CategoriesSystem Remedy

Nerves Parasympathetic

Parasympathetic Nerve Support Remedy

The Parasympathetic system is the branch of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) responsible for the body's ability to recuperate and return to a balanced state (homeostasis) after experiencing pain or stress or after it has been altered by the Sympathetic system. While the Sympathetic system is also known as the "fight or flight" response (generally a response to perceived danger), the Parasympathetic is often called "relax and renew". The main nerves of the parasympathetic system are the tenth cranial nerves or the vagus nerves. They originate in the medulla oblongata.

Sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions typically function in opposition to each other. This natural opposition is better understood as complementary in nature rather than antagonistic. For an analogy, one may think of the sympathetic division as the accelerator and the parasympathetic division as the brake.

Sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions typically function in opposition to each other. This natural opposition is better understood as complementary in nature rather than antagonistic. For an analogy, one may think of the sympathetic division as the accelerator and the parasympathetic division as the brake. When active, the Parasympathetic system:

  • slows down heart rate
  • lowers blood pressure
  • increases blood flow to skin and viscera
  • constricts the pupils
  • activates digestion/peristalisis
  • restores energy

Acetylcholine (ACh) is the neurotransmitter at all the pre- and many of the postganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic system. However, some of the postganglionic neurons release nitric oxide (NO) as their neurotransmitter. The vagus nerves also help keep inflammation under control. Inflammation stimulates nearby sensory neurons of the vagus. When these nerve impulses reach the medulla oblongata, they are relayed back along motor fibers to the inflamed area. The acetylcholine from the motor neurons suppresses the release of inflammatory cytokines, e.g., tumor necrosis factor (TNF), from macrophages in the inflamed tissue.

Health Conditions

Most people, particularly those in the more civilized nations operate at a fast "must do" pace for most of our day. Operating like this so much of the time alerts the Sympathetic nerves to be in "fight of flight" mode. Chinese medicine calls this excessive Yang. Almost every health condition has some relation to excessive Yang, without enough Yin or Parasympathetic response to balance it. Although some belief systems have trouble with this sign, it simply represents an equal balance. Too much of either color is not a balance.

Suggestions To Strengthen

Although the autonomic nervous system is considered to be involuntary, this is not entirely true. A certain amount of conscious control can be exerted over it which has long been demonstrated by practitioners of Yoga and Zen. During their periods of meditation, these people are clearly able to alter a number of autonomic functions including heart rate and the rate of oxygen consumption. These changes are not simply a reflection of decreased physical activity because they exceed the amount of change occurring during sleep or hypnosis. Take time to play and laugh as hard as you work. Get good rest, enough sleep and consider some form of meditation (yoga, tai chi, chi qong) several times a week that quiets the mind and gets you out of Sympathetic response and back into Parasympathetic "relax and renew".

Complete support remedy for Nerves Parasympathetic and related functions

Complete support remedy for Gallbladder and related functions

Complete support remedy for Brain and related functions

Provides support and healing for conditions of the large intestine

CategoriesSystem Remedy

Nerves Motor

Motor Nerve Support Remedy

Motor nerves specialize in carrying signals which will result in muscle contraction. They only have an excitatory action, meaning that they can only signal contractions, not relaxation of the muscle. Normally, messages from nerve cells in the brain (called upper motor neurons) are transmitted to nerve cells in the brain stem and spinal cord (called lower motor neurons) and then to specific muscles. Upper motor neurons direct the lower motor neurons to produce movements such as walking or chewing. Lower motor neurons control movement in the arms, legs, chest, face, throat, and tongue. When a motor nerve meets a muscle, the neuron releases chemicals which stimulate muscle contraction.

When there are disruptions in the signals between the lowest motor neurons and the muscle, the muscles do not work properly. They will gradually weaken and begin wasting away or developing uncontrollable twitching (called fasciculations). When there are disruptions in the signals between the upper motor neurons and the lower motor neurons, the limb muscles develop stiffness (called spasticity). Movements become slow and difficult, and tendon reflexes such as knee and ankle jerks become overactive. Over time, the ability to control voluntary movement can be lost.

Health Conditions

Motor Nerve Diseases (MND) are classified as either inherited or sporadic, and whether the degeneration affects upper motor neurons, lower motor neurons, or both. In adults, the most common MND is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease), which affects both upper and lower motor neurons. Many doctors use the terms motor neuron disease and ALS interchangeably. It has inherited and sporadic forms and can affect the arms, legs, or facial muscles. Primary lateral sclerosis is a disease of the upper motor neurons, while progressive muscular atrophy affects only lower motor neurons in the spinal cord. In progressive bulbar palsy, the lowest motor neurons of the brain stem are most affected, causing slurred speech and difficulty chewing and swallowing. There are almost always mildly abnormal signs in the arms and legs.

