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Dr. DeHaan’s Healing Discovery

Traditional, or modern medicine is based on Newtonian principles, which promote that the body cannot heal, it can only be maintained. This is why the world of medicine is based on medication and surgery, because Newton believed that once you are ill, the best you can do is maintain from that point. So instead of helping the body heal from gallbladder disease, they just cut it out. Instead of trying to help the immune system rid the infection causing tonsillitis, they just cut it out. Even medication does not initiate any healing, it just covers up the symptom like a pain pill. Sadly, modern medicine has become a financially based corporation that treats the body more like a piece of mechanical equipment than it does a living organism created with the inherent miracle to heal itself. All it needs to do that are the right ingredients and tools.

Discovery #1, not deficiency, but dormancy

Diet and lifestyle obviously play a large part in how well your body is able to heal and how quickly it will respond to treatment when a health condition arises. But when people think of natural healing, the first thought generally goes to supplements. We consider that if the body is sick, it must have become deficient in some essential element – maybe a vitamin or mineral or fatty acid? Building the immune system with herbal supplements and high quality vitamins and minerals is an excellent idea! Dr. DeHaan utilized this line of thinking in his practice for quite some time, until he discovered something far more effective.

This theory has been tried and proven with phenomenal success for almost two decades! In a nutshell, the body never becomes deficient and never actually runs out of a nutrient! Wow! What? To help understand this concept, think of every nutrient in your body like a light bulb. If you walk into a room and the light is off, your first thought is not that you need to change the light bulb. No, your first thought is that you need to flip the switch and turn the current on so the bulb will light up. What most people don’t realize is that the nutrition they ingest in a healthy diet is only utilized because there is a current, a frequency that charges that nutrient to make it nutritionally effective.

How does this essential current become dormant? Sometimes it is inherited, it can also be from eating a diet that is unhealthy and unbalanced, age can be a factor and accumulated toxins contribute a lot. Your body exhibits symptoms as if the nutrient or element is not there, but it simply became inactive, unavailable. When you supply the current, the nutrients are ‘powered on,’ the body’s intelligence and immune system are restored, symptoms dissipate and tissues begin to heal. And so Dr. DeHaan’s primary method of treatment is by supplying the frequency, the current, needed to turn everything back on. All of the Quantum Nutrients listed under the Nutrition section were created for this exact reason.

Discovery #2, there is always a toxin present

The main reason the immune system needs help staying ‘alert and ready’ is because of the many toxins and poisons the body is exposed to. The human body has always had to fight bacteria, fungus and viruses, these have been around as long as mankind has. So why doesn’t the immune system take care of these things any more? Why do some infections rage out of control? And why do people have so many allergies and issues that the immune system should be taking care of?

The modern world exposes the human body to more than 100,000 FDA approved toxins and poisons, many of which are known to cause cancer and other health issues. These are a new threat to the body that the immune system was never designed to deal with. Consider household cleaning agents, vaccinations, toiletries, fluoride, preservatives, artificial flavorings, genetically modified foods, environmental pollution, environmental radiation, medications, etc. Because the human body was not designed to deal with most of these toxins and poisons, they simply accumulate in body tissues and eventually become the cause of many health issues. When the body gets overwhelmed with these poisons, the immune system becomes unable to deal with the day-to-day microorganisms that we are exposed to. Infections rage out of control, viruses and bacteria mutate, and the immune system is simply too busy to take care of it all. Now we can do our best shopping for the right supplements, spending money and hoping those pills we swallow will pay off or why don’t we just target the reason the immune system is overwhelmed? Get rid of the irritating factor and the immune system is no longer over worked! Perhaps this helps you understand why we have so many options under the detox section.

Discovery #3, treat it from every angle

Perhaps you have noticed that alternative, or holistic practitioners tend to specialize in certain modalities. The Acupuncturist uses one method, the Chiropractor another, the person that specializes in diet and Nutrition has a different way, the Homeopath uses another, etc. Everyone has a theory on how and what the body needs to get well naturally. If you break down all the different ways the body heals, you have three primary categories that are essential (not including emotional, spiritual):

  1. Nutritional balance
  2. Balance to the organ/gland
  3. Detoxification

The Get Well, Stay Well At Home system is designed to target all three. If the right combination of remedies are used, the nutrition needed to make the organ/gland healthier is supplied and detoxification occurs, which further allows the organs and glands to heal. This website was set up in such a way that you can find the Symptom or Disease you struggle with (we call this your health condition). On that page it will suggest the best combination of remedies for you. If you don’t have a particular symptom you need to address, you might consider the System remedy that is a weak tendency in your family tree. For example, a history of colon cancer, read up on cancer and use the Large Intestine remedy. Feel free to use our On-Line Consultation option if you need help identifying the right combination.

CategoriesBe Your Own Doctor!

Every Illness Is Curable

Only A Lack Of Understanding How To Heal It.

Doctors can’t heal anyone, not even Dr. DeHaan can heal. The only reason you recovered the last time you were sick is because your body healed itself. Each person is born with that potential. Your body knows exactly how to achieve optimal health. It knows how to eliminate disease, how to increase energy, how to boost its immune system and even how to live longer. Every cell in your body instinctively knows how to heal! So why aren’t you healthy and well?

According to medical science, the human body completely renews itself every 7 years! The cornea replaces itself every 24 hours, the skin every 14 days, the blood cells every 90 days, the soft tissue every 6 months, and the dense tissue every 2-7 years.

If the entire body is continually creating new cells, why do we still have sickness and disease? Why are we aging, obese, out of shape, and have no energy? Why doesn’t the body make new, healthy cells instead of diseased duplicates every time cells reproduce? As you can see, there is never a valid reason for illness, only a lack of understanding on how to create new, healthy cells rather than old, diseased duplicates.

Masking the problem with drugs is not the answer, and cutting the body with surgery is not the answer. Allowing your body to return to its original homeostasis where it can heal and regenerate itself is the answer. Modern medicine says there is no cure, but we disagree!

We all know that diet plays an important role in health, but real life is too hectic, busy or emotional to eat nutritious foods all the time. Often even people who eat healthy diets get sick and develop disease too, it just takes longer. Depletion of the soil and genetic manipulation of food make it very difficult to find honest-to-goodness healthy choices even if you search for them. Please don’t misunderstand me, diet and exercise are important, but diet is no longer the primary factor in the disease process.

One of the keys to creating new, healthy cells rather than making more sick ones is detoxification. The DETOX button above has many detox options. The reason we offer so many options is because detoxification is a HUGE key to  getting well. It is impossible to avoid all the toxins in the modern world, so it isn’t about avoidance, it is about removal of the toxins that keep cells from performing their designed actions and functions. We are exposed to toxins in the foods we eat, the beverages we drink, our environment, medications, vaccinations, other people, dental work, not to mention what we inherit from our parents. Toxins accumulate in the tissues of the body and eventually inhibit normal function of cells. This is the cause for your symptoms, disease, aging, hormone problems, lack of energy and many other health issues. As you might guess, these toxins also inhibit your body’s ability to make the new, healthy cells we seek. Cells can only reproduce a copy of what they have available and most of us have a large amount of toxic poisons accumulated in our body for them to reproduce.

The miracle of healing was created in each of us. This is not a theory, it is a scientific fact. Of course, we have thousands of cases and 20 years of experience as proof of that as well. But that healing miracle  must be activated. Review the GWSW protocols and get started on your healing journey today!

CategoriesAll About Supplementing

About GWSW Products

We provide you with two different kinds of Remedies/Supplements on our site. Under the Nutrition tab you will find our Nutritional products. These are herbal combinations made with ingredients of the highest quality. As you cruise around our website, you will notice that the majority of products offered on our site are NOT Nutritional Supplements. We believe that energy medicine is much more effective than Nutritionals (more info), assuming each person is getting a decent diet intake. For those on the road all the time, those that do not get enough vegetable fiber, don’t eat enough raw vegetables, or just plain don’t like to eat well, we have created something you can take each day to assure you are getting the basics.

