplement fish oil. This concept of taking a fish oil or omega supplement has been promoted because the human body cannot synthesize two of the Essential Fatty Acids. Logic dictates that if the body cannot make it, but it is important, it must be supplied from an outside source. But don't misunderstand, it isn't that the body is not getting the fats it needs, it just cannot convert them into usable forms.

Our remedy does two very important things. First of all, it provides the signatures of the many fatty acids you see listed below. If a formula contains every fatty acid known to be of help to the human body, in the very format the body needs it, there is nothing to convert! Most people are getting too many of the fats that are not good, the kind that clog the arteries and cause plaque. So the second attribute of this remedy is that it acts as a detoxifier of the many "bad" fats we get in our diets. Imagine a product that helps supplement the good fats while helping eliminate the bad ones! This amazing formula keeps body chemistry working well so the ratios of your essential fats are in good balance. If you have any complaints related to skin, nerves, hormone problems, emotional regulation, joints, cardiovascular, inflammation, or anything else, the Fatty Acid Complex is an excellent choice.

Fatty acid signatures included:

Adrenic acid, Arachidic acid, Arachidonic acid (AA), Behenic acid, Bosseopentaenoic acid, Butyric acid, Calendic acid, Capric acid, Caprylic acid, Catalpic acid, Cerotic acid, Clupanodonic acid, Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA), Docosadienoic acid, Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), Eicosadienoic acid, Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), Eicosatetraenoic acid (ETA), Eicosatrienoic acid (ETE), Eicosenoic acid, Elaidic acid, Erucic acid, Heneicosapentaenoic acid (HPA), Hexadecatrienoic acid (HTA), Jacaric acid, Lauric acid, Lignoceric acid, Linoleic acid (LA), Linoleic acid (all forms), Linoelaidic acid, Mead acid, Myristic acid, Nervonic acid, Oleic acid, Palmitic acid, Palmitoleic acid, Pinolenic acid, Podocarpic acid, Punicic acid, Rumelenic acid, Rumenic acid, Sapienic acid, Stearic acid, Stearidonic acid (SDA), Tetracosahexaenoic acid (Nisinic acid), Tetracosapentaenoic acid, Tetracosatetraenoic acid, Vaccenic acid, α-Calendic acid, β-Calendic acid, α-Eleostearic acid, β-Eleostearic acid, α-Parinaric acid, β-Parinaric acid.

CategoriesQuantum Nutrients

Enzyme Complex

Enzymes control all of the work being done inside EVERY cell at every moment. The purpose of an enzyme in a cell is to allow the cell to carry out chemical reactions very quickly. These reactions allow the cell to build things or take things apart when needed. This is how a cell grows and reproduces. A cell is really a little bag full of chemical reactions that are made possible only because of enzymes!

Enzymes are known to catalyze about 4,000 biochemical reactions. These enzymes do everything from breaking glucose down for energy to building cell walls, constructing additional enzymes and allowing the cell to reproduce. Enzymes are generally categorized as Digestive or Metabolic. A digestive enzyme is used in your digestive system and is easy to supplement along with your food. A metabolic enzyme is used inside a cell to help with the many thousands of chemical reactions that give you energy and keep you healthy. There has never been a way to supplement metabolic enzymes until now. Our Enzyme Complex contains all of the enzymes necessary for every part of the body. Because we are supplying them in Quantum (energy) form, we are not limited to digestive enzymes alone as other companies are.

Why Is Daily Use Of Our Enzyme Complex Necessary?

Heat, processing and chemicals destroy enzymes, so you get them only in organic, raw foods that you eat. Your body has a back-up system, but the older we get, the weaker that system becomes. Did you know that most of the wrinkles that appear around the mouth and eyes are a sign of enzyme deficiency? Those free radicals, dead skin cells, sun damage and a host of things you try to cover, conceal and cleanse away are essentially there because your body ran out of enzymes! The healing power of enzymes is absolute and proven. Almost every regulatory system in our body depends on enzymes and suffers by their depletion. Coagulation, inflammation, wound healing, and tissue regeneration are a few examples. If you do not currently have any health challenges, daily intake of Enzyme Complex is like money in the bank for your body.

Effectiveness: If you have health issues that appear enzyme related but the Enzyme Complex does not seem effective, remember that enzymes are made from amino acids, so try the Amino Acid Complex. Also, enzymes need a very specific pH, so you may need to measure your pH levels (see topic at Blog) and adjust accordingly.

Digestive Aid vs. Enzyme Complex: Why do we make Digestive Aid when we make such a complete Enzyme Complex here? Digestive Aid should be used if you eat a lot of meat or cooked foods because the body needs some of the actual digestive enzyme that raw, organic fruits and vegetables provide. The Digestive Aid does not contain the Metabolic enzymes this formula contains though.


CategoriesQuantum Nutrients

Amino Acid Complex

Amino acids are the basic building blocks of life itself, they literally account for 20% of the human body! They are a major part of creating the body's cells, hormones, enzymes and all neurotransmitters. Modern nutritional advisors and retailers have focused more on supply and demand of protein / supplement intake than they have on actual utilization of amino acids. What benefit is any element if the body does not know what to do with it?

It is a misconception that you need to ingest a lot of dietary protein to get the amino acids your body needs. In fact, your body gets 5/6ths of the necessary amino acids by recycling old body tissue! This proves how efficient our body is, but it also proves that dietary intake is less important than efficiency of your own body chemistry and metabolic functions. The efficient use of Amino Acids is exactly what our formula was designed for. Our Amino Acid Complex does NOT supply amino acids, it assists the body's chemistry to convert amino acids into usable proteins in the body.

Incredibly, nearly 500 kinds of amino acids have been discovered in nature, but only 20 kinds serve as the constituents of our body proteins. Life exists because complicated combinations of these 20 produce as many as one hundred thousand variations of proteins. As you can see, it is not so much about the intake ratio of proteins and amino acids as it is about the body chemistry and its ability for metabolic processes to be able to convert them into usable substances.

To give you an example of our Amino Acid Complex, we will explain Carnitine, one of the amino acids in our complex. We have the energetic signature of Carnitine's molecular formula, plus we include all the metabolic attributes that make Carnitine bioavailable. This means the ability for conversion of methionine to Carnitine, or the methylation of lysine to Carnitine in the liver, ensuring the ascorbic acid pathways are available for conversion. Imagine how amazing this one of a kind formula will be for your health!

What Does This Formula Help?

  • It helps every metabolic pathway and synthesis of each amino acid so it can build all the necessary protein for the body.
  • It helps any disorder associated with amino acid metabolism such as Nonketotic hyperglycinemia, Urea cycle disorders, Maple Syrup Urine Disease and Homocystinuria.
  • It will inhibit the elevation of the lactic acid level in the blood even during strenuous exercise.
  • This Complex will keep your muscles from feeling tired and sore during exercise. You will feel energized and your muscles will recover and rebuild much faster!
  • It supplements people who do not have a variety of foods in their diet or don't eat very nutritious foods.
  • It is useful for people facing physical and emotional stress, illness, injury and surgery since the body requires more amino acids during those times than food alone can supply, especially when the diet is poor.