If the MND is inherited, it is also classified according to the mode of inheritance. Autosomal dominant means that a person needs to inherit only one copy of the defective gene from one affected parent to be at risk of the disease. There is a 50 percent chance that each child of an affected person will be affected. Autosomal recessive means the individual must inherit a copy of the defective gene from both parents. These parents are likely to be asymptomatic (without symptoms of the disease). Autosomal recessive diseases often affect more than one person in the same generation (siblings or cousins). In X-linked inheritance, the mother carries the defective gene on one of her X chromosomes and passes the disorder along to her sons. Males inherit an X chromosome from their mother and a Y chromosome from their father, while females inherit an X chromosome from each parent. Daughters have a 50 percent chance of inheriting their mother's faulty X chromosome and a safe X chromosome from their father, which would make them asymptomatic carriers of the mutation.

Most common motor nerve diseases:

  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  • Progressive bulbar palsy
  • Pseudobulbar palsy
  • Primary lateral sclerosis (PLS)
  • Progressive muscular atrophy
  • Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)
  • Progressive spinobulbar muscular atrophy
  • Post-polio syndrome (PPS)

Suggestions To Strengthen

None at this time.

Complete support remedy for Nerves Motor and related functions

Complete support remedy for Gallbladder and related functions

Complete support remedy for Brain and related functions

Provides support and healing for conditions of the large intestine

CategoriesSystem Remedy

Nerves Enteric

Enteric Nerve Support Remedy

The enteric nervous system (ENS), often referred to as "the second brain", is a part of the peripheral nervous system and a division of the autonomic nervous system which controls the gastrointestinal tract. The ENS is embedded within the wall of the digestive tract and extends from the esophagus to the anus. Thousands of ganglia reside within the walls of these areas and the number of neurons contained in the ENS is approximately 400 million. This is more than any other peripheral organ and about the same number of neurons as the spinal cord!

The ENS has several functions which include: control of motility, regulation of fluid exchange and local blood flow, regulation of gastric and pancreatic secretion, regulation of gastrointestinal endocrine cells, defense reactions, and entero-enteric reflexes. For example, the ENS controls the external muscle coat of the gastrointestinal tract which mixes food so it is digested by enzymes. It is then absorbed by the intestinal lining and moved down the digestive tube.

The ENS also regulates the production and secretion of enteric endocrine cells. The 3 most common are: gastrin, (which is important in gastric acid secretion in the stomach); cholecystokinin, (which stimulates the secretion of pancreatic enzymes and bile); and secretin, (which stimulates secretion of bicarbonate rich fluids in the pancreas and liver). Hormones in the ENS are secreted in response to very specific stimuli and cease secretion when those stimuli are no longer present. The endocrine cells are located in the epithelium, which allows them to continuously sense and respond to changes in the gastrointestinal environment.

Fun Facts

  • "Gut feelings" are a real electrochemical reaction!
  • The stomach's brain is reported to play a major role in human happiness and misery.
  • The stomach also is a rich source of benzodiazepines - the family of psychoactive chemicals that include the popular drugs like valium and xanax.
  • The stomach contains 100 million neurons - more than the spinal cord.
  • Major neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, norephinephrine and nitric oxide are in the stomach.

Health Conditions

Any digestive tract condition can potentially have nerve involvement. Some of the more common conditions include:

  • Colitis, Irritable bowel syndrome, Constipation, Ulcers, Gastrointestinal reflux (GERD), Dysphagia, Chron's disease, Chagas disease, Hirschprung's Disease.
  • Symptoms that may be present in newborns and infants include: Difficulty with bowel movements, Failure to pass meconium shortly after birth, Failure to pass a first stool within 24 - 48 hours after birth, Infrequent but explosive stools, Jaundice, Difficulty feeding, Low weight gain, Vomiting, Watery diarrhea (in the newborn).

Suggestions To Strengthen

  • Consider food combining and adding Digestive Aid to each meal.
  • Use Bowel Stimulant if not moving bowels at least once a day.
  • Chew your food thoroughly (40x/bite).
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Stop all stimulants, like caffeine.
  • Focus on what you can do for others, not yourself. Take time to give to others.
  • Consider using some Bach Flower Remedies.