For those few Nutritional products we DO offer, you will find the combinations are not just a list of herbal ingredients known to be good for their task, but they also had to be energetically matched. It is much like picking a good team, but just because you put 10 people with similar skills on a team doesn’t mean they will work well together. We were very selective and did thorough testing to assure that the electrochemical components of each ingredient was compatible and complimentary with the other ingredients.

In addition to compatible herbal ingredients, we have imprinted the Nutritional products with the Quantum signatures of each ingredient. This process is very important. You see, all nutrients consists of two parts: a physical molecule and a micro current that makes that molecule effective in the body. Molecules without current are about as effective as a light bulb without electricity. The bulb is there, but it is not going to work without current.

We imprint the contents of each product with a series of very specific electromagnetic signatures to assure you get not just a high quality ingredient, but the electromagnetic part that makes that ingredient effective! This process is very unique and one of a kind.

As stated above, the majority of products offered on our site are NOT Nutritional Supplements. You will find Symptom Relief Remedies, System Support Remedies, Detox Remedies and even some Quantum Nutritional Remedies. These remedies come in liquid format and are similar to a homeopathic. Similar in that it is “energy medicine,” but not the same in that our remedies are much more complex and much more advanced than a traditional homeopathic. This process was invented by Dr. DeHaan, so there is no other remedy system like it on the planet. The formulas, creation and production are a process founded in advanced Quantum Physics. This is why we call our remedies Quantum Remedies.

Obviously our methods are proprietary, but in basic terms, the liquid in our Quantum Remedies contain carefully imprinted micro currents which act like a set of directions. Think of it like burning 10 of your favorite songs onto a CD. When the burn process is complete, the CD does not weigh any more, and you cannot see the song on the CD, but it is there. When you take a dose of out Quantum Remedies, the information travels through your nervous system at about 200mph sending signals to the many areas, parts or functions targeted by that remedy. We do not heal, and the remedies do not heal. What they do is provide your brain and your immune system with information needed to remind it, encourage it, to start working for you again. The remedy turns all those switches back on and activates your innate healing miracle.

NOTE: Because we have not placed the herb in the solution, only the micro current, it allows for a large percent of each product to be instantly absorbed. This means trouble with digestion or assimilation is never a factor.

Please read “Dr. DeHaan’s Healing Discovery” to fully understand why we are so excited to offer you energy medicine rather than the handfuls of supplements you may be used to taking. If you have a history of taking Nutritional Supplements, you may want to look at the posts under the Supplement tab to your left.

CategoriesAll About Cleansing At Home

Detox Is NOT The Same As Cleansing

We believe Detox is one of the most imperative aspects of Getting Well or Staying Well in the modern world. Think of it this way, if you get a splinter in your hand and leave it there, you can hardly expect your immune system to take care of it just because you put Neosporin on it and wrap up the wound. You actually need to take the splinter out of the wound or the body will create an infection. You probably think the body was designed to deal with day-to-day toxins and poisons, isn’t that what the immune system is for? So let’s discuss the difference between Detox and Cleansing.

Most people believe that Detox and cleansing are the same thing or just don’t understand the difference. Dr. DeHaan describes cleansing as the body’s natural process of ‘eliminating’ daily waste material produced by natural body functions. Similar to your car producing exhaust when it burns the gasoline, your body also produces waste material. Every cell in the body is continually burning fuel to keep you alive. A healthy body is well equipped to deal with most of these natural toxins through the channels of elimination (sweating, bowel movements, urine and exhaling carbon dioxide). If it is part of the natural and normal function of the body, it is considered part of the cleansing process. Many people, whether due to unhealthy lifestyle or inherent issues, have difficulty with elimination. We provide IC-1 to act as a daily fiber and Bowel Stimulant to “get the job done” under the Nutrition tab. While these products help restore the body’s natural cleansing process, this is cleansing, not Detox.

Detox, on the other hand, helps eliminate toxins and poisons that the body was never designed to deal with. They are those items that were not created as part of nature. The body is exposed to more than 100,000 FDA approved toxins, many of which are known to cause cancer and other health issues. Human ingenuity can accomplish some amazing things, but they also make and use some pretty harmful agents. Here are some of the most common:

  • household cleaning agents
  • vaccinations
  • toiletries
  • fluoride
  • preservatives
  • artificial flavorings
  • genetically modified foods
  • environmental pollution
  • environmental radiation
  • medications

Because the human body was not designed to deal with most of these toxins and poisons, they simply accumulate in body tissues and eventually become the cause of many health issues.

In the past two decades of clinical practice, Dr. DeHaan has discovered that all symptoms, illnesses, diseases or health issues have some form of toxin that has accumulated. Often the responsible toxin isn’t even something exotic. Time after time, Dr. DeHaan finds common bacteria, fungus or even parasites that the immune system should have taken care of. Unfortunately, the accumulation of those toxins that the body is not designed to deal with keep the immune system working overtime ‘trying’ to keep you healthy. With the immune system busy, the more common toxins just slip by the body’s natural defenses and now become a health challenge.

Use the right Detox remedy and you will experience much more dramatic healing results. Sometimes it is hard to know which remedy will be the most effective for your condition.  That is why we have experts you can ask through our On-Line Consulting. You certainly will not harm yourself or your body in any way by choosing the wrong remedy. In the worst case scenario, you simply won’t get the desired results.

CategoriesAll About Cleansing At Home Uncategorized

Elimination, Do It Or Get Sick

Elimination of waste is very important to your health. Waste is created during the digestive process and the metabolic process, not to mention waste formed from all the foods we eat. Waste is also created when toxins accumulate and interfere with normal cellular functions. In today’s society, with our preservative laden diet, normal waste is produced faster than the body can eliminate it. If the body cannot eliminate waste normally, it will eventually accumulate into all areas of the body and be used as host material for toxins to become stored and germs to thrive.

When I discuss elimination, I am referring to bowel health. I don’t want to reference bowel movements because everyone thinks they are normal. But if everyone had a “normal” elimination pattern that was also healthy, colon cancer would not be one of the top killer diseases.

It has been stated that if the bowels eliminated all the waste material it received, the body would never have any pain, sickness or disease (Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, by Bernard Jensen). With that knowledge, how many people have a healthy bowel? Keep in mind that healthy does not mean a bowel movement every morning, it doesn’t even mean several bowel movements. The word “regular” means at least one bowel movement for each meal eaten. Wow! Are you kidding me? My doctor told me that whatever my body does is regular for me … and I only have a bowel movement once a week. Yea, well, the doctor that agrees with that advice is probably going to be a colon cancer statistic.

According to Bernard Jensen’s research, if the bowels eliminated properly and the environment of the intestine remained healthy (sufficient fiber, water and exercise), there would be little or no disease. Not only a disease free colon, but if you keep the colon happy, healthy and all the poisons moving out, the entire body remains disease free.

The main cause of aging is actually an excessive amount of toxins that accumulate and begin to stifle cellular regeneration. Many people believe Acidophilus (also known as flora or good bacteria) is of utmost importance to colon health and while it is extremely important (and included in IC-1) flora will naturally replicate and remain at healthy levels if the environment of the intestine is good. Many people suffer with yeast or candida infections and most of that is what we call opportunistic yeast. When the environment of the colon gets bad, these little guys leave the area. When they do this, they cause infection known as candida. So the greatest cure for most candida is actually … yup, bowel health.

Modern medicine has found that by the age of 50, the average person has accumulated 50 pounds of sludge in the large intestine. This is due to a lack of stimulation in the intestine. We have seen countless people increase energy and stamina and lose much of their belly weight and fat simply from ridding the extra sludge from the intestine. Most people gain their weight around the waist and while people tend to think it is fat, often it is nothing more than backed up waste that never found its way out of the intestine. The body knows that too many toxins will damage tissues so it will begin to store extra toxins as fat (primarily visceral fat) and even as tumors! If the environment of the intestine becomes healthy, much of that fat and growths just disappear into the toilet. All the extra toxins in the blood put extra stress on the liver, kidney and spleen, and keep the lymphatic system from draining. The lungs also suffer as they are the paired organ to the colon (five element theory).

