
Gluten Allergy


There are so many of them, and so many people have them, but is the allergy the problem or yet another side effect?

An allergy is an overcompensation of the body's immune system when confronted with an element it cannot digest, metabolize or otherwise "deal with." No matter what your allergen is, the body reacts to it as a foreign invader, a bad guy, thus the reaction. The modern world either lives with their allergies or use drugs to suppress the symptoms. But what if you could eliminate them altogether? If an allergy is really the symptom, wouldn't it be nice to identify and eliminate the cause?

WHAT IS AN ALLERGY? During an allergic process, the substance responsible for causing the allergy, or allergen, binds to allergic antibodies present on allergic cells in a person's body, including mast cells and basophils. These cells then release chemicals such as histamine and leukotrienes, resulting in allergic symptoms such as a runny nose, itchy eyes, hives, general swelling, vomiting, diarrhea, trouble breathing, quickened heart rate and finally loss of consciousness because of a drop in the person's blood pressure. This is called anaphylaxis (systemic vasodilation resulting in low blood pressure), which can be caused by a severe allergic reaction. People who are aware of allergens of this level generally carry epipens.

There is a simple allergy test you can do at home if you wish to find exactly what you might be allergic to. Click here for more details.

Conventional treatment of allergies is directed at blocking the immune response, but it would seem wiser to identify the cause of the allergen rather than reduce immune response, which is needed for so many other things in the body. Even better than identifying the allergen would be correcting the reason you have an allergy at all! Why does your body respond in an allergic way? Why does the pollen or that cat make you sneeze, yet other people are not affected by it? Identification of allergies is wonderful when we need to find the cause of an annoying symptom or health condition, but the 'allergy' is not really the answer. The real underlying issue is why YOUR body will not digest or metabolize that item.

The real cause of most allergies is one or more of the following:

  • toxin interfering with digestive capability. In developed countries, the toxin is often GMO foods, or genetically modified foods. These foods are often loaded with BT toxin. Avoid all forms of corn and grains that are not GMO-free.
  • A deficiency of enzymes in the intestine. If you do not eat plenty of raw fruits and veggies daily, you may need to add the Digestive Aid.
  • Lack of fiber and normal bowel elimination - The IC-1 provides the fiber, use it daily if you have allergies, and if your bowels still do not move twice a day, add the Bowel Stimulant.
  • There is often some emotional congestion involved with those that have severe or chronic allergies. You might consider EFT or some method to help heal from that perspective.

NOTE: Dehydration is a huge factor with allergies, particularly if hives are part of the complaint - stop all caffeine! Also keep in mind that gluten, one of the most common allergies, has been over consumed. Original wheat, for example, had 2% gluten while modern wheat has been genetically modified and contains as much as 19% gluten. That is much more than the human body was created to deal with. If you have food allergies or any kind, or any health condition / complaint that is not responding, PLEASE watch this GMO documentary. and make the appropriate dietary changes. There is no medicine for what you must correct At Home!



Giardia infects a number of vertebrates by colonizing and reproducing in the small intestine causing Giardiasis. The parasite is present in the feces of infected people and animals. When water, food or soil sources are contaminated with feces containing giardia, contact with these sources spreads the parasite. Giardia infection occurs most frequently in people traveling to developing countries or in hikers and campers who have consumed untreated water from lakes, streams or ponds. Water is the most common source of contamination.

The symptoms of Giardia may appear 1–2 weeks after becoming infected and include diarrhea, excess gas, stomach or abdominal cramps, upset stomach, and nausea. The signs and symptoms can last for one to two weeks or even longer. The disease affects individuals in various ways. Some people infected with giardia have no symptoms at all, while others may have severe diarrhea or vomiting. Left untreated, Giardia infection may lead to severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalances which can result in shock or coma and may be life threatening.

Person-to-person transmission accounts for the majority of Giardia infections and is usually associated with poor hygiene and sanitation. Water-borne transmission is associated with the ingestion of contaminated water. In the U.S. outbreaks typically occur in small water systems using inadequately treated surface water. Venereal transmission happens through fecal-oral contamination. Additionally, diaper changing and inadequate hand washing are risk factors for transmission from infected children. Lastly, food-borne epidemics of Giardia have developed through the contamination of food by infected food-handlers.



