

Exophiala is a widespread fungus commonly found in soil and sewage. It causes mycetoma and opportunistic infections in humans. This organism is recognized with increasing frequency as a cause of human disease. Human infection caused by Exophiala can be separated into three types: superficial infections, cutaneous and subcutaneous disease, and visceral or systemic disease.

Most cases of infection caused by Exophiala are included in the first two categories. Visceral or systemic disease is very rare. Cases of pneumonia, fungaemia, central nervous system infection, endocarditis and peritonitis have been reported. Systemic diseases have occurred mostly in patients with predisposing factors such as organ transplant, leukemia, cystic fibrosis, HIV infection and dialysis, catheter-related infection and cystic fibrosis.

Researchers tested home dishwashers and found Exophiala in 62% of them.



Epidermophyton is a genus of fungus found worldwide that causes superficial and cutaneous infection. Human beings are the primary host of Epidermophyton and it is found in soil.

This fungus can affect otherwise healthy people with dermatophytosis such as tinea corporis (ringworm), tinea cruris (jock itch), tinea pedis (athlete's foot), and onychomycosis or tinea unguium, a fungal infection of the nail bed. This infection is restricted to the nonliving cornified layers of epidermis.

Keratinized tissues restrict the dissemination of infection caused by dermatophytes. As with all forms of dermatophytosis, Epidermophyton infections are communicable and usually transmitted by contact, particularly in common showers and gym facilities.



There are different species of the Entamoeba parasite. While humans can be hosts to at least six species of Entamoeba, only one species is thought to cause disease. Entamoeba parasites are transmitted by the ingestion of food or water supplies which have been contaminated by the fecal material of infected animals. They burrow through the intestinal wall and spread through the bloodstream to infect other organs, such as the liver, lungs and brain.

Entamoeba histolytica is among the most dangerous of the species and live predominantly in tropical areas. It can cause severe diarrhea with blood. Other more mild yet chronic symptoms may be:

  • frequent loose stools
  • abdominal pain
  • cramps
  • fatigue
  • intermittent constipation
  • diarrhea with abdominal swelling
  • flatulence

Entamoeba gingivalis can be found within the spaces between the teeth and is associated with periodontal disease and gingivitis. As the photo implies, you can get this little fellow simply by kissing someone that has it. That might remind you to floss, but even better than flossing is avoiding foods that feed the germs in the mouth. These are mainly refined carbohydrates.

Entamoeba coli, another entamoeba, is found in human's large intestines. It is not the same as E-coli (Escherichia coli) which is a harmful bacteria you get from eating raw or uncooked meat.



Endolimax is a genus of amoebozoa found in the intestines of various animals and humans. Originally thought to be non-pathogenic, studies suggest it can cause intermittent or chronic diarrhea. It is very significant in medicine because it can provide false positives for other tests, such as the similar species Entamoeba histolytica (the pathogen responsible for amoebic dysentery), and because its presence indicates the host has consumed fecal material.

Similar to other parasites acquired through the fecal-oral route, symptoms include diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain.



Echo (Enteric Cytopathic Human Orphan) viruses are found in the gastrointestinal tract (hence it being part of the enterovirus genus) and exposure to these viruses causes other opportunistic infections and diseases. Echovirus is highly infectious, and its primary target is children. The echovirus is among the leading causes of acute febrile illness in infants and young children, and is the most common cause of aseptic meningitis. Infection of an infant with this virus following birth may cause severe systemic diseases and is associated with high infant mortality rates. The echovirus can mimic symptoms caused by other common bacterial and viral infections.

Some viral replications of an echovirus occur in the nasopharynx after infection and then spread to regional lymph nodes. However, most viral particles are swallowed and they reach the lower abdominal tract, where the virus is presumed to bind to specific receptors. The virus then spreads to the lower intestinal tract, replicating but not causing any major cellular effects along the way. Then the virus spreads to many secondary sites in the body such as the central nervous system, liver, spleen, bone marrow, heart and finally the lungs. Additional replication of the virus will occur, causing symptoms 4 to 6 days after infection. The most deadly part is delayed when symptoms of a central nervous system disease start to appear. Echoviruses are capable of infecting any cell in the body and are highly infectious. They can spread through the air to other hosts 1–3 weeks after infection and through feces to other hosts eight weeks after infection.

Echovirus disease occurs disproportionately in males and children. Infection within the first two weeks of birth can cause devastating and potentially fatal disease. In this population, death usually results from overwhelming liver failure or myocarditis, rather than infection of the central nervous system. Older children and adults have a better prognosis. Myocarditis is the most frequent complication in adults. Echovirus, like the other Enteroviruses Coxsackievirus A and B, typically cause a mild, nonspecific illness with a low fever. It may also produce a rash that spreads from the face down to the neck, upper extremities, and chest. Laboratory diagnosis is made with acute and convalescent titers of serum antibodies to Echovirus.