It is important, no, it is vital, that your intestines are moving on a regular basis, which means at least once for every meal eaten, and that all the waste is exiting the body. Technically speaking, 95% of the food you eat should be coming out of the body. The 5% that is left contains the nutrition the body extracts from the food as it passes through the intestine. Of course, in today’s world, it is doubtful that 5% of what we eat is nutritious. Maybe fillers, colors, dyes and pesticides, but I doubt 5% of it is actually nutrition unless your diet is made primarily of raw, organic fruits, vegetables and grains, so maybe we should expect more than the 95%?

If any part of elimination is not functioning well, the body cannot detoxify and detoxification is probably the single most important precursor to achieving true health. If your body is low on daily fiber, which is nature’s cleansers, IC-1 will get you what you need. If you have a history of constipation, try our Bowel Stimulant, it is by far the best “mover” on the planet!

CategoriesBe Your Own Doctor! Top Blogs

What To Do When Getting Sick

Many things can contribute to sickness: not eating a healthy diet, not getting enough exercise, not resting enough, not drinking enough water, not keeping up with normal bowel movements, spending too many hours at work, participating in stressful relationships, etc. Any combination of these will take the body to a point where it is no longer able to have normal immune response. When the immune system can’t keep up, we feel run down, or get a cold or the flu, food poisoning. We don’t have a gauge that registers our immune potential from day to day, so most of us are not aware when our immune system is getting weaker.

Unfortunately, illness becomes our wake-up call. Sickness is the body’s way of telling you to pay attention, help it out, and that it can’t keep up with the pace you are setting for it. Your lifestyle, dietary habits, emotional distress or exposure to toxic agents at your work place have left your body vulnerable and weak. Listen to your body and help it. Don’t stop the process by stopping a fever or suppressing a runny nose. They are part of your cure!

Summary Points To Get You Back Up And Running Without Using Medications or Vaccines:

1. NO GUILT, laugh it up: Don’t dwell on the mistakes you might have made that allowed you to get sick. Take a moment to realize you allowed your body to get too weak to fight off the common germs. Now take steps to get better. Adding guilt to the equation will only make you sicker and prolong the illness. Take time to do something that makes you happy, something that makes you laugh and become care free about the current situation.

2. FAST: When you start to get sick, fast. Starve a fever, starve a cold, starve everything! The body uses energy to digest and eliminate waste and toxins. By not eating, you are allowing the body to direct all its energy to cleaning up the mess that made you sick in the first place. Pure water with fresh lemon and dark maple syrup or Grandma’s molasses is an excellent source of minerals and energy. It will supply most of what you need to keep your body healing. Make every glass of lemon and maple syrup fresh, don’t make a bunch up ahead of time, don’t use fake lemon juice. If you must have something more, cook vegetables and drink the broth (not chicken soup), or eat fresh, ripe fruits. For heaven’s sake, don’t eat junk food, meat or dairy. And definitely don’t eat sugar! These foods cost the body a lot of precious energy. Sugar feeds infection and dairy creates more mucus.

3. REST or EXERCISE: Believe it or not, the body is sick because it is tired and waste has backed up. Give it a break if at all possible. *Although it may sound contradictory, some people need to exercise when they get sick. These are people with tendencies toward lymphatic congestion. If your lymphatic system is congested (generally because you lack exercise on a regular basis, perhaps because of a sedentary job) and you sit or lie around when sick, your body will take longer to process the toxins. Movement encourages the lymphatic system to cycle through and flush. You will know if you need exercise rather than rest if you can go for a walk when you are feeling sick and it does not wipe you out. If exercise makes you feel worse, rest. If it makes you feel better, do it again as able.

4. EAR and THROAT: Most fevers come from viral activity initiated by such toxins as cold, flu, staph and strep. You may feel it in the ear or the throat, either way, the virus is generally hibernating in the ear. The first thing to do is put 3-5 drops of regular 3% hydrogen peroxide in one ear and lie with your head to one side, allowing the hydrogen peroxide to bubble deep in the ear for about four minutes. Your ear will feel like you just lost all hearing, that is normal. When you flip over to do the other ear, the peroxide will run out of the ear and hearing will return to normal. The 3% hydrogen peroxide you find at the drug store is all you need. If you don’t have peroxide, you can do the same thing with colloidal silver. Repeat putting the peroxide in the ears one to three times each day (letting it sit in each ear for 4-5 minutes) if you start to feel a cold or flu coming on, and continue each day until you think you have it fixed.  If your throat hurts, suck on zinc lozenges throughout the day. They are available at health food stores. Use Essential Oils as outlined below. If you feel like you need something stronger, my absolute favorite natural antibiotic is Sovereign silver (colloidal silver). Do the Rapid Dose as explained further down.

Colloidal Silver NEBULIZED is healthier: Colloidal Silver is the best natural antibiotic made by man. I prefer not to use regular antibiotics because they may help kill the bad germs, but they also kill all the good bacteria, and do great damage to your Microbiome. There are emergency situations that may merit antibiotics, but they are rare. Silver is our Go-To but silver will also start to kill the good bacteria in the intestine if enough is taken orally. Thus my “treatment” method of choice with silver, especially for any head, throat, chest issues, is to Nebulize it. Fill the nebulizer chamber with straight, undiluted silver and we will be doing “treatments” by timer, not how much silver is in the nebulizer. The nebulizer needs to be one of those with a face mask, not just the mouth piece. We are counting on the silver being taken up with the steam that is created and breathed in via aerosol. If your silver is not 1nm particle size or smaller, it may not work. PPM with colloidal silver is completely irrelevant, particle size is everything. I use Sovereign Silver brand as it is the only silver I am aware of with a small enough particles size.  DOSE: Breathe in silver through the nebulizer, into both the mouth and nose, for 7-15 minutes, three times a day. This method minimizes silver in the intestine to harm your good, beneficial bacteria.

Colloidal Silver RAPID DOSE Protocol: If nebulizing on the first day was not enough, meaning you do not feel notably better, OR if you have an intestinal bug, you may need the Rapid Dose. This is an oral dose you will be putting in your mouth and swallowing. Are You Ready? Take two droppers of silver (1 teaspoon) and hold it in your mouth for 3-4 minutes. Repeat this every 15 minutes for two hours. That is 8 doses in two hours. Now repeat it every half hour for 2 hours for a total of 12 doses. That is it for the day, repeat the following day if needed if you do not feel you are on the mend. This works to kill most any germ, including food poisoning.

ESSENTIAL OILS and foot rubs: Essential Oils are excellent for helping the body get better. Top 3 would be Lemon, as disinfectant, Peppermint, to help oxygenate and control tummy stuff, and Protect (Fabulous Frannie brand, it is the same as Thieves from Young Living brand), to help control germs.  If you need to reduce a fever or help tummy stuff, mix 5-8 drops of Peppermint in a teaspoon or more of coconut oil and rub into the feet, particularly the bottom. Give a good foot rub and look for tender spots and rub them gently to promote healing. Yes, that is actually very therapeutic and helps healing. Repeat 2-3 times a day. Rub a drop or two of lemon oil on the palm of the hands, rub them together briskly, then hold near the nose and breathe that in for a few minutes.  I use 5-8 drops of Protect Oil in a teaspoon or more of coconut oil and rub into the feet with a good foot rub. If there is no fever, I just use this and not the Peppermint to help control any germs. I personally eat this oil, either by licking a drop off of my hand every few hours, or putting a couple drops in hot water and making tea. It is very hot and spicy, so make sure you can handle it, and don’t give it to children internally.

