
Brown Recluse Spider Detox Information

The brown recluse spider's venom is extremely poisonous, even more potent than that of a rattlesnake. However, the recluse spider venom causes less disease than a rattlesnake bite because of the small quantities injected into its victims. Still, the venom of the brown recluse is toxic to cells and tissues.

Brown recluse spider bites often go unnoticed initially because they are typically painless bites. Occasionally, some minor burning that feels like a bee sting is noticed at the time of the bite. Symptoms usually develop two to eight hours after a bite. Characteristic violin-shaped markings on their backs are the reason why brown recluse spiders have also been named fiddleback spiders. Most bites cause little tissue destruction and bites from non-brown recluse spiders pose no real threat.

Brown Recluse Bite Symptoms:
  • severe pain at bite site after about four hours
  • severe itching
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • fever
  • myalgias (muscle pain)

Initially the bite site is slightly red and close inspection may reveal fang marks. Often the bite site will become firm and heal with little scaring over the next few days or weeks. Occasionally, the local reaction will be more severe with erythema (redness) and blistering. This can lead to a blue discoloration and ultimately, lead to a necrotic lesion and scarring. Signs that may be present include:

  • blistering (common)
  • necrosis (death) of skin and subcutaneous fat (less common)
  • severe destructive necrotic lesions with deep wide borders (rare)
  • in severe cases, renal failure, seizures and coma, even death can occur.
After a spider bite:
  • Apply ice to decrease pain and swelling (never use heat!).
  • Elevate area, if possible, above the level of the heart.
  • Wash the area thoroughly with cool water and mild soap.
  • Avoid any strenuous activity because this can spread the spider's venom in the skin.

Our Brown Recluse Spider Detox Remedy is an antidote to the destructive cytotoxic and hemolytic poisons as well as the destructive enzymes hyaluronidase, deoxyribonuclease, ribonuclease, alkaline phosphatase, lipase. It deactivates the protein Sphingomyelinase D, C-reactive protein and balances the factors that contribute to inflammation such as histamines, cytokines, interleukins, arachidonic acid, prostaglandins, and chemotactic infiltration of neutrophils.


The most dangerous part of a brown recluse bite is not the bite itself, but the infection that sets in after the bite. Necrosis (tissue death) along the bite site can lead to serious MRSA infections and other secondary infections that can lead to wounds such as that in the photo. If you have a current bite wound, PLEASE use the Liquid Detox on the wound several times a day and take a colloidal silver (18ppm) supplement internally, possibly even externally on the wound as well.

Remember that our Liquid Detox is one of the most effective remedies for treating/healing bites and wounds. It is powerful at helping reduce pain, swelling and itching, and is very effective at preventing infection. You can apply it directly to the bite or wound or soak the absorbent part of a band aid (3-5 drops) in Liquid Detox and apply it to the bite or wound.