Complete support remedy for Nerves Enteric and related functions

Complete support remedy for Gallbladder and related functions

Complete support remedy for Brain and related functions

Provides support and healing for conditions of the large intestine

CategoriesSystem Remedy

Nerves General

General Nerve Support Remedy

The nervous system is like a complex network of electrical wires running through your entire body. It contains billions of specialized cells called neurons (see first photo). Neurons are organized into cylindrical bundles of nerve fibers that emanate from the brain and central spinal cord, and branch repeatedly to innervate every part of the body. Signals jumping from node to node travel so fast it allows your brain to communicate with your toes within milliseconds. Nerves control every action of our body- voluntary and involuntary.

The plasma membrane of neurons, like all other cells, has an unequal distribution of sodium and potassium ions and electrical charges between the two sides of the membrane. The outside of the membrane has a positive charge, the inside has a negative charge. This charge difference is a resting potential and is measured in millivolts. This millivolt charge is what allows electrodermal screening, kinesiology, the EKG test and lie detector tests possible.

When the brain sends a signal in response to information that came in through the nerves, it responds back through the same nervous system. A cell that receives a synaptic signal (message from the brain) may be excited, inhibited, or otherwise modulated. The interactions of all these types of neurons form neural circuits that generate an organism's perception of the world and determine its behavior.

The nervous system is often broken down into sections, or divisions that have their own functions. Please refer to a Wikipedia diagram. The General Nerve Support remedy was designed to provide general neuron support (central [CNS], peripheral [PNS] and sensory nervous system support). This remedy also initiates balance of the sodium/potassium pump that allows the electrical charges between membranes, and supports the myelin sheath, meninges and structural integrity of the nervous system. If you require support for more specific nerve centers, please select them from the left column.

Fun Facts

  • Rate of neuron growth during development of a fetus (in the womb)= 250,000 neurons/minute.
  • The average number of neurons in the human brain= 100 billion; the average number of neurons in an octopus brain= 300 billion.
  • Velocity of a signal transmitted through a neuron= 1.2 to 250 miles/hour.

Health Conditions

  • Neuritis (polyneuritis, polyneuropathy) is a general term for inflammation of a nerve or the general inflammation of the peripheral nervous system. Symptoms depend on the nerves involved, but may include pain, paresthesia (pins & needles), paresis (weakness), hypoesthesia (numbness), anesthesia, paralysis, wasting, and disappearance of the reflexes.
  • Bell's Palsy - A form of Neuritis that involves paralysis of the facial nerve causing weakness of the muscles of one side of the face and an inability to close the eye.
  • Sciatica, a common condition arising from compression of, or damage to, a nerve or nerve root.
  • Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic disease of the nervous system, or more specifically, the myelin sheath which is the outer protection of the nerves.
  • Please see the other nerve categories for additional information.

Suggestions To Strengthen

  • Reduce stress. If you cannot change the stress load, take time to play and have down time.
  • Eliminate refined sugars and alcohol.
  • Increase foods high in B-vitamins and consider the Vitamin D3 supplement.
  • Regular exercise for circulation to nerves, but nerve exercises as well. Any dexterity movements or simply writing a letter with pen/pencil and paper a few times a week helps a lot.
  • Increase your amount of polyunsaturated fats (pure coconut oil).
  • Get plenty of sleep.

Complete support remedy for Nerves General and related functions

Complete support remedy for Gallbladder and related functions

Complete support remedy for Brain and related functions

Provides support and healing for conditions of the large intestine

CategoriesSystem Remedy


Muscle Support Remedy

Muscles are classified as either skeletal, cardiac, or smooth. Their function is to produce force and cause motion. Cardiac and smooth muscle contraction occurs without conscious thought and is necessary for survival. Examples of this are the contraction of the heart and peristalsis of the intestine which pushes food through the digestive system. Voluntary contraction of the skeletal muscles is used to move the body and can be finely controlled. Examples are getting out of a chair, walking, movements of the eye, etc.

There are approximately 639 skeletal muscles in the human body. The exact number is difficult to define as several sources group muscles differently. Muscles are predominantly powered by burning glucose, which creates lactic acid. The presence of lactic acid has an inhibitory effect on ATP generation within the muscle. Although it does not produce fatigue, it can inhibit or even stop performance if the intracellular concentration becomes too high. However, long-term training causes neovascularization within the muscle, increasing the ability to move waste products out of the muscles and maintain contraction. Once lactic acid has moved through the muscles in high concentrations, it can be used by other muscles or body tissues as a source of energy or transported to the liver where it is converted back to pyruvate.

If you are sore for more than 4 days after an activity, either your liver is not converting lactic acid properly or you induced excessive micro tears in the muscle (generally in the case of doing too hard a work out).