5. HELP A FEVER: A fever is the body’s natural mechanism for killing what caused the fever. To stop the fever is to stop the body’s natural immune process. People fear fevers, but there is little to fear about the average fever. Unless a fever starts getting above 104 degrees, there is really nothing to worry about. The FEVER IS THE CURE! Click here to learn how to help the body cure the fever, by helping the Fever.

TUMMY stuff: Nausea, Diarrhea, Stomach Pain, Food Poisoning? You want IC-2 for all of these. Its ingredients absorb up to 2000x its weight in poison, and it controls diarrhea and food poisoning germs fast! If you don’t have my IC-2 on hand, get some Activated Charcoal capsules at your local health or vitamin shop and take 6-10 of them per day until the issue is over.

BAKING SODA Cure. The flu, a cold, Influenza, any and all version of illness needs an acid environment to thrive or survive. Click here for more advanced information on using baking soda to alkalize the body to help healing.

SUPPLEMENTS: There are all kinds of supplements for “keeping the immune system healthy,” and those are all fine, but the intestines should be the main target of cleansing. Keeping the intestines happy and healthy is essential to getting well and staying well no matter what your symptom or condition is. Keep taking Super Nutrient to ensure that your body is getting the required nutrition to heal. Use IC-1 as directed to keep the intestines moving happily and removing waste that might have accumulated in the intestine (add Bowel Stimulant if the IC-1 fiber is not enough to keep your bowels moving a couple times each day.) Add a couple of IC-2 capsules and a couple of Digestive Aid capsules three times each day if you have intestinal discomfort, nausea, diarrhea or feel poisoned in any way.

CategoriesAll About Supplementing

Supplement Truth

Supplements are essential to health, aren’t they? We hear this message on television and you get all kinds of health “advice” in just about any magazine you read. Supplements are the cornerstone of the great alternative movement. There is a lot of information and if you try to keep up with what supplement to use for what ailment, you must put a lot of time into it. Perhaps you have noticed that the information you get in one place often conflicts with information attained at other sources?

Why? In part, the information is theory, which means it hasn’t really been proven, but the large majority of people teaching about supplements are simply trying to sell you their line of products. As a seller, if you make your product sound like it can be helpful with some of the most common symptoms, then everyone will feel it will be of some benefit to them. It’s really quite simple, and effective marketing, I might add. This scheme has worked so well over the last decade that supplement companies made more money than the pharmaceutical companies! In response, the pharmaceutical companies tried to make over-the-counter supplement sales illegal. But they have not won that battle yet. “If you can’t beat them, join them.” Yes, now the pharmaceutical companies started manufacturing their own brand of supplements to get their share of the profits.

The Source of Your Supplement
There are several things to consider here. First of all, not all supplements are created equal. After years of practice and testing people, I would say that most of the supplements available are actually harmful to the body! There are many reasons, including the source of the nutrients used to make the supplement (often extracted from crude oil, rusted metals, feces and other things I won’t mention). There is also the issue of quality control and excessive heat (which deactivates the nutrients). There are too many unforeseeable reasons, you just can’t take any report for face value. All too often, the best case scenario is that when you take a supplement, you are eating money. But there are many times when that supplement may not be good for you.

Is Your Supplement Robbing You of Other Nutrients?
When you ingest a nutrient, either because you acquire it from the food you eat or from the supplement you take, each nutrient must combine with other nutrients to accomplish its many tasks. This is called the “intrinsic factor” of each nutrient. Most nutrients can do nothing individually. When you take them, they require other nutrients to accomplish all their tasks. If you give a master craftsman only some of the tools required to make a masterpiece, you will never see a finished product. Luckily the body has reserves of most elements, or that is what the body is supposed to have if our diet is fairly healthy. So I don’t get overly concerned if I want to take some Vitamin C for a short time. But if you take a single nutrient for a long time, you are asking the body to continually herald the other intrinsic factors and they will become more and more depleted. You might think that if you take a multi supplement it solves the problem, but our tests show most multi vitamins are not a good choice!

Herbs Are Nature’s Created Supplements
Luckily, Nature had this all figured out. The intended way to get all your essential nutrition was in a diet filled with plenty of foods grown in fertile soil. Since that is no longer an option for most, we must supplement with herbs. Not a good multi-vitamin, not One-A-Day or any of those brands I probably should not mention…herbs. Herbs are simply various plants of the field, so they should be considered foods more than medicine. Instead of going to your local vitamin shop, find an herb that is supposed to contain that nutrient you seek. Every plant has all intrinsic factors already in it, so if you take an herb high in Magnesium (like Red Raspberry), you will automatically get all the Magnesium and the intrinsic factors the body will need so none of the body’s reserves get depleted. Pretty genius Creator, huh?

Using Kinesiology To Find The Right Supplement
For those of you doing kinesiology, keep in mind that you should test every supplement you take. Just because it is natural, or even an herb does not mean it is good for you. Good for you should initiate a high strong response, which means it should test well with kinesiology. If something does not test good with kinesiology, it is going to cost the body more energy than it will supply, even if that product is giving you some form of symptom relief. Just because a “natural” supplement works to relieve a symptom does not mean it is good for the body on an energy level. Only a good, unbiased kinesiological response can tell you if a supplement is good. Remember that results are not the final test, a pain pill gives you that, but it isn’t good for you.

The Electrical Part of Supplements
Our research has found that the body is not always deficient in nutrients as much as the body is unable to assimilate nutrients. Each nutrient consists of two parts: a physical molecule and a micro current that makes that molecule effective in the body. Molecules without current are about as effective as a light bulb without electricity. The bulb is there, but it is not going to work without current. Cooking and processing destroy the currents in food (and nutritional formulas), reducing or totally destroying the nutritional value.

Most foods and supplements available in today’s market consist of molecules without current. Foods are picked green, agriculture is sprayed with chemicals and fertilizers, enzyme blockers are placed in foods so they won’t rot so quickly (which is bad since enzymes are what make the electric current) and finally the manufacturing process destroys what good might have been left. This makes the majority of today’s food and supplements of little or no value to the body. That current, or lack of it, is what will make a product test good or bad in kinesiology.

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START HERE! Diet / Lifestyle Basics



We provide the most complete “medicinal cabinet” of energy medicine and an easy-to-use format on But true health and wellness is not just about the medicine you use. Long term, we desire to see you happy and healthy, and that means you are not dependent on any medicine, not even ours. Yes, you will need remedies from time to time simply because we live in a world that exposes us to harmful toxins, poisons and germs every day, but you will need us less often if you live your day-to-day in a healthy way.

The fundamental principles of wellness AND healing are things YOU will be responsible for in your daily life. It is best if you do not think of the following changes as a diet, but as a way of life, your inner conviction and simply who you are (at least from now on). Will I be taking all the fun out of life? Nope. Are you ever allowed to cheat, or do things that are not the best choice? Sure! Above all, I want you to feel alive! .. not restricted. I have always said, a doughnut won’t kill you, but a salad won’t heal you. It is what you do most of the time that will dictate how you feel tomorrow and the next day. And let’s face it, you cannot feel truly alive and happy if you are not healthy.

Whether you are new to the natural / healthy ways, or you feel like you are a healthy veteran of the natural healing arts, the following fundamentals remain the same.  20 years of clinical experience have taught me that it does not matter what your blood type, metabolic type, allergy, belief system or religion, fundamental wellness, or the foundation of your health, is an equation that fits every human being. These are simple laws of nature. This is not a diet, for there is no single diet that fits every person. But the principles below are for everyone. It’s not even hard to remember! If you break it down, you are being asked to eat foods the way nature produced them, before they are processed, fortified or otherwise poisoned.