Did you know that 9 out of 10 people have gallstones and don't even know it? Gallstones can be asymptomatic (causing no symptoms), for many years. These gallstones are called "silent stones". The stones are often so small they can't be seen in X-rays or they can be in the liver passages where X-rays won't show them. You may also know you have them, but are experiencing no apparent symptoms.

Gallstones can vary in size and shape from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball. The gallbladder may contain a single large stone or many smaller ones. Pseudoliths, sometimes referred to as sludge, are thick secretions that may be present within the gallbladder, either alone or in conjunction with fully formed gallstones.

On the basis of their composition, gallstones can be divided into the following types:

  • Cholesterol stones which vary from light yellow to dark green or brown and are oval, measure between 2 and 3 cm long with each stone often having a tiny, dark, central spot. To be classified as cholesterol stones, they must be at least 80% cholesterol by weight.
  • Pigment stones are small and dark. They are comprised of bilirubin and calcium salts that are found in bile. They contain less than 20% of cholesterol.
  • Mixed gallstones typically contain 20-80% cholesterol. Other common constituents are calcium carbonate, palmitate phosphate, bilirubin, and other bile pigments. Because of their calcium content, they are often radiographically visible.

Western medicine's belief is that if stones are not causing you pain and if they have not caused a "gallstone attack", then no treatment is necessary. This is not a healthy perspective, but that is modern medicine. The most common medical procedure is to remove gallstones by surgery, called cholecystectomy, and is the removal of the entire gallbladder. Of course gallstones are not created due to a faulty gallbladder, they are formed from one or more of the considerations mentioned below. Their removal is not a solution other than relieving the immediate possible emergency. The body will never function the same without a gallbladder, so I highly discourage its removal. 15% of documented cases suffer terrible gastrointestinal issues, including chronic diarrhea for the REST of their lives if even the slightest complication occurs.

A typical "gallstone attack" is defined when a person may experience intense pain in the upper-right side of the abdomen, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, that steadily increases for approximately 30 minutes to several hours. A person may also experience referred pain between the shoulder blades or below the right shoulder. Often attacks occur after a particularly fatty meal and almost always happen at night


HOME REMEDY: If you believe you have gallstone pain, drink ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar, followed by 8 ounces of 100% apple juice. Organic options are a much better choice. This will relieve the pain, but you need to pass the stones now. Remember that as many as 90% of people in the modern world are likely to have some gallstones, or at least sludge, so the Gallstone Flush should be done by everyone. The Gallstone Flush is something you can do at home, it is not painful, it is inexpensive and you will pass all kinds of things that are better out than in. Remember, if you have had an X-ray and no gallstones were visible, they will often accumulate in the passages of the liver so an X-ray would not show them. If for some reason a person has extremely large gallstones (they have been found the size of golf balls), consider lithotripsy (a kind of ultrasonic shock wave) to break them into smaller pieces, follow up with the Gallstone Flush before you consider harvesting your gallbladder (removing it). Most gallstones can naturally pass through the common bile duct into the duodenum, and are then passed with the next bowel movement. Jaundice and/or clay-colored stool may raise suspicion. If the above symptoms coincide with fever and chills, consider a trip to the emergency room.

Considerations: The primary cause of gallstones is a diet containing too many animal fats and liver congestion. If the liver is not healthy, you may produce too much cholesterol even without meat consumption. This may be a sign of basic vitamin deficiency, like Vitamin C or Folate. A lack of melatonin could significantly contribute to gallbladder stones. Melatonin inhibits cholesterol secretion from the gallbladder, enhances the conversion of cholesterol to bile, and is an antioxidant, which is able to reduce oxidative stress to the gallbladder. Excess estrogen, such as acquired from the birth control pill, can also contribute to gallstone formation.

You probably do not need remedies in addition to the Home Remedies mentioned if the Flush is used as directed. I listed the cholesterol remedy for the gallstones because if gallstone problems persist, it is a cholesterol/liver issue that needs attention. If you continue to have issues, use the Remedies listed as some toxin is probably contributing to gallstone formation.