Whether it is from a hornet, yellow jacket, wasp or honey bee, stings hurt! Most people will have only a localized reaction to a bee sting. The normal reaction to a bee sting is for the skin to turn red and feel painful. Swelling and/or itching may also occur, but the pain usually disappears within a few hours. Symptoms vary from local reactions of pain to redness at the sting site and/or the formation of a wheal (raised bump usually pale in color). Localized itching is common and redness in the first 24 hours can become as large as 12 to 18 inches in diameter. Within this large local reaction sting site, swelling, redness, and pain may persist for up to a week. Areas adjacent to the site of the skin may also be involved in the large local reaction.
In a systemic allergic reaction, the entire body is affected. The victim may develop hives, redness, or swelling at sites on the body distant from the site of the sting. This is NOT a good sign. Symptoms can also include vomiting, nausea , diarrhea, and dizziness. In anaphylactic reactions, victims experience wheezing, difficulty breathing, and a drop in blood pressure that leads to shock if not treated promptly. Most anaphylactic reactions do occur within the first 15 to 30 minutes. 60% of reactions occur in the first hour and the remaining 40% occur within 3 to 4 hours. If there is not a severe reaction within 5 hours, the chances are very good that one will not occur. People who know they are highly allergic may carry around epinephrine in the form of a self-injectable EpiPen for the treatment of an anaphylactic shock.
The first step in treatment following a bee sting is removal of the stinger itself. Only honey bees leave the stinger and poison gland; yellow jackets, wasps, and hornets do not. The stinger should be removed as quickly as possible, there is no right or wrong way. A delay of even a few seconds leads to more venom being injected. Bee venom is acidic as it contains the highly acidic peptide melittin. Anything that will reduce the acidity will relieve the pain. The problem is that the acidity is active under the tissue and skin, so it is hard to apply an effective alkalizer. There are many HOME REMEDIES rumored to work, but it is hard to beat the effectiveness of an ice cube or some commercial toothpaste on the sting site. Within 20 minutes the pain should go from a 10 down to a 2 or better.
The Bee Detox Remedy helps the body detoxify apitoxin, melittin, phospholipase A2, hyaluronidase, apamin, kinins, histamine and alarm pheromones. Detoxification of these poisons and related toxins will help the body be much less reactive to bee venom so fear of anaphylaxis will no longer be an issue.
Remember that our Liquid Detox is one of the most effective remedies for treating/healing bites and wounds. It is powerful at helping reduce pain, swelling and itching, and is very effective at preventing infection. You can apply it directly to the bite or wound or soak the absorbent part of a band aid (3-5 drops) in Liquid Detox and apply it to the bite or wound.