  • Make water your primary beverage (half of your body weight in ounces-daily). Do NOT drink city water as it is full of toxins like Fluoride. Well or spring water with 2-5 drops of Liquid Detox per gallon provides the best cellular charge of H20. Nature intended us to gain alkalinity from the breakdown of healthy foods, not water, so proceed with caution with some of the Alkaline water filters.
  • Place 2 – 5 drops of Liquid Detox in every beverage you drink and allow it to breath for three minutes before you drink it. This will assure there are no harmful toxins in your drink. Treat all beverages to assure toxins are neutralized.
  • Try to avoid cow’s milk. Rice milk, almond milk, cashew milk and coconut milk are the best (all organic sources if possible), but raw, fresh goat milk is also good to drink, put in hot beverages, cooking or for your cereal.
  • Avoid carbonated beverages, alcoholic beverages and drinks with caffeine or sugar added to them –these all disrupt the normal pH of the intestines, and pH is critical to regaining or maintaining health. That said, many people enjoy a glass of wine here and there, and there are many studies showing that RED wine has many health benefits. Of course, if you can get organic wine, you avoid the pesticides sprayed on the grapes.
  • Need something other than water to drink, apple juice is the best alkaline juice. Of course, get it organic! If you are not worried about glycemic and calories, any juice that is 100% juice with nothing added is a good choice. And that morning coffee .. the sugar and the cream are generally worst than the coffee! So black is best. If you must have it, it is easy to find organic coffee, and sweeten it with Stevia or organic sugar, honey or maple syrup (with added almond or coconut milk?). But even better than coffee is herbal teas. These are wonderful when you need a hot drink.


  • Fresh vegetables (organic if possible) should make up at least 80% of your diet; the more varieties you use, the better. Eat your vegetables raw or lightly steamed. The longer you cook them, the more nutrients you lose.
  • Dark green vegetables, beans, legumes, non-GMO tofu, whey, kefir and organic yogurt should be the primary source of protein in your diet, not meat and certainly not dairy products. Raw, unsalted nuts are good, as well as eggs. Free range eggs are best because it means the chickens were not fed GMO grains. PS..chickens eat worms and bugs in nature, so vegetarian eggs are not the better choice.
  • If you are going to eat meat, get the lean version of the Biblically “clean” meats (list here). As a rule, try to eat no more than 4 ounces of meat per meal, 3-4 times/week. Try to find range-fed animals for your meat to avoid the harmful hormones, steroids and GMO grains in commercial meat. When selecting fish, look for wild caught, not farm raised (which use hormones, dyes, and even plastics in the feed).
  • It is better to eat many small meals during the day rather than one or two large meals; your largest meal should be lunch so that you don’t go to bed on a full stomach. If your large meal is dinner, give yourself a few hours before sleeping on a full stomach.
  • Avoid processed or manufactured foods filled with chemicals, additives or preservatives (junk food). As a rule of thumb, if you can’t pronounce something in the ingredient list or it has numbers or hyphens in it, the item is a toxic additive or preservative.
  • Be sure to eat slowly, concentrate on your food (not a tv show or magazine) and chew each bite 20 – 40 times before you swallow, especially meats and proteins.
  • Don’t eat unless you are hungry because it means digestive juices are not present, and never overeat (get stuffed). Eating should be fun; don’t eat if you are upset.
  • Look for organic. The words “All Natural” mean good marketing skills, not healthy. If an item is not certified organic, assume it has chemicals and poisons in it. More on organic here.


  • Snacks and deserts tend to be our unhealthiest foods. This is generally the case either out of habit, craving or just need something fast. Find healthy snacks at your local health food store and keep them around so you don’t eat junk. Yes, you can have chocolate, but get it without the chemicals and additives. Organic chocolate, yogurt, raw nuts and seeds, organic-baked chips (non-GMO), fresh fruits, dried fruits, carrot sticks, etc. On the go all the time? What happened to taking lunch and snacks to work or on the road with you (instead of drive-thru).
  • If you eat nuts and seeds, try to find them raw -unsalted and unroasted; and chew them thoroughly! If you have low stomach acid or stomach problems, or if you see the seeds coming out in the stool (bowel movement), soak them in apple cider vinegar over night before you eat them.


White sugar is as harmful to the body as most drugs. White sugar (often listed as high fructose corn syrup) is in just about every food there is, even ketchup, so check labels and try to avoid it. NOTE: The best sweeteners are not the low glycemic ones, unless you are diabetic. The sweeteners that nature makes, like molasses, dark maple syrup, local honey or real cane sugar are good options. If you are looking for lower calorie options, use Stevia or Xylitol. Artificial sweeteners of all kinds (such as these) are very, very toxic for the body, particularly the neurological system, so it would be best to avoid them always. Matter of fact if you have used them much in the past you might consider using the detox remedy listed on the Aspertame page.


  • The best ways to cook healthy are to bake, roast, steam, boil, broil, poach, stew and simmer.
  • If you need to fry something, use coconut oil. No other oil should be heated above 150 degrees.
  • Do not use a microwave—ever! Use toaster ovens or the stove to heat up foods, boil water, etc.
  • Avoid frying and grilling with charcoal. Propane (gas) or real wood is best for grilling. The free radicals generated in one 8 ounce steak grilled over charcoal brickets is equal to smoking two full packs of cigarettes!
  • If eating meat, cook Well-Done! Ok, at least Medium-Well, please?
  • Use organic, whole grain flours for baking (preferably milled at the time of use) and the suggested sweeteners to make your breads and pastries, not refined flours and white sugar.


  • Real, organic butter and organic jams and jellies are great on toast.
  • Cold pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil and some form of vinegar (like balsamic) makes the best salad dressings.
  • Season with herbs, spices, lemon, garlic, onions (nature’s herbs and foods). Try Bragg’s Liquid Aminos as a soy sauce and for stir fry.
  • Table salt is very harmful to the body. The body does not like sodium, but it does need salt. I recommend Celtic Sea Salt, with pink Himalayan salt being second choice. Just Sea Salt has no minerals in it to balance the sodium ratios.
  • Mayonnaise (yuck), but ketchup and mustard can be found in organic form so they do not have fake colors and added sugar. Go to your local health food store and look for other condiment choices. As a rule, if it is organic, it is probably fine.


  • As you can see, the healthy choices are not a diet, it is simply stopping to think about what you are getting .. and using real food every day. The NO-NO’s are the junk foods, the items that had to get processed or were genetically altered (GMO) .. items with added chemical flavorings, colors and preservatives. Cheese for example, is made from milk. Have you ever seen yellow milk? So why would you eat yellow cheese?
  • If you have chronic health issues, or lots of digestive and intestinal issues, or a lot of inflammation and pain, it is very likely that your body does not process some of the foods you eat. The number one food allergy in the modern world is now gluten. Wheat is a real food, it’s true, but the wheat kernel has become so genetically modified that it contains as much as 19% gluten rather than the 2% that nature intended before man decided to “improve” on it. So if you have health issues that are not responding, go gluten free for 31 days and see how you feel then. If that does not make a big difference, the next thing to consider eliminating would be dairy and corn. Again, 31 days and you will have a good idea if that food group is interfering with your health and wellness.


  • Increase your heart rate and sweat in some type of aerobic exercise for at least 20 minutes 3-4 times each week.
  • If you cannot exercise from injury or disability, consider the real Chi Machine or a mini-trampoline at least 10-20 minutes each day.
  • Fun is essential to health. Have fun at least one day each week. The more stressful your week is, the more imperative this fun day is. Make sure you are enjoying the outdoors as much as possible. Don’t stay in airtight buildings all the time.
  • The body needs one day of rest each week, that means no stress and no work, make that your fun, family day. Yes, I am being redundant because it is that important.
  • The body regenerates when asleep–every minute of sleep before midnight is worth 4 minutes of sleep after midnight.


  • How you treat those around you will either feed or deplete your emotional heart. At the end of the day, what you did, or how you reacted is much more important that what they did or didn’t do…so do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
  • If you are mistreated by those around you, get new friends, but part with the old ones gently.
  • Take time to notice and help other people, it will come back to you.
  • Remember that people are and act as they do only as the expression of the unresolved pain in their hearts. Being angry at someone only hurts you, so take time to forgive each night before going to sleep.