Fun Facts

  • The strongest muscle of the body is the masseter muscle used for chewing.
  • Your hand contains 20 different muscles.
  • If all your muscles could pull in one direction you could create a force of 25 tons.
  • Muscles account for approximately 40% of your body weight.
  • It takes 17 muscles in your face to smile, but it takes 43 muscles to frown.

Health Conditions

  • Myoclonus is a brief, involuntary twitching of a muscle or a group of muscles, generally caused by a contraction.
  • Myalgia, muscle pain, is caused by overuse or over-stretching of a muscle or group of muscles. Myalgia without a traumatic history is often due to viral infections.
  • Muscle atrophy can be caused by many diseases and conditions which result in loss of muscle mass.
  • Fibromyalgia means pain in the muscles, ligaments, and tendons - the soft fibrous tissues in the body.
  • Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a broad term that describes a genetic (inherited) disorder that causes the muscles in the body to become very weak.
  • Myofascial Pain Syndromes cause muscular pain in numerous body regions that can be reproduced by pressure on trigger points. They are localized hardenings in skeletal muscle tissue.
  • Myopathies are a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by the early onset of hypotonia (decreased tension ability in the muscles) and developmental delay of motor skills.
  • Myositis is inflammation of skeletal muscle.
  • Myotonic Disorders describe prolonged failure of muscle relaxation after contraction, often associated with abnormal muscle sodium channel and chloride channels.
  • Rhabdomyolysis is the breakdown of muscle fibers that leads to the release of muscle fiber contents (myoglobin) into the bloodstream. This can cause kidney damage or failure.

Suggestions To Strengthen

  • Exercise. Not just for those who want to be fit, muscle movement is imperative for every human.
  • Sugar, sweet drinks, processed foods, tea and coffee will all strip magnesium, calcium and vitamin C from the body. All of these elements are vital for the formation and repair of bone, muscle, cartilage and synovial fluid.
  • Learn to be more tolerable, intolerance produces muscle problems.

Complete support remedy for Muscles and related functions

Complete support remedy for Gallbladder and related functions

Complete support remedy for Brain and related functions

Provides support and healing for conditions of the large intestine

CategoriesSystem Remedy


Mucosa Support Remedy

The mucous membranes, seen in photo (or singular mucosa) are linings of mostly endodermal origin, covered in epithelium, which are involved in absorption and secretion. They line cavities that are exposed to the external environment and internal organs. They are at several places contiguous with skin: at the nostrils, the mouth, the lips, the eyelids, the ears, the genital area, and the anus. The sticky, thick fluid secreted by the mucous membranes and glands is termed mucus. The term mucous membrane refers to where they are found in the body and not every mucous membrane secretes mucus. The primary function of mucus is to trap the pathogens in the body, preventing any further activities of diseases, so this remedy is helpful in a variety of health complaints.

Various kinds of mucus found in the body (and supported by this remedy) include: Buccal mucosa, Esophageal mucosa, Gastric mucosa, Intestinal mucosa, Nasal mucosa, Olfactory mucosa, Oral mucosa, Bronchial mucosa, Uterine mucosa, Endometrium is the mucosa of the uterus and Penile mucosa.

Fun Facts

  • The act of sneezing is primarily caused by the irritation of our nasal mucosa.
  • Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks otherwise it will digest itself.
  • Green nasal mucus (and green pus) is caused by short-lived phagocytising leucocytes avidly ingesting all sorts of bacteria and inactivating them by oxidative processes involving iron-containing myelo-peroxidases, peroxidases and other oxidases. The resulting breakdown product which is comprised of dead PMNs, digested bacteria and used enzymes, pus, and significant amounts of iron is the greenish color.

Health Conditions

  • Herpes labialis is an infection of the lip by herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). An outbreak typically causes small blisters or sores on or around the mouth commonly known as cold sores or fever blisters.
  • v Lichen planus is a chronic mucocutaneous disease that affects the skin, tongue, and oral mucosa. The disease presents itself in the form of papules, lesions, or rashes.
  • Gingivitis and parodontitis are also diseases of the oral mucosa. If they go beyond the periodontal tissue and affect the entire mucosa, it becomes stomatitis.
  • Candida albicans is a fungus naturally found in almost all oral cavities. It can become an infection if mucus environments become unhealthy.
  • Leukoplakia are patches on the tongue, in the mouth, or on the inside of the cheek that occur in response to long-term irritation.
  • Aphthae (canker sore) are very painful, locally limited inflamed mucosal changes that appear as white, lentil-sized round dots with a red edge.

