

Paecilomyces is a fungal genus which can be found widely distributed around the world in dirt, food, and dead plant material. Many environments, including homes, naturally have some Paecilomyces species. Superficially, Paecilomyces fungi can resemble Penicillium molds, but these two genera are quite different.

These fungi form filament-like structures, spreading to create a colony of powdery mold which can have a texture similar to that of suede or velvet in some species. The colony usually starts out creamy in color, and can develop red, yellow, brown, pink, and violet hues, among others. Unlike the physically similar Penicillium, Paecilomyces does not develop greenish colonies. Some species can develop a sweet smell, especially in the case of mature colonies.

This fungus does not generally cause deleterious health effects, except in people with compromised immune systems. When infections do occur, they are occasionally referred to as paecilomycosis. Corneal ulcer, keratitis, and endophthalmitis due to Paecilomyces may develop following extended wear contact lens use or ocular surgery. Paecilomyces is among the emerging causative agents of opportunistic mycoses in immunocompromised hosts. Direct cutaneous inoculation may lead to these infections and may involve almost any organ or system of the human body: soft tissue, pulmonary, and cutaneous infections, cellulitis onychomycosis, sinusitis, otitis media, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, peritonitis and catheter-related fungemia. Paecilomyces species can also cause allergic disorders, such as allergic alveolitis.

NOTE: If you suspect you have been exposed to this fungus, it is probable that you have been exposed to some Mycotoxins produced by this fungus and you will need to add that (Mycotoxin) remedy to your cart as well.