Your specific religion is not important, but the expression of your heart is critical. Take time to be thankful every day. No matter what your situation, it can always be worse. Show thankfulness for what you have and see new, good things come to you. Also be generous with Forgiveness. The two strongest emotions on the planet are Love & Gratitude.


  • Consider using organic cleaning products around the house and for your laundry. Straight, cheap, hydrogen peroxide kills more germs than the leading “antimicrobial” name brands.
  • Use natural deodorant (with no aluminum or crude oil byproducts),  fluoride-free toothpaste, organic make-up and other cosmetics to reduce your exposure to toxins—the skin absorbs everything it comes into contact with. Get fully educated on these pages.
  • If you have city water, consider a filter on your shower because your skin will absorb more poison in a hot shower than you would if you drank that nasty water.
  • Most people believe that healthy must include some supplements. That topic has been addressed here.

At the end of the day, it is very difficult to change dietary patterns and habits that have been ingrained for years and decades. If you try to change everything at once you will probably fail, so consider adding in a new principle each week until you find you are following most of the outline above. Also, pH is a major contributor to the health or disease process. I highly suggest you use the pH monitoring. This will tell you how far you are from being on the road to health and motivate you to make more changes if your pH range is not on the alkaline side.

CategoriesInfo You Should Know

Is Wheat Healthy?

What Happens To Wheat From Seed To Storage
By Jen Allbritton, Certified Nutritionist

Wheat—America’s grain of choice. Its hardy, glutenous consistency makes it practical for a variety of foodstuffs—cakes, breads, pastas, cookies, bagels, pretzels and cereals that have been puffed, shredded and shaped. This ancient grain can actually be very nutritious when it is grown and prepared in the appropriate manner. Unfortunately, the indiscretions inflicted by our modern farming techniques and milling practices have dramatically reduced the quality of the commercial wheat berry and the flour it makes. You might think, “Wheat is wheat—what can they do that makes commercial varieties so bad?” Listen up, because you are in for a surprise!

It was the cultivation of grains—members of the grass family—that made civilization possible.

1 Since wheat is one of the oldest known grains, its cultivation is as old as civilization itself. Some accounts suggest that mankind has used this wholesome food since 10,000 to 15,000 years BC.2 Upon opening Egyptian tombs archeologists discovered large earthenware jars full of wheat to “sustain” the Pharaohs in the afterlife. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was said to recommend stone-ground flour for its beneficial effects on the digestive tract. Once humans figured out how to grind wheat, they discovered that when water is added it can be naturally fermented and turned into beer and expandable dough.

2 Botonists have identified almost 30,000 varieties of wheat, which are assigned to one of several classifications according to their planting schedule and nutrient composition3—hard red winter, hard red spring, soft red winter, durum, hard white and soft white. Spring wheat is planted in the spring, and winter wheat is planted in the fall and shoots up the next spring to mature that summer. Soft, hard, and durum (even harder) wheats are classified according to the strength of their kernel. This strength is a function of the protein-to-starch ratio in the endosperm (the starchy middle layer of the seed). Hard wheats contain less starch, leaving a stronger protein matrix.

3 With the advent of modern farming, the number of varieties of wheat in common use has been drastically reduced. Today, just a few varieties account for 90 percent of the wheat grown in the world.

When grown in well-nourished, fertile soil, whole wheat is rich in vitamin E and B complex, many minerals, including calcium and iron, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. Proper growing and milling methods are necessary to preserve these nutrients and prevent rancidity. Unfortunately, due to the indiscretions inflicted by contemporary farming and processing on modern wheat, many people have become intolerant or even allergic to this nourishing grain. These indiscretions include depletion of the soil through the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals, high-heat milling, refining and improper preparation, such as extrusion.

Rather than focus on soil fertility and careful selection of seed to produce varieties tailored to a particular micro-climate, modern farming practices use high-tech methods to deal with pests and disease, leading to overdependence on chemicals and other substances.

Even before they are planted in the ground, wheat seeds receive an application of fungicides and insecticides. Fungicides are used to control diseases of seeds and seedlings; insecticides are used to control insect pests, killing them as they feed on the seed or emerging seedling.7 Seed companies often use mixtures of different seed-treatment fungicides or insecticides to control a broader spectrum of seed pests.

Some of the main chemicals (insecticides, herbicides and fungicides) used on commercial wheat crops are disulfoton (Di-syston), methyl parathion, chlorpyrifos, dimethoate, diamba and glyphosate.9
Although all these chemicals are approved for use and considered safe, consumers are wise to reduce their exposure as much as possible. Besides contributing to the overall toxic load in our bodies, these chemicals increase our susceptibility to neurotoxic diseases as well as to conditions like cancer.10
Many of these pesticides function as xenoestrogens, foreign estrogen that can reap havoc with our hormone balance and may be a contributing factor to a number of health conditions. For example, researchers speculate these estrogen-mimicking chemicals are one of the contributing factors to boys and girls entering puberty at earlier and earlier ages. They have also been linked to abnormalities and hormone-related cancers including fibrocystic breast disease, breast cancer and endometriosis.

Sounds strange, but farmers apply hormone-like substances or “plant growth regulators” that affect wheat characteristics, such as time of germination and strength of stalk.11 These hormones are either “natural,” that is, extracted from other plants, or synthetic. Cycocel is a synthetic hormone that is commonly applied to wheat.

Moreover, research is being conducted on how to manipulate the naturally occurring hormones in wheat and other grains to achieve “desirable” changes, such as regulated germination and an increased ability to survive in cold weather.12
No studies exist that isolate the health risks of eating hormone-manipulated wheat or varieties that have been exposed to hormone application. However, there is substantial evidence about the dangers of increasing our intake of hormone-like substances.

Chemical offenses don’t stop after the growing process. The long storage of grains makes them vulnerable to a number of critters. Before commercial grain is even stored, the collection bins are sprayed with insecticide, inside and out. More chemicals are added while the bin is filled. These so-called “protectants” are then added to the upper surface of the grain as well as four inches deep into the grain to protect against damage from moths and other insects entering from the top of the bin. The list of various chemicals used includes chlorpyrifos-methyl, diatomaceous earth, bacillus thuringiensis, cy-fluthrin, malathion and pyrethrins.

Then there is the threshold test. If there is one live insect per quart of sample, fumigation is initiated. The goal of fumigation is to “maintain a toxic concentration of gas long enough to kill the target pest population.” The toxic chemicals penetrate the entire storage facility as well as the grains being treated. Two of the fumigants used include methyl bromide and phosphine-producing materials, such as magnesium phosphide or aluminum phosphide.

Heat damage is a serious problem that results from the artificial drying of damp grain at high temperatures. Overheating causes denaturing of the protein26 and can also partially cook the protein, ruining the flour’s baking properties and nutritional value. According to Ed Lysenko, who tests grain by baking it into bread for the Canadian Grain Commission’s grain research laboratory, wheat can be dried without damage by using re-circulating batch dryers, which keep the wheat moving during drying. He suggests an optimal drying temperature of 60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit).27 Unfortunately, grain processors do not always take these precautions.

The damage inflicted on wheat does not end with cultivation and storage, but continues into milling and processing. A grain kernel is comprised of three layers: the bran, the germ and the endosperm. The bran is the outside layer where most of the fiber exists. The germ is the inside layer where many nutrients and essential fatty acids are found. The endosperm is the starchy middle layer. The high nutrient density associated with grains exists only when these three are intact. The term whole grain refers to the grain before it has been milled into flour. It was not until the late nineteenth century that white bread, biscuits, and cakes made from white flour and sugars became mainstays in the diets of industrialized nations, and these products were only made possible with the invention of high-speed milling machines.28 Dr. Price observed the unmistakable consequences of these dietary changes during his travels and documented their corresponding health effects. These changes not only resulted in tooth decay, but problems with fertility, mental health and disease progression.