Suggestions To Strengthen

  • Keep the pH of the body above 7.0.
  • Consider a diet that contains foods that do not promote mucus so the mucus membranes can heal. Mucus-producing foods--like dairy and wheat--contain gluey molecular bonds that, according to Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System require strong stomach acids for digestion, resulting in an increase in digestive mucus. He goes on to list meat, eggs, potatoes, rice, grains, fish, peanuts and fats as other potential mucus-producing foods. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend avoiding red meat, yeast, salt, nuts, heavy and sweet fruits (i.e., bananas and dates), cheese, yogurt, eggs, chocolate, and refined sugars and flours to reduce mucus.
  • HOME REMEDY: Ginger, grapefruit, and honey are said to help loosen up mucus and encourage it to be healthy and clear. Ayurvedics also advocate vegetarianism as a way to decrease mucus with emphasis on vegetables like asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, garlic, leafy greens, kale, onion, pumpkin, radishes and sprouts.

Complete support remedy for Mucosa and related functions

Complete support remedy for Gallbladder and related functions

Complete support remedy for Brain and related functions

Provides support and healing for conditions of the large intestine

CategoriesSystem Remedy


Mouth Support Remedy

The mouth, also known as the oral cavity, swallows food that goes down the esophagus and into the stomach. The mouth is the first portion of the alimentary canal that receives food. The mouth plays an important role in eating, drinking and breathing. Infants are born with a sucking reflex, they instinctively know to suck for nourishment using their lips and jaw. The mouth, normally moist, is lined with a mucous membrane and contains the teeth and salivary glands. The lips mark the transition from mucous membrane to skin, which covers most of the body.

The Mouth Support Remedy provides support for general mouth and salivary functions. Salivary glands produce saliva. They also secrete amylase, an enzyme that breaks down starch into maltose, making salivary glands the first process of digestion. The largest gland is the parotid, followed by the submandibular gland which produces 70% of saliva. We also have the sublingual glands and over 600 other minor salivary glands embedded in the submucosa of the mouth. Von Ebner's glands are glands found in circumvallate papillae of the tongue. They secrete a serous fluid that begins the digestion of fatty acids. They facilitate the perception of taste.

In addition to its primary role as the start of the digestive system, in humans, the mouth plays a significant role in communication. While primary aspects of the voice are produced in the throat, the tongue, lips, and jaw are also needed to produce the range of sounds included in human language. Another non-digestive function of the mouth is its role in secondary social and/or sexual activity, such as kissing.

The philtrum is the vertical groove in the upper lip, formed where the nasomedial and maxillary processes meet during embryo development. When these processes fail to fuse fully, a hare lip and/or cleft palate can result. Studies have shown that the more pronounced your philtrum (particularly in woman) the easier it is to reach orgasm.

Fun Facts

  • It takes food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach when you swallow.
  • The average cough comes out of your mouth at 60 miles per hour.
  • Smile enhancing procedures outnumbered eyelid surgeries 5 to 1.
  • A person cannot taste food unless it is mixed with saliva. For example, if a strong-tasting substance like salt is placed on a dry tongue, the taste buds will not be able to taste it.

Health Conditions

  • Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) is a chronic, painful condition characterized by burning sensations in the tongue, lips, palate (roof of the mouth), gums, inside of the cheeks and the back of the mouth or throat.
  • Canker sores are small, painful, persistent sores with recurrence rates of up to 50 percent. Up to 25 percent of the population have these.
  • Dry mouth syndrome, also known as xerostomia, is a dry, uncomfortable feeling in your mouth that results from a decrease in the amount of your saliva.
  • Oral Cancer is often painless initially and therefore difficult to detect.
  • Oral herpes is a common and generally benign viral condition that produces painful and frequently unsightly sores on the lips or adjacent skin.
  • Oral thrush - or oral candidiasis - is a fungal infection of the mouth common among denture wearers, infants and people with weakened or compromised immune systems.
  • Mumps are a virus that causes swelling of the salivary gland, generally the parotid gland.
  • Sjögren's syndrome is a condition where immune cells attack and destroy the salivary and tear producing glands.
  • Mucocele is a swelling of connective tissue consisting of collected mucin (mucus) due to a ruptured salivary gland duct usually caused by local trauma, or an obstructed or ruptured salivary duct.

Suggestions To Strengthen

  • Chew Your Food 25-40 times before swallowing.
  • Keep the teeth clean and free of plaque.
  • Avoid burning or injuring the mouth.

