

There are over 200 types of jellyfish that have been documented. Jellyfish are found throughout the world, but the most deadly are found in the Indo-Pacific and Australian waters. Jellyfish are free-swimming, non-aggressive, gelatinous marine animals surrounded by tentacles. These tentacles are covered with tiny stinging structures called nematocysts. When you come in contact with a jellyfish tentacle, millions of nematocysts fill with pressure until they burst. This releases a lance that pierces the victim's skin and injects the venom. Depending on the type of jellyfish, the sting can feel like a mild prick to extreme pain. Beached jellyfish can also sting, so if you see one washed up on the beach, stay away.

Symptoms include:

  • Symptoms include: intense, stinging pain; itching; rash; and raised welts.
  • The progressive effects of a jellyfish sting may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lymph node swelling, abdominal pain, numbness/tingling, and muscle spasms.
  • Severe reactions can cause difficulty breathing, coma, and death.
  • A sting from a box jellyfish, considered the most venomous creature in the sea, can cause death in minutes.

Remove any tentacles with a stick or a pair of tweezers. Soak or rinse the area in vinegar (acetic acid) for 15-30 minutes to stop the nematocysts from releasing their toxins. If you do not have vinegar available, fresh urine is not only a good alternative but often better than vinegar! Soaking an Ace bandage or piece of shirt in urine or vinegar and wrapping the site firmly can be very helpful. You may also use 70% isopropyl alcohol. Do not use fresh water. Fresh water will cause the nematocysts to continue to release their toxin. For the same reason, do not rub the area, apply ice or hot water.

As soon as you can, apply shaving cream or a paste of baking soda to the area. Shave the area with a razor or credit card to remove any adherent nematocysts (little barbs still in the skin). Then reapply urine, vinegar or alcohol. The shaving cream or paste prevents nematocysts that have not been activated from releasing their toxin during removal with the razor.

Eye stings should be rinsed with a commercial saline solution like Artificial Tears; dab the skin around the eyes with a towel that has been soaked in vinegar. Do not place vinegar directly in the eyes.

Mouth stings should be treated with diluted vinegar. Mix ¼ cup of vinegar with ¾ cup of water. Gargle and spit out the solution. Do not drink or swallow the solution.

9-1-1 HELP!
You may need emergency medical attention if you have difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, chest pain, or intense pain at the site of the sting. Also if the person has been stung in the mouth or placed tentacles in their mouth and are having voice changes, difficulty swallowing, or swelling of the tongue or lips. If the sting happens to children or senior citizens. If the sting involves a large area of the body, the face, or genitals.

Our Jellyfish Detox Remedy detoxifies the toxin that causes sodium and calcium ion transport abnormalities. It also detoxifies catecholamines, vasoactive amines (eg, histamine, serotonin), kinins, collagenases, hyaluronidases, proteases, phospholipases, fibrinolysins, dermatoneurotoxins, cardiotoxins, neurotoxins, nephrotoxins, myotoxins, and antigenic proteins.

Remember that our Liquid Detox is one of the most effective remedies for treating/healing bites and wounds. It is powerful at helping reduce pain, swelling and itching, and is very effective at preventing infection. You can apply it directly to the bite or wound or soak the absorbent part of a band aid (3-5 drops) in Liquid Detox and apply it to the bite or wound.