Causes of echovirus infections (Acute meningitis) can be placed in several categories. The main causes of infection are from overcrowded conditions such as the poor districts of a city and poor hygiene. Echoviruses are transmitted person-to-person with the fecal-oral route as the predominant mode, although transmission can occur via respiration of oral secretions such as saliva. Indirect transmission occurs through numerous routes, including contaminated water, food, and fomites (inanimate objects). Contaminated swimming and wading pools can also transmit the virus. In addition, there are well-documented reports of transmission via the contaminated hands of hospital personnel.

It is more effective to Detox the entire family of viruses in this category, so the Enterovirus is the remedy of choice if you believe Echovirus is a concern.


Ear pain

The pain of 'earache' results from inflammation and swelling of the structures that make up the ear. Ear infections are one of the most common reasons parents take their children to the doctor. While there are different types of ear infections, the most common is called otitis media, which means an inflammation and infection of the middle ear (generally the Eustachian tube). Another common infection is Otitis externa which causes itching, redness, pain and hearing loss is a condition of the outer ear canal, and is often referred to as Swimmer's ear. Please refer to that page for more information.

Ear pain (infection) is generally caused by either a viral or bacterial infection of the middle ear. Infants may not be able to communicate their ear pain and can become fussy and irritable. An ear infection can cause temporary loss of hearing, ringing or buzzing in the ear. A medical test will tell you that ear infection often follows a cold or upper respiratory tract infection that causes inflammation of the Eustachian tube and prevents normal fluid drainage from the middle ear. The Eustachian tube runs from the middle of each ear to the back of the throat. This tube drains fluid normally made in the middle ear. If the Eustachian tube becomes blocked for any reason, fluid can build up, and this can lead to infection. Ear infections are more common in infants and children, because the Eustachian tubes become more easily clogged.

So why do some people (kids) keep getting ear infections while others never seem to have a problem? First of all, breast fed babies rarely get ear infections. In part it is because the sucking action helps keep the ears draining properly. But the #1 reason for ear infections and the need for tubes in the ears is a dairy allergy! This is a well known fact among holistic Pediatricians. Nearly 90% of ear issues are caused by an allergy to dairy. But the deeper question is why the body is allowing the Eustachian ear to inflame, why is it not draining fluid properly? The answer is the allergy. The reaction to the allergen causes inflammation of the internal ear and as germs find their way there, the body is unable to fight them off without causing secondary infections.

The most common secondary allergy that causes ear problems is corn. If you have a baby that is breast fed and still having issues, consider the mother's consumption of dairy and corn. Even though ear infections are thought to occur most often after colds and respiratory infections, why is the child getting those to start with? Once again, the immune system may be compromised with the dairy or corn. If you suspect corn as the allergen, the mother is probably very deficient in B vitamins.

Ear aches are often attributed to bottle feeding or use of sippy cups while the child is lying flat rather than reclined. Most of these cases are when the baby is drinking formula of some kind. This is why the remedy of choice for ear ache is the Allergy Remedy. I suggested the Kidney Support in addition to Ear support because the energy of the Kidney must be depleted for ear conditions to occur. The reason I suggest the Enzyme Complex is because the deeper cause of an Allergy is lack of digestion, so you need to get that working better.

Mother's milk is the best milk for a baby. There are rare cases where a mother is very sick or toxic and the milk is not very healthy for the baby. In these cases, of if a mother cannot breast feed, goat milk is the second best option. Raw, fresh (properly strained) unpasteurized goat milk is the best. If you have concerns about using the milk raw, put a few drops of colloidal silver in it to "disinfect" it. If you cannot find it locally and raw, canned goat milk is a good alternative. However purchase raw if that is an option in your area.

Other reasons for ear infections:

  • A sinus infection can cause some ear pain.
  • Teething and infection in the teeth can cause ear pain.
  • Being sick with a cold (stopped up ears) can cause some ear pain.
  • Objects lodged in the ear, perhaps food or a piece of a toy?
  • Infection in the adenoids or tonsils.

WARNING: Sudden drainage of yellow or green fluid from the ear may mean a ruptured eardrum and you may want to seek professional help. If the ear pain includes fever, vomiting or diarrhea, or you see any blood in the ear, please seek medical attention.

HOME REMEDY: For pain in the ear, put a drop of 3% hydrogen peroxide in the ear. This can be done with any child over 6 months of age. The fizzy noise often scares small children, but it should not cause any pain. This will help to neutralize the germ causing the infection. If the pain continues after 5 minutes, put a ¼ - ½ cup of regular salt in a cotton sock. Heat the sock and salt in the oven or microwave so it is nice and warm, but not hot enough to burn the skin. Lay the ear that hurts on the sock with the salt in it. This is an almost magical remedy!


E. Coli


Escherichia coli (commonly abbreviated E. coli) and related bacteria constitute about 0.1% of stomach flora. The fact that it was found in the colon is why it was called coli! Fecal-oral transmission is the major route through which pathogenic strains of the bacterium cause disease. Most E. coli strains are harmless, but some serotypes (refers to distinct variations within a subspecies of bacteria or viruses) can cause serious food poisoning in humans, and are occasionally responsible for product recalls. The harmless strains are part of the normal flora of the stomach and can benefit their hosts by producing vitamin K2. They prevent the establishment of pathogenic bacteria within the intestine, yet certain species are human pathogens and the most common cause of urinary tract infections.