Flour was originally produced by grinding grains between large stones. The final product, 100 percent stone-ground whole-wheat flour, contained everything that was in the grain, including the germ, fiber, starch and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Without refrigeration or chemical preservatives, fresh stone-ground flour spoils quickly. After wheat has been ground, natural wheat-germ oil becomes rancid at about the same rate that milk becomes sour, so refrigeration of whole grain breads and flours is necessary. Technology’s answer to these issues has been to apply faster, hotter and more aggressive processing.

Since grinding stones are not fast enough for mass-production, the industry uses high-speed, steel roller mills that eject the germ and the bran. Much of this “waste product”—the most nutritious part of the grain—is sold as “byproducts” for animals. The resulting white flour contains only a fraction of the nutrients of the original grain. Even whole wheat flour is compromised during the modern milling process. High-speed mills reach 400 degrees Fahrenheit, and this heat destroys vital nutrients and creates rancidity in the bran and the germ. Vitamin E in the germ is destroyed—a real tragedy because whole wheat used to be our most readily available source of vitamin E.

Literally dozens of dough conditioners and preservatives go into modern bread, as well as toxic ingredients like partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and soy flour. Soy flour—loaded with antinutrients—is added to virtually all brand-name breads today to improve rise and prevent sticking. The extrusion process, used to make cold breakfast cereals and puffed grains, adds insult to injury with high temperatures and high pressures that create additional toxic components and further destroy nutrients—even the synthetic vitamins that are added to replace the ones destroyed by refinement and milling.

People have become accustomed to the mass-produced, gooey, devitalized, and nutritionally deficient breads and baked goods and have little recollection of how real bread should taste. Chemical preservatives allow bread to be shipped long distances and to remain on the shelf for many days without spoiling and without refrigeration.

Ideally, one should buy whole wheat berries and grind them fresh to make homemade breads and other baked goods. Buy whole wheat berries that are grown organically or biodynamically—biodynamic farming involves higher standards than organic.34 Since these forms of farming do not allow synthetic, carcinogenic chemicals and fertilizers, purchasing organic or biodynamic wheat assures that you are getting the cleanest, most nutritious food possible. It also automatically eliminates the possibility of irradiation31 and genetically engineered seed. The second best option is to buy organic 100 percent stone-ground whole-wheat flour at a natural food store. Slow-speed, steel hammer-mills are often used instead of stones, and flours made in this way can list “stone-ground” on the label. This method is equivalent to the stone-ground process and produces a product that is equally nutritious. Any process that renders the entire grain into usable flour without exposing it to high heat is acceptable.

If you do not make your own bread, there are ready made alternatives available. Look for organic sourdough or sprouted breads freshly baked or in the freezer compartment of your market or health food store. If bread is made entirely with l00 percent stone-ground whole grains, it will state so on the label. When bread is stone ground and then baked, the internal temperature does not usually exceed 170 degrees, so most of the nutrients are preserved.28 As they contain no preservatives, both whole wheat flour and its products should be kept in the refrigerator or freezer. Stone-ground flour will keep for several months frozen.

Sprouting, soaking and genuine sourdough leavening “pre-digests” grains, allowing the nutrients to be more easily assimilated and metabolized. This is an age-old approach practiced in most traditional cultures. Sprouting begins germination, which increases the enzymatic activity in foods and inactivates substances called enzyme inhibitors.1 These enzyme inhibitors prevent the activation of the enzymes present in the food and, therefore, may hinder optimal digestion and absorption. Soaking neutralizes phytic acid, a component of plant fiber found in the bran and hulls of grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds that reduces mineral absorption.32 All of these benefits may explain why sprouted foods are less likely to produce allergic reactions in those who are sensitive.

Sprouting also causes a beneficial modification of various nutritional elements. According to research undertaken at the University of Minnesota, sprouting increases the total nutrient density of a food. For example, sprouted whole wheat was found to have 28 percent more thiamine (B1), 315 percent more riboflavin (B2), 66 percent more niacin (B3), 65 percent more pantothenic acid (B5), 111 percent more biotin, 278 percent more folic acid, and 300 percent more vitamin C than non-sprouted whole wheat. This phenomenon is not restricted to wheat. All grains undergo this type of quantitative and qualitative transformation. These studies also confirmed a significant increase in enzymes, which means the nutrients are easier to digest and absorb.

You have several options for preparing your wheat. You can use a sour leavening method by mixing whey, buttermilk or yogurt with freshly ground wheat or quality pre-ground wheat from the store. Or, soak your berries whole for 8 to 22 hours, then drain and rinse. There are some recipes that use the whole berries while they are wet, such as cracker dough ground right in the food processor. Another option is to dry sprouted wheat berries in a low-temperature oven or dehydrator, and then grind them in your grain mill and then use the flour in a variety or recipes.
Although our modern wheat suffers from a great number of indiscretions, there are steps we can take to find the quality choices that will nourish us today and for the long haul. Go out and make a difference for you and yours and turn your wheaty indiscretions into wheaty indulgences.

Wheat and wheat flour were some of the first foods the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for irradiation.15 A 1963 ruling applied to imported grains. In 1968, the FDA approved irradiation for US wheat berries and flour to control insects.16 Irradiation is the practice of using either high-speed electron beams or high-energy radiation to break chemical bonds and ionize molecules that lie in their path.17 According to proponents of this technology, irradiation can provide more food security for the world by eradicating storage pests in grain, killing fruit flies in fruit, preventing mold growth, delaying ripening, preventing the sprouting of potatoes, onions and garlic, and extending the shelf life of meat, fish and shellfish – all without health consequences. However, research tells us something quite different.

One particularly interesting study on the dangers of irradiation was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition18 in 1975. Ten children were divided into two groups of five. Before the trial started, blood samples were taken and examined for each child. The diets given to each group were identical except the wheat for the experimental group had been irradiated two or three days earlier with a dose recommended for grain disinfestation. After four weeks, the examination of blood samples showed abnormal cell formation in four of the five children given irradiated wheat. No signs of abnormal cell development appeared in the control group.

One particularly disturbing cell type found in the experimental group was polyploid lymph. Lymph is a vital component of the immune system, and these abnormal varieties occur routinely in patients undergoing radiation treatment. In fact, the level of these abnormal lymph cells is often used as a measure of radiation exposure for people accidentally exposed to radiation.19 After six weeks, blood samples were taken again and a sharp increase of polyploid lymph cells was seen when compared to the level at four weeks. Because of concern for the children’s health, the study was terminated.

It was argued that the main culprit in the increase of cell abnormalities was the fact the wheat was “freshly irradiated.” Therefore, a subsequent study looked at the effects of feeding wheat that had been irradiated and then stored for 12 weeks. The polyploid cells took a little longer to show up—six weeks instead of four. After the irradiated wheat had been withdrawn, it took 24 weeks before the blood of the test children reverted to normal.

To verify their results, the researchers continued with experimental animals and found the same results in both monkeys and rats—a progressive increase of polyploid lymph cells and a gradual disappearance of these cells after withdrawal of the irradiated wheat.20 ,21 ,22 ,23 Thus, the dangers of irradiated foods are evident, whether the food has been freshly irradiated or stored for a period of time. Other long-term health implications from eating irradiated foods include lowered immune resistance, decreased fertility, damage to kidneys, depressed growth rates, as well as a reduction in vitamins A, B complex, C, E and K.24

Thiamine (B1) 77%
Riboflavin (B2) 80%
Niacin 81%
Pyridoxine (B6) 72%
Pantothenic acid 50%
Vitamin E 86%
Calcium 60%
Phosphorous 71%
Magnesium 84%
Potassium 77%
Sodium 78%
Chromium 40%
Manganese 86%
Iron 76%
Cobalt 89%
Zinc 78%
Copper 68%
Selenium 16%
Molybdenum 48%

Genetic Engineering (GE) is the process of altering or disrupting the genetic blueprints of living organisms—plants, trees, fish, animals and microorganisms. Genes are spliced to incorporate a new characteristic or function into an organism. For example, scientists can mix a gene from a cold-water fish into a strawberry plant’s DNA so it can withstand colder temperatures. So far, the most widely used GE foods are soy, cotton and corn. Monsanto hopes to commercialize Roundup Ready Wheat sometime between 2003 and 2005. This crop will join the company of a number of crops engineered to resist the Roundup herbicide.

