Joint / Tendon / Ligament Support Remedy
Joints, Ligaments and Tendons are the intricate parts of the body that allow for movements like pulling, pushing and provide mechanical support. A joint is where two or more bones make contact. Joints hold bones together and allow for movement of the skeleton. All bones, except the hyoid bone in the neck, form a joint. Joints are often categorized by the amount of motion they allow. Some of the joints are fixed, like those in the skull and do not allow movement. Other joints, like those between the vertebrae of the spine, allow for some movement. Most joints are free moving synovial joints.
Ligament most commonly refers to a band of tough, fibrous, dense regular connective tissue comprising attenuated collagenous fibers. Ligaments connect bones to other bones to form a joint. They do not connect muscles to bones; that is the job of tendons. Some ligaments limit the mobility of articulations or prevent certain movements altogether.
A tendon (or sinew) is a tough band of fibrous connective tissue that connects muscle to bone and is capable of withstanding tension. Tendons are similar to ligaments and fasciae as they are all made of collagen except that ligaments join one bone to another bone, fasciae connect muscles to other muscles, and tendons connect muscles to bones. Tendons and muscles work together.
Fun Facts
- Ligaments also support various organs, including the liver, bladder and uterus (womb).
- Women's breasts are held in place by bundles of ligaments.
- Your fingers are moved mainly by muscles in the forearm, which are connected to the fingers by long tendons.
Health Conditions
- Sprain/Strain: Ligaments always sprain (more of an over stretch), tendons always strain (more of a tear).
- Arthritis, describes more than 100 different diseases and conditions that affect joints, the tissues that surround joints, and other connective tissue. It simply means "joint inflammation".
- Osteoarthritis (OA) occurs when cartilage in joints breaks down over time.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease.
- Injuries: When a ligament is overstretched or torn it is called a sprain; when completely separated from the bone, it is called an avulsion. Most ligament injuries are caused by accidents and are sports related and can be seen as a result of taking a joint beyond the normal physiological range of motion.
Suggestions To Strengthen
- Sugar, sweet drinks, processed foods, tea and coffee will all strip magnesium, calcium and vitamin C from the body. These elements are vital for the formation and repair of bone, muscle, cartilage and synovial fluid.
- Joints and connective tissue can become inflamed when allergies are present even if allergy tests do not reveal allergies. You may want to try the elimination diet.