Complete support remedy for Mouth and related functions

Complete support remedy for Gallbladder and related functions

Complete support remedy for Brain and related functions

Provides support and healing for conditions of the large intestine

CategoriesSystem Remedy

Male Testes

Testicle Support Remedy

In mammals, the testes (testicles for plural) are often contained within an extension of the abdomen called the scrotum. In mammals with external testes it is most common for one testicle to hang lower than the other. While the size of the testicle varies, it is estimated that 21.9% of men have their higher testicle being their left, while 27.3% of men have reported to have equally positioned testicles. This is due to differences in the vascular anatomical structure on the right and left sides. The average testicle size, after puberty, measures up to 2 inches long, 0.8 inches in width, and 1.2 inches in height.

The cremasteric muscle is part of the spermatic cord. When this muscle contracts, the cord is shortened and the testicle is moved closer up toward the body, which provides slightly more warmth to maintain optimal testicular temperature. When cooling is required, the cremasteric muscle relaxes and the testicle is lowered away from the warm body and is able to cool. This phenomenon is known as the cremasteric reflex.

The primary functions of the testes are to produce sperm (spermatogenesis) and to produce androgens (sex hormones), primarily testosterone. Both functions of the testicle are influenced by gonadotropic hormones produced by the anterior pituitary. Luteinizing hormone (LH) results in testosterone release. The presence of both testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is needed to support spermatogenesis. So if you are having problems with infertility, you may need the Pituitary Support remedy in addition to this one.

Fun Facts

  • Human testicles are smaller than chimpanzee testicles but larger than gorilla testicles.
  • Testicles begin to form around week 4 of embryonic development. They form adjacent to the kidneys and work their way down the "path of descent" and generally drop into the scrotum by birth.
  • To "testify" was based on men in the Roman court swearing to a statement made by swearing on their testicles.
  • Never wear underwear or clothes that are tight as it can cause your testicles to overheat or become swollen, affecting sperm production and possibly even causing pain.
  • Testosterone is not the cause of erections, but it gives you the desire to obtain one.

Health Conditions

  • Trauma to the testes can cause severe pain, bruising and/or swelling. In most cases, the testes-which are made of a spongy material-can absorb the shock of an injury without serious damage. A rare type of testicular trauma, called testicular rupture, occurs when the testicle receives a direct blow or is squeezed against the hard surface of the pelvis. This injury can cause blood to leak into the scrotum. In severe cases, surgery to repair the rupture-and thus save the testicle-may be necessary.
  • Testicular torsion: Within the scrotum, the testicles are secured at one end by a structure called the spermatic cord. Sometimes, this cord gets twisted cutting off the testicle's blood supply. Symptoms of testicular torsion include sudden and severe pain, enlargement of the affected testicle, tenderness, and swelling. This disorder, which occurs most often in young males between the ages of 12 and 18, can result from an injury to the testicles or from strenuous activity. It also can occur for no apparent reason. Testicular torsion is an emergency. Testicular function may be saved if the condition is diagnosed and corrected immediately. If the blood supply to the testicle is cut off for a long period of time, the testicle can become permanently damaged and may need to be removed.
  • Testicular cancer occurs when abnormal cells in the testicles divide and grow uncontrolled. Symptoms of testicular cancer include a lump, irregularity or enlargement in either testicle; a pulling sensation or feeling of unusual heaviness in the scrotum; a dull ache in the groin or lower abdomen; and pain or discomfort (which may come and go) in a testicle or the scrotum. Testicular cancer is a rare form of cancer and is usually curable.
  • Epididymitis is inflammation of the epididymis, the coiled tube that lies on and behind each testicle. It functions in the transport, storage and maturation of sperm cells that are produced in the testicles. Epididymitis often is caused by infection or by the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia. Symptoms of epididymitis are scrotal pain and swelling. In severe cases, the infection can spread to the adjacent testicle, causing fever and abscess (collection of pus). If left untreated, epididymitis can produce scar tissue which can block the sperm from leaving the testicle. This can cause problems with fertility.
  • Hypogonadism in men is a disorder that occurs when the testicles (gonads) do not produce enough testosterone. Primary hypogonadism occurs when there is a problem or abnormality in the testicles themselves. Secondary hypogonadism occurs when there is a problem with the pituitary gland in the brain, which sends chemical messages to the testicles to produce testosterone.

Suggestions To Strengthen

  • Eat less fat, it inhibits testosterone.
  • Exercise regularly, it helps keep androgens in balance.
  • Keep the thyroid and pituitary healthy.
  • Don't over stimulate the mind with sexual books, shows, etc.
  • Work on self worth, conquer feelings of inadequacy.

Complete support remedy for Male Testes and related functions

Complete support remedy for Gallbladder and related functions

Complete support remedy for Brain and related functions

Provides support and healing for conditions of the large intestine

CategoriesSystem Remedy

Male, Prostate

Prostate Support Remedy

The Prostate is an organ forming part of the male reproductive system. It is located immediately below the bladder and just in front of the bowel. Its main function is to produce fluid which protects and enriches sperm. In younger men the prostate is about the size of a walnut. It is doughnut shaped and surrounds the beginning of the urethra, the tube that conveys urine from the bladder to the penis.