Virulent strains of E. coli can cause gastroenteritis, urinary tract infections, and neonatal meningitis. In rare cases, virulent strains are also responsible for hemolytic-uremic syndrome, peritonitis, mastitis, septicemia and Gram-negative pneumonia.

This Quantum Formula antidotes the various species in the Escherichia genus, the many subspecies of E. coli, along with methanogens lactate, succinate, ethanol, acetate, carbon dioxide, pyruvic acid, formic acid, hydrogen, amino acids, oxygen, nitrate, dimethyl sulfoxide and trimethylamine N-oxide.


Ear (ache, infection, pain)

The pain of 'earache' results from inflammation and swelling of the structures that make up the ear. Ear infections are one of the most common reasons parents take their children to the doctor. While there are different types of ear infections, the most common is called otitis media, which means an inflammation and infection of the middle ear (generally the Eustachian tube). Another common infection is Otitis externa which causes itching, redness, pain and hearing loss is a condition of the outer ear canal, and is often referred to as Swimmer's ear. Please refer to that page for more information.

Ear pain (infection) is generally caused by either a viral or bacterial infection of the middle ear. Infants may not be able to communicate their ear pain and can become fussy and irritable. An ear infection can cause temporary loss of hearing, ringing or buzzing in the ear. A medical test will tell you that ear infection often follows a cold or upper respiratory tract infection that causes inflammation of the Eustachian tube and prevents normal fluid drainage from the middle ear. The Eustachian tube runs from the middle of each ear to the back of the throat. This tube drains fluid normally made in the middle ear. If the Eustachian tube becomes blocked for any reason, fluid can build up, and this can lead to infection. Ear infections are more common in infants and children, because the Eustachian tubes become more easily clogged.

So why do some people (kids) keep getting ear infections while others never seem to have a problem? First of all, breast fed babies rarely get ear infections. In part it is because the sucking action helps keep the ears draining properly. But the #1 reason for ear infections and the need for tubes in the ears is a dairy allergy! This is a well known fact among holistic Pediatricians. Nearly 90% of ear issues are caused by an allergy to dairy. But the deeper question is why the body is allowing the Eustachian ear to inflame, why is it not draining fluid properly? The answer is the allergy. The reaction to the allergen causes inflammation of the internal ear and as germs find their way there, the body is unable to fight them off without causing secondary infections.

The most common secondary allergy that causes ear problems is corn. If you have a baby that is breast fed and still having issues, consider the mother's consumption of dairy and corn. Even though ear infections are thought to occur most often after colds and respiratory infections, why is the child getting those to start with? Once again, the immune system may be compromised with the dairy or corn. If you suspect corn as the allergen, the mother is probably very deficient in B vitamins.

Ear aches are often attributed to bottle feeding or use of sippy cups while the child is lying flat rather than reclined. Most of these cases are when the baby is drinking formula of some kind. This is why the remedy of choice for ear ache is the Allergy Remedy. I suggested the Kidney Support in addition to Ear support because the energy of the Kidney must be depleted for ear conditions to occur. The reason I suggest the Enzyme Complex is because the deeper cause of an Allergy is lack of digestion, so you need to get that working better.

Mother's milk is the best milk for a baby. There are rare cases where a mother is very sick or toxic and the milk is not very healthy for the baby. In these cases, of if a mother cannot breast feed, goat milk is the second best option. Raw, fresh (properly strained) unpasteurized goat milk is the best. If you have concerns about using the milk raw, put a few drops of colloidal silver in it to "disinfect" it. If you cannot find it locally and raw, canned goat milk is a good alternative. However purchase raw if that is an option in your area.

Other reasons for ear infections:

  • A sinus infection can cause some ear pain.
  • Teething and infection in the teeth can cause ear pain.
  • Being sick with a cold (stopped up ears) can cause some ear pain.
  • Objects lodged in the ear, perhaps food or a piece of a toy?
  • Infection in the adenoids or tonsils.

WARNING: Sudden drainage of yellow or green fluid from the ear may mean a ruptured eardrum and you may want to seek professional help. If the ear pain includes fever, vomiting or diarrhea, or you see any blood in the ear, please seek medical attention.

HOME REMEDY: For pain in the ear, put a drop of 3% hydrogen peroxide in the ear. This can be done with any child over 6 months of age. The fizzy noise often scares small children, but it should not cause any pain. This will help to neutralize the germ causing the infection. If the pain continues after 5 minutes, put a ¼ - ½ cup of regular salt in a cotton sock. Heat the sock and salt in the oven or microwave so it is nice and warm, but not hot enough to burn the skin. Lay the ear that hurts on the sock with the salt in it. This is an almost magical remedy!