Proponents of GE claim that this “technology” will make agriculture sustainable, eliminate world hunger, cure disease and improve public health—but have they factored in the enormous risks? When surveyed, most consumers do not want to eat genetically modified foods, and even commercial farmers are wary. Wheat farmers are scared of the Starlink corn fiasco. Iowa farmers planted one percent of their 2000 corn crop as Starlink, a genetically engineered corn approved only for animal consumption. By harvest time, almost 50 percent of the Iowa crop tested positive for Starlink. Product recalls, consumer outcry and export difficulties have ensued. This mistake resulted in the recall of hundreds of millions of dollars of food products and seeds. In regards to exporting, our overseas consumers say they will not accept any wheat that has been genetically engineered. For this reason, Monsanto has put the development of GE wheat on temporary hold.

When deciding which wheat berries to use for baking, the main categories to consider are hard and soft. Hard wheat is higher in protein, particularly gluten, making it more elastic and the best choice for making breads. Gluten traps carbon dioxide during the leavening process, allowing the dough to rise. Durum wheats, used mostly for pasta, are even harder. Soft wheats are lower in protein and are more appropriate for cookies, crackers, soda breads and other baked goods.

This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Spring 2003

1. Fallon, Sally and Enig, Mary. Ph.D. Nourishing Traditions. NewTrends Publishing. 2000.
2. From Wheat to Flour. Revised Edition, 1976, Washington DC, Library of Congress Catalogue Card No. 76-27767. Found at on January 17, 2003.
3. MgGee, Harold. On Food and Cooking. The Science of Lore of the Kitchen. Simon and Schuster.1984.
4. Ranhotra, G.S., J.A. Gelroth, B.K. Glaser, and K.J. Lorenz. 1995. Baking and nutritional qualities of a spelt wheat sample. Lebnsm. Wiss. Technol. 28:118-122.
5. J.T. Hoagland. Spelt – What is it? Purity Foods. 1998. Found at on January 17, 2003.
6. Stallkneckt, G.F., K.M. Gilbertson, and J.E. Romey. Alternative wheat cereals as good grains: Einkorn emmer, spelt, kamut, and triticale. In: J. Janick (ed). Progress in new corps. ASHS Press, Alexandria VA. Found at
7. McMullen, Marcia P. and Lamey, H. Arthur. Seed Treatment for Disease Control. Extension of Plant Pathologists. North Dakota State University. Found at On Dec. 15th 2002.
8. Seed Treatment for Agronomic Crops. The Ohio State University Extension. Bulletin 639-98. Found at on January 21, 2003.
9. L.F. Jackson. UC IMP Pest Management Guidelines: Small Grains. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. January 2002.
10. Haas, Elson, M.D. The Staying Healthy Shopper’s Guide. CelestialArts. 1999.
11. Oregon State University Extension Service Master Gardener Handbook. Found at on February 2, 2003.
12. Barry, Kathryn. ARS. Abscisic Acid – The plant Stress Hormone. Agricultural Research. January 2001. Found at on February 4, 2003.
13. Foster, John. MD. Natural Production from Estrogen Overload. Crucifers and Cancer. Found at on February 2, 2003.
14. G.F. Chappell II, Extension Agent, ANR, Crop and Soil Science. Stored-Grain Insect Pest Management. Field Crops 2002.
15. IFT. 1998. Radiation preservation of foods. A scientific status summary by the Institute of Food Technologists’ Expert Panel on Food Safety and Nutrition. J Food Tech. Vol 37 (2): 55-60.
16. U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. Found at on January 21, 2003.
17. Encyclopedia Britannica. Found at on January 29, 2003.
18. Bhaskaram, C. et al. 1975. Effects of feeding irradiated wheat to malnourished children. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 28: February 1975, pp.130-135
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22. Vijayalaxmi 1976. Genetic effects of feeding irradiated wheat to mice. Can. J. Genet. Cytol. 18: 231-238.
23. Vijayalaxmi. 1978. Cytogenetic studies in monkeys fed irradiated wheat. Toxicology 9: 181-184
24. Blyth, Judy. Nuking Our Food. Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia. Found at on January 21, 2003.
25. Cropchoice News. North Dakota, Montana consider moratoriums on Roundup Ready wheat. Found at on January 17, 2003.
26. Wang, D., Dowell, F.E., and Chung, D.S. Assessment of Heat-Damaged Wheat Kernels Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Cereal Chem. 78(5):625-628.
27. Morrison, Karen. Improper grain drying can hurt wheat quality. The Western Producer. Found at on January 18, 2003.
28. Cranton, Elmer. M.D. Modern Bread, The Broken Staff of Life. Found at
29. Henry A. Schroeder, “Losses of Vitamins and Trace Minerals Resulting from Processing and Preservation of Foods,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1971
30. Price, Weston. D.D.S. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Keats Publishing. 1997.
31. Organic Consumers Association. Background and Status of Labeling of Irradiated Foods. Found at on February 1, 2003.
32. Morris ER. Phytate and dietary mineral bioavailability. In Phytic Acid Chemistry and Applications, Graf E (ed). Minneapolis: Pilatus Press, 1986, 57–76 [review]
33. Crisafi, Daniel, ND, MH, Ph.D. 1995. Alive Magazine 1995.
34. See for more information on this approach.

CategoriesPregnancy & Babies

Natural Contraceptive Options

What happens when you want to postpone or halt the potential of getting pregnant? We base everything on the concept, “How was it intended to be?” Well, the Bible says be fruitful and multiply, so I doubt there is any way to consistently stop pregnancy naturally. Well now, there is abstinence, but that doesn’t work long for most people, and we were told to be fruitful and multiply, so abstinence isn’t in our nature either.

There are methods, such as rhythm, which is where the woman tracks her fertile days and stays clear of sex for that period of time. Sperm can stay alive for up to five days, so you would have to abstain from sex for at least 5 days prior to the fertile time, then through the fertile time as well. But then, I know of several children conceived even though the parents were using this method. There are other methods out there, but I have never seen any of them work consistently enough to make me feel confident should I be trying to avoid pregnancy (well, my wife). I have even met people who said they only had sex during the woman’s cycle week to assure there was no issue, and even that didn’t work! So back to the initial question, “Is there a natural contraceptive?” Guess not! When the Creator said be fruitful and multiply, I guess He meant it.

Maybe the men can help for a change. The most successful case I have ever heard of was an experiment done by a group of men. They rigged a bowl that would sit on the toilet seat so they could sit with their testicles hanging in the bowl. This is not the toilet bowl, but a bowl sitting on the rim of the toilet. The bowl had hot water in it, as hot as the person could handle without causing pain. The men would sit on the toilet seat and allow the testicles to remain in the hot water for as long as 30 minutes. It is more comfortable for the man to hold the penis out of the water, just the testicles go in the water. The heat deactivates the reproductive mechanism (sperm count) for about a month. The men reported that this worked 100% of the time as long as they did not lapse their “treatment” past the 30 day period. It’s all natural. But then, if we go back to the, “How was it intended to be,” you don’t find hot water in nature, so it isn’t really natural is it? One must wonder what the long term side effects of treating testicles in such a manner might be. I am not sure, but you should consider it so you don’t damage a mechanism you may need later.

Good luck!