There are four main disorders of the prostate (listed under Health Conditions below). All can have similar symptoms, which may include one or more of the following. Most men tend to accept the onset of one or more of these symptoms as being a natural consequence of ageing, but it is not necessary to accept that. Every symptom has a cause, it is much better to find it and fix it than to accept it!

Symptoms of prostate troubles include:

  • Waking frequently at night to urinate
  • Sudden or urgent need to urinate
  • Difficulty in starting to urinate
  • Slow flow of urine and difficulty in stopping
  • Discomfort when urinating
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Blood in the urine or semen
  • Decrease in libido (sex urge)
  • Reduced ability to get an erection

Digital Rectal Examination. Prostate massage is part of the digital rectal examination (DRE) routinely given to men by urologists in order to look for nodules of prostate cancer and to obtain an expressed prostatic secretion (EPS) specimen for microscopy and microbiological culture to screen for prostatitis. Prostate massage was once the most popular therapeutic maneuver used to treat prostatitis. According to the Prostatitis Foundation, "it used to be, in the age before antibiotics (before about 1960 for prostatitis), doctors performed massage when their patients had prostatitis. In some cases it was enough to cure them of the disease. ... it was taken out of common practice with the advent of antibiotics. It's much easier to prescribe a pill and send the patient home."

However, according to WebMD, in many prostatitis cases antibiotics do not work because the swelling and inflammation caused by the infection closes off the acini (or sacs). This causes the acini not to "shed" bacteria and protects the bacteria inside from antibiotics and the body's own immune cells.

Continuing research in emerging medical communities, published articles in non-medical circles, and anecdotal evidence on the Internet show that there is still interest in the technique as alternative therapy. In China, a 2008 survey of 627 urologists found that prostate massage is used prevalently as a nonpharmacological therapy for chronic prostatitis.

Fun Facts

  • The prostate gland is the size of a pea at birth and grows to the size of a walnut in the male adult, that's about one inch by three quarters of an inch by one and a half inches (2.5 cm by 1.9 cm by 3.75 cm).
  • The nerves that control erections surround the prostate.

Health Conditions

  • Prostatitis is simply inflammation (swelling) of the prostate. It can cause discomfort deep inside the pelvis - all the time or when passing urine or with ejaculation. It can be painful and can spread to other areas of the pelvis.
  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) or enlargement (BHE) is quite common in men from age 50 onwards. If the enlargement is sufficient to squeeze the urethra, which passes through the prostate, difficulties with urination may occur. BHP is quite common, the cause should be identified and corrected or more developed cases may require an operation to widen the urethral passage. This is known as a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP).
  • Prostatodynia is chronic prostate disease. There are usually no clear signs of infection or inflammation but there may be pain or discomfort in the pelvic region.
  • Prostate Cancer is the only one of the four disorders that is potentially life-threatening. One of the greatest causes for concern is that many prostate cancers develop without men experiencing any symptoms. Every year, around 18,700 Australian men are diagnosed and more than 3,000 die of the disease, making prostate cancer the second largest cause of male cancer deaths, after lung cancer. Almost one man in eleven will develop prostate cancer during his lifetime. The best home monitor for any cancer is morning urine pH. Prostate cancer is usually one of the slower growing cancers so there is usually time to get the pH where it should be, add some detox to eliminate the cause of the cancer and resolve the problem without complications.

Suggestions To Strengthen

  • Do not over-stimulate the mind with sexual books, shows, etc.
  • Reduce intake of commercial meats and dairy that contains hormones.
  • Establish closer relationships where you can show and feel love. This is not a sexual love, but the kind of love that is bonding and nurturing.

Complete support remedy for Male Prostate and related functions

Complete support remedy for Gallbladder and related functions

Complete support remedy for Brain and related functions

Provides support and healing for conditions of the large intestine

CategoriesSystem Remedy


Lymphatic Support Remedy

Your entire body is immersed in a fluid called lymph that travels through its own complex vessel system much like your vascular (blood vessel) system. Within our blood is plasma, which is the watery part containing the oxygen, proteins, glucose and white blood cells. This "leaks" out through the capillary walls holding the blood and flows around all the cells in your tissues. The pores in the capillaries are too small to let red blood cells through, which is why lymph fluid is clear rather than red.




