

These cancer-causing agents can be sealed into fruit and vegetables by the wax that is used to make produce look shiny. Don't buy shiny produce! Since these pesticides become airborne, even organic produce may carry toxins blown over by the wind from nearby conventional farms. It is best to wash all produce before consuming it. This is especially important when feeding children, as they are more susceptible to the long-term effects of pesticide exposure. Wash them until they squeak! However, washing produce will only remove surface pesticide residue.

Pesticides can also be absorbed from the ground water where plants are grown, which will saturate the produce with pesticides internally so washing only removes the external. But it makes sense to remove as much of the pesticide burden as you can. If you are not going to buy organic produce, it may be wise to peel and discard the peel of the vegetable or fruit to avoid the many toxic chemicals.

In addition to their direct neurotoxic effects, many pesticides also inhibit cellular glucose metabolism. Inefficient glucose metabolism demands that the pancreas produce more insulin. Increased insulin means more fat cells. Get the picture? We all know we should eat our fruits and vegetables, but the chemicals used to keep those veggies looking fresh on the shelf may play a causal role in insulin resistance, diabetes and obesity.

Pesticides and fungicides also uncouple the metabolic process of oxidative phosphorylation, a key process by which normal cells produce energy using glucose and oxygen. In effect, cells die from suffocation. Feeding a child pesticide-laden fruits and vegetables is, from a cellular viewpoint, like holding a pillow over the child's face! Did I mention how important organic produce is?

Don't Buy Shiny Produce! Apples, cucumbers, bell peppers and others are often treated with a glossy wax that seals in pesticides/fungicides making it much more difficult to remove toxic residues. Produce should not have a smooth glassy texture. Nature doesn't make it that way, man's ingenious poisons do.

Avoid Produce from Abroad. South America and Mexico have fewer restrictions on pesticide use. Produce from other countries can be much more contaminated than that grown in the US, not that our standards are really adequate.

Be Careful with Peanuts. Peanuts grow fungus very easily, and most commercial distributors spray huge amounts of fungicide to control the problem. Avoid peanuts and peanut products not organically grown.

We do not supply a general 'Pesticide' antidote, but have broken that category down into Fungicides, Herbicides and Insecticides. You are welcome to use all three of them if you are not sure which fits your needs best.