If you look at the second photo, you can see that blood flows to an area through the red arteriole and then branches to the left into smaller capillaries (tiny blood vessels). Those capillaries merge and become lymphatic capillaries, which is where you see the red turn into blue. At this point of merging is where lymph fluid "leaks" into the tissues and delivers the nutrients needed. Lymph fluid can enter lymphatic vessels, which you see in yellow, and travel to all the local tissues to deliver nutrients. These lymph vessels also pick up waste and debris, which can re-enter the lymph capillaries (where blue merge with red vessels) and carry back to the arteriols (blue vessels on left) so the waste can be eliminated and blood can be restocked with nutrients.

The lymph capillaries and vessels pick up the lymph fluid and start pumping it away from the cells, but lymph vessels do not have an active pump like the heart. Instead, lymph vessels have one-way valves and muscle motion pumps the lymph. That's right, the only way lymph fluid can move around and tissues get what they need is by physical movement! Your heart and your lungs operate without you having to think about it, but the lymphatic system actually needs your help.

Lymph vessels have lymph nodes built into them. Lymph nodes filter the lymph and also contain large numbers of white blood cells (a big part of the immune system) which remove foreign cells and debris from the lymph. When you get certain infections, the lymph nodes swell with billions of white blood cells working to clear the foreign cells causing the infection. The filtered lymph then flows back into the blood stream at certain points. These lymph nodes commonly swell up and are detectable by touch when we have a sore throat. You can feel them under the chin as two tender lumps on your neck just below your jaw bone. There are several places in the body where lymph nodes are strategically located for immunological purposes. These include areas such as the neck, groin, axillae, mediastinum, and abdominal cavities because antigens, or foreign pathogens, are commonly encountered in these places. We are the most familiar with the lymph nodes located in our neck area.

In addition to moving waste, excess proteins and water out of surrounding tissues, the lymph also absorbs and transports fatty acids and fats as chyle from the digestive system, transports white blood cells to and from the lymph nodes into the bones, and transports antigen-presenting cells (APCs), such as dendritic cells, to the lymph nodes where an immune response is stimulated. It can also be the transport method for cancer cells that spread from one location to another, called metastasis.

Fun Facts

  • You have just as many lymph vessels as you have blood vessels and capillaries.
  • As much as 80% of those fatty dimples you call cellulite are caused by stagnated lymph fluid, not fat.
  • Human lymph nodes are bean-shaped and range in size from a few millimeters to about 1-2 cm in their normal state.

Health Conditions

  • Lymphadenopathy is an increase in the size of a lymph node or nodes. The most common reason is the result of a nearby infection (for example, lymphadenopathy in the neck might be the result of an infection of the throat). Less commonly (particularly in children), swelling of the lymph nodes can be due to an infiltration of cancerous cells. If lymphadenopathy is generalized (meaning that the swelling is present in several lymph node groups throughout the body), it usually indicates that the person has a systemic disease.
  • Lymphadenitis, also known as adenitis, is an inflammation (swelling, tenderness, and sometimes redness and warmth of the overlying skin) of the lymph node due to an infection of the tissue in the node itself. In children, this condition most commonly involves the lymph nodes of the neck.
  • Tonsillitis occurs when the tonsils, the collections of lymphoid tissue in the back of the mouth at the top of the throat, are involved in a bacterial or viral infection that causes them to become swollen and inflamed.
  • Lymphomas are a group of cancers that arise from the lymph nodes. These diseases result when lymphocytes undergo changes and start to multiply out of control. The involved lymph nodes enlarge and the cancer cells crowd out healthy cells. They can also form tumors (solid growths) in other parts of the body.
  • Hodgkin's disease causes the cells in the lymphatic system to abnormally reproduce, eventually making the body less able to fight infection. Hodgkin's diseases cells can also spread to other organs.

Suggestions To Strengthen

  • Consistent physical movement - exercise is essential for health of the lymphatic system. If you cannot exercise, regular massage should be considered with specialized lymph drainage massage being the most effective.
  • Jumping on mini trampolines initiates some of the most effective lymphatic drainage.
  • Make sure you are addressing any low grade infections that might keep the lymph nodes overworked.
  • Plenty of water ensures there is enough fluid in the body to have a healthy blood/lymphatic exchange.
  • Hydrotherapy, the exchange of hot and cold water on the body, or on the area of need forces blood and circulation to an area and helps the lymphatic system drain.
  • Emotionally, confront any feelings of obsession you might have. Obsessed with how you look, making money, jealousy, any emotion that may be to the point of obsession will congest the lymphatic system.

Complete support remedy for Lymphatic and related functions

Complete support remedy for Gallbladder and related functions

Complete support remedy for Brain and related functions

Provides support and healing for